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Programme Details


Code: BSC-23 Credit : 108 Min-Duration : 36 (Month)| Max-Duration : 72 (Month)
Year/Semester : 1 Admission Fee : ₹ 2350.00 Exam Fee : ₹ 8500.00 *Total : ₹ 10850
AECC-E-101 Business Communication 3 Syllabus SLM
AECC-G-101 गढवाली भाषा साहित्य 3 Syllabus SLM
AECC-H-101 हिंदी व्याकरण 3 Syllabus SLM
AECC-J-101 Japanese Language 3 Syllabus SLM
AECC-K-101 कुमाउनी भाषा साहित्य 3 Syllabus SLM
AECC-S-101 संस्कृत भाषा एवं साहित्‍य 3 Syllabus SLM
BBAV-201 Managerial Concepts 3 Syllabus SLM
BOT(N)-101 Plant diversity- I and Lab work 4 Syllabus SLM
BOT(N)-120 Economic Botany and Biodiversity Conservation and Lab Work 4 Syllabus SLM
CHE(N)-101 Fundamental Chemistry-I and Lab Work 4 Syllabus SLM
CHE(N)-120 Basics of Chemistry and Lab Work 4 Syllabus SLM
CRTI(SEC)-101 Background and Introduction of Right to Information 3 Syllabus SLM
CSPD-101 ICT Resources & Technology Enabled Learning 3 Syllabus SLM
CYC(SEC)-101 Fundamentals of Cyber Space & the Emerging Jurisprudence 3 Syllabus SLM
DMM-101 Introduction to Digital Marketing 3 Syllabus SLM
EOM-101 ICT Resources & Technology Enabled Learning 3 Syllabus SLM
FR(N)-101 Introduction to Forestry and Lab Work 4 Syllabus SLM
FR(N)-120 Non Timber Forest Products 4 Syllabus SLM
GE(N)-101 Fundamentals of Physical Geography and Lab work 4 Syllabus SLM
GE(N)-120 Geography of Tourism 4 Syllabus SLM
GEBO-01 Plant Sciences 3 Syllabus SLM
GECH-01 Elementary Chemistry 3 Syllabus SLM
GECOM-01 ई-कॉमर्स (E-Commerce) 3 Syllabus SLM
GECOM-02 उद्यमिता विकास (Entrepreneurship Development) 3 Syllabus SLM
GECOM-03 व्यावसायिक नियामक ढांचा (Business Regulatory Framework) 3 Syllabus SLM
GECS-01 Foundation of Cyber Security 3 Syllabus SLM
GEEC-01 अर्थशास्त्र के मूलतत्व भाग एक 3 Syllabus SLM
GEEC-02 अर्थशास्त्र के मूलतत्व भाग दो 3 Syllabus SLM
GEGE-01 Basics of Physical Geography 3 Syllabus SLM
GEHI-01 राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन : कुछ झलकियाँ भाग एक 3 Syllabus SLM
GEHI-02 राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन : कुछ झलकियाँ भाग दो 3 Syllabus SLM
GEJY-01 भारतीय वास्तु शास्त्र का परिचय व स्वरुप 3 Syllabus SLM
GENS-01 प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा (Naturopathy) 3 Syllabus SLM
GEPA-01 लोक प्रशासन एक परिचय 3 Syllabus SLM
GEPA-02 भारतीय प्रशासन 3 Syllabus SLM
GEPA-03 नगरीय प्रशासन 3 Syllabus SLM
GEPH-01 Introductory Physics 3 Syllabus SLM
GEPS-01 राजनीति विज्ञान एक परिचय 3 Syllabus SLM
GEPS-02 भारतीय संविधान एक परिचय 3 Syllabus SLM
GEPS-03 भारतीय राजनीतिक व्यवस्था एक परिचय 3 Syllabus SLM
GEPY-01 मनोविज्ञान के मूल आधार (Fundamentals of Psychology) 3 Syllabus SLM
GEYS-01 योग परिचय (Introduction of Yoga) 3 Syllabus SLM
GEYS-02 शरीर विज्ञान तथा स्वास्थ्य (Human Anatomy and Health) 3 Syllabus SLM
GEZO-01 Basic Concept of Zoology 3 Syllabus SLM
MT(N)-101 Calculus 4 Syllabus SLM
MT(N)-120 Three Dimensional Geometry 4 Syllabus SLM
PHY(N)-101 Mechanics and Lab Work 4 Syllabus SLM
SECCS-01 Practical Guide on Cyber Security 3 Syllabus SLM
SECIT-01 Introduction to Computer Programming using C 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-01 वैदिक अध्ययन (Vedic Studies) 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-02 Managerial Lessons from Indian Scriptures 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-03 मानव मूल्य एवं आचार 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-05 आधुनिक राजनीतिक विचारक 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-06 Community Development 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-07 Stress Management 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-08 संवैधानिक मूल्य और मौलिक कर्तव्य 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-09 Environmental Studies 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-10 Moral Education from Indian Scriptures 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-11 Indian Science and Technology 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-12 Vedic Mathematics 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-13 Communication Skills and Personality Development 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-14 Disability and Inclusive Education 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-15 Understanding India 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-16 योग एवं समग्र स्वास्थ्य (Yoga For Holistic Health) 3 Syllabus SLM
WDD-101 ICT Resources & Technology Enabled Learning 3 Syllabus SLM
ZO(N)-101 Non-Chordata and Lab Work 4 Syllabus SLM
ZO(N)-120 Microbiology and Immunology and Animal Biotechnology and Lab Work 4 Syllabus SLM
Year/Semester : 2 Admission Fee : ₹ 2350.00 Exam Fee : ₹ 8500.00 *Total : ₹ 10850
AECC-E-101 Business Communication 3 Syllabus SLM
AECC-G-101 गढवाली भाषा साहित्य 3 Syllabus SLM
AECC-H-101 हिंदी व्याकरण 3 Syllabus SLM
AECC-J-101 Japanese Language 3 Syllabus SLM
AECC-K-101 कुमाउनी भाषा साहित्य 3 Syllabus SLM
AECC-S-101 संस्कृत भाषा एवं साहित्‍य 3 Syllabus SLM
BBAV-501 Introduction to Financial Management 3 Syllabus SLM
BOT(N)-102 Plant diversity- II and Lab Work 4 Syllabus SLM
BOT(N)-121 Bio-fertilizers and Lab Work 4 Syllabus SLM
CHE(N)-102 Fundamental Chemistry-II and Lab Work 4 Syllabus SLM
CHE(N)-121 Analytical Chemistry and Lab Work 4 Syllabus SLM
CRTI(SEC)-102 Application of Right to Information 3 Syllabus SLM
CSPD-201 Technical Communication skills 3 Syllabus SLM
CYC(SEC)-102 Intellectual Property Issues & Cyberspace- The Indian Perspective 3 Syllabus SLM
DMM-201 Social Media Application for Business 3 Syllabus SLM
EOM-201 Introduction to E-Office 3 Syllabus SLM
FR(N)-102 Forest Ecology and Lab Work 4 Syllabus SLM
FR(N)-121 Nursery Technology 4 Syllabus SLM
GE(N)-102 Geography of India and Lab Work 4 Syllabus SLM
GE(N)-121 Cartography 4 Syllabus SLM
GEBO-01 Plant Sciences 3 Syllabus SLM
GECH-01 Elementary Chemistry 3 Syllabus SLM
GECOM-01 ई-कॉमर्स (E-Commerce) 3 Syllabus SLM
GECOM-02 उद्यमिता विकास (Entrepreneurship Development) 3 Syllabus SLM
GECOM-03 व्यावसायिक नियामक ढांचा (Business Regulatory Framework) 3 Syllabus SLM
GECS-01 Foundation of Cyber Security 3 Syllabus SLM
GEEC-01 अर्थशास्त्र के मूलतत्व भाग एक 3 Syllabus SLM
GEEC-02 अर्थशास्त्र के मूलतत्व भाग दो 3 Syllabus SLM
GEGE-01 Basics of Physical Geography 3 Syllabus SLM
GEHI-01 राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन : कुछ झलकियाँ भाग एक 3 Syllabus SLM
GEHI-02 राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन : कुछ झलकियाँ भाग दो 3 Syllabus SLM
GEJY-01 भारतीय वास्तु शास्त्र का परिचय व स्वरुप 3 Syllabus SLM
GENS-01 प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा (Naturopathy) 3 Syllabus SLM
GEPA-01 लोक प्रशासन एक परिचय 3 Syllabus SLM
GEPA-02 भारतीय प्रशासन 3 Syllabus SLM
GEPA-03 नगरीय प्रशासन 3 Syllabus SLM
GEPH-01 Introductory Physics 3 Syllabus SLM
GEPS-01 राजनीति विज्ञान एक परिचय 3 Syllabus SLM
GEPS-02 भारतीय संविधान एक परिचय 3 Syllabus SLM
GEPS-03 भारतीय राजनीतिक व्यवस्था एक परिचय 3 Syllabus SLM
GEPY-01 मनोविज्ञान के मूल आधार (Fundamentals of Psychology) 3 Syllabus SLM
GEPY-02 मनोवैज्ञानिक विकार (Psychological disorder) 3 Syllabus SLM
GEYS-01 योग परिचय (Introduction of Yoga) 3 Syllabus SLM
GEYS-02 शरीर विज्ञान तथा स्वास्थ्य (Human Anatomy and Health) 3 Syllabus SLM
GEZO-01 Basic Concept of Zoology 3 Syllabus SLM
MT(N)-102 Differential equation 4 Syllabus SLM
MT(N)-121 Algebra, Matrices and vector analysis 4 Syllabus SLM
PHY(N)-102 Electromagnetism and Lab Work 4 Syllabus SLM
PHY(N)-121 Renewable Energy and Lab Work 4 Syllabus SLM
SECCS-02 Fundamental of Information Security 3 Syllabus SLM
SECIT-02 Introduction to Information Technology 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-01 वैदिक अध्ययन (Vedic Studies) 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-02 Managerial Lessons from Indian Scriptures 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-03 मानव मूल्य एवं आचार 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-05 आधुनिक राजनीतिक विचारक 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-06 Community Development 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-07 Stress Management 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-08 संवैधानिक मूल्य और मौलिक कर्तव्य 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-10 Moral Education from Indian Scriptures 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-11 Indian Science and Technology 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-13 Communication Skills and Personality Development 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-14 Disability and Inclusive Education 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-15 Understanding India 3 Syllabus SLM
VAC-16 योग एवं समग्र स्वास्थ्य (Yoga For Holistic Health) 3 Syllabus SLM
WDD-201 Fundamental of Web Designing 3 Syllabus SLM
ZO(N)-102 Cell and Molecular Biology and Lab Work 4 Syllabus SLM
ZO(N)-121 Applied Zoology and Lab Work 4 Syllabus SLM
Year/Semester : 3 Admission Fee : ₹ 2350.00 Exam Fee : ₹ 8250.00 *Total : ₹ 10600
AECC-E-101 Business Communication 2 Syllabus SLM
AECC-E-102 Basics of Writing 2 Syllabus SLM
AECC-G-101 गढवाली भाषा साहित्य 2 Syllabus SLM
AECC-H-101 हिंदी व्याकरण 2 Syllabus SLM
AECC-H-102 हिंदी भाषा :स्वरुप 2 Syllabus SLM
AECC-J-101 Japanese Language 2 Syllabus SLM
AECC-K-101 कुमाउनी भाषा साहित्य 2 Syllabus SLM
AECC-S-101 संस्कृत भाषा एवं साहित्‍य 2 Syllabus SLM
AECC-S-102 संस्‍कृत व्‍याकरण: पत्रलेखन एवं निबन्‍ध 2 Syllabus SLM
BBAV-502 Introduction to Human Resource Management 3 Syllabus SLM
BOT(N)-201 Taxonomy of Angiosperms and Laboratory Work 4 Syllabus SLM
BOT(N)-220 Genetics and Plant Breeding and Laboratory Work 4 Syllabus SLM
CHE(N)-201 General Chemistry-I and Laboratory Work 4 Syllabus SLM
CRTI(SEC)-103 Judiciary and Important Legislatures Effecting RTI 3 Syllabus SLM
CSPD-301 Personality Development 3 Syllabus SLM
CYC(SEC)-103 E-Commerce & Digital Evidence 3 Syllabus SLM
DMM-301 Digital Ecosystem and Freelancing 3 Syllabus SLM
EOM-301 Tools for E-Office Management 3 Syllabus SLM
FR(N)-201 Plantation Forestry and Laboratory Work 4 Syllabus SLM
FR(N)-220 Biodiversity Conservation and Management 4 Syllabus SLM
GE(N)-201 Human Geography and Laboratory Work 4 Syllabus SLM
GE(N)-220 Geography of Himalaya with Spatial Reference to Uttarakhand 4 Syllabus SLM
GEBO-01 Plant Sciences 3 Syllabus SLM
GECH-01 Elementary Chemistry 3 Syllabus SLM
GECOM-01 ई-कॉमर्स (E-Commerce) 3 Syllabus SLM
GECOM-02 उद्यमिता विकास (Entrepreneurship Development) 3 Syllabus SLM
GECOM-03 व्यावसायिक नियामक ढांचा (Business Regulatory Framework) 3 Syllabus SLM
GECS-01 Foundation of Cyber Security 3 Syllabus SLM
GEEC-01 अर्थशास्त्र के मूलतत्व भाग एक 3 Syllabus SLM
GEEC-02 अर्थशास्त्र के मूलतत्व भाग दो 3 Syllabus SLM
GEGE-01 Basics of Physical Geography 3 Syllabus SLM
GEHI-01 राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन : कुछ झलकियाँ भाग एक 3 Syllabus SLM
GEHI-02 राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन : कुछ झलकियाँ भाग दो 3 Syllabus SLM
GEJY-01 भारतीय वास्तु शास्त्र का परिचय व स्वरुप 3 Syllabus SLM
GENS-01 प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा (Naturopathy) 3 Syllabus SLM
GEPA-01 लोक प्रशासन एक परिचय 3 Syllabus SLM
GEPA-02 भारतीय प्रशासन 3 Syllabus SLM
GEPA-03 नगरीय प्रशासन 3 Syllabus SLM
GEPH-01 Introductory Physics 3 Syllabus SLM
GEPS-01 राजनीति विज्ञान एक परिचय 3 Syllabus SLM
GEPS-02 भारतीय संविधान एक परिचय 3 Syllabus SLM
GEPS-03 भारतीय राजनीतिक व्यवस्था एक परिचय 3 Syllabus SLM
GEPY-01 मनोविज्ञान के मूल आधार (Fundamentals of Psychology) 3 Syllabus SLM
GEPY-02 मनोवैज्ञानिक विकार (Psychological disorder) 3 Syllabus SLM
GEYS-01 योग परिचय (Introduction of Yoga) 3 Syllabus SLM
GEYS-02 शरीर विज्ञान तथा स्वास्थ्य (Human Anatomy and Health) 3 Syllabus SLM
GEZO-01 Basic Concept of Zoology 3 Syllabus SLM
MT(N)-201 Real Analysis 4 Syllabus SLM
MT(N)-220 Discrete Mathematics 4 Syllabus SLM
PHY(N)-201 Oscillations and Waves and Laboratory Work 4 Syllabus SLM
PHY(N)-220 Optics 4 Syllabus SLM
SECCS-03 Cyber Security Technique 3 Syllabus SLM
SECIT-03 DBMS 3 Syllabus SLM
WDD-301 Website Publishing and Configuration 3 Syllabus SLM
ZO(N)-201 Chordata and Laboratory work 4 Syllabus SLM
ZO(N)-220 Bioinformatics Biostatics and Instrumentation Techniques and Laboratory Work 4 Syllabus SLM
Year/Semester : 4 Admission Fee : ₹ 2350.00 Exam Fee : ₹ 7250.00 *Total : ₹ 9600
BOT(N)-202 Anatomy, Embryology and Elementory Morphogenesis and Lab Work 4 Syllabus SLM
CHE(N)-202 General Chemistry-II and Lab Work 4 Syllabus SLM
FR(N)-202 Principles of Silviculture 4 Syllabus SLM
FR(N)-221 Eco-tourism 4 Syllabus SLM
GE(N)-202 Geography of Asia and Lab Work 4 Syllabus SLM
GE(N)-221 Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing 4 Syllabus SLM
MT(N)-202 Abstract Algebra 4 Syllabus SLM
MT(N)-221 Numerical Analysis 4 Syllabus SLM
PHY(N)-202 Thermal and Statistical Physics and Lab Work 4 Syllabus SLM
ZO(N)-202 Genetics Taxonomy and Evolution and Lab Work 4 Syllabus SLM

* Note: Miscellaneous fees ₹150/- for Admission in New Programme/First Year/Semester, Degree Fee ₹500/- (Last Year/Semester)

List of Study centres offering this Programme

SC Code SC Name
11020 SGRR P.G. College, DEHRADUN
11112 VSKC Government Degree College, Dakpather, DEHRADUN
11113 Uttaranchal Institute of Hospitality Management & Tourism, DEHRADUN
11136 Sri Gulab Singh Rajkiya Mahavidyalaya, Chakrata (Dehradun), CHAKRATA
11137 Jagannath Vishwa College, Doiwala (Dehradun), DOIWALA, DEHRADUN
11138 S D M Government Post Graduate College Doiwala (Dehradun), DOIWALA, DEHRADUN
12008 B.S.M. P.G. College, ROORKEE
12012 Chaman Lal Mahavidyalay , HARIDWAR
12020 Vidhya Vikasini Degree College of Management and Technology, NARSAN, HARIDWAR
12034 Kunti Naman Degree College, HARIDWAR
12042 Government P.G. College,Kotdwar, KOTDWARA
12079 Hariom Saraswati P.G. College, Dhanauri, Haridwar, HARIDWAR
12080 HEC Group of Institutions, Jagjeetpur, Haridwar, HARIDWAR
12091 Garg Degree College, Laksar , LAKSAR
12092 Shri Babu Kaliram Rakesh Government Degree College, Churiyala, Bhagwanpur (Haridwar), BHAGWANPUR
14003 Government Degree College, VEDHIKHAL, PAURI
14005 Government PG College, JEHRIKHAL ,PAURI
14009 H.N.B. Garhwal University Campus, PAURI
14018 Government P.G. College, AGASTYAMUNI
14047 Government Degree College, NAGNATH POKHARI (CHAMOLI)
14049 Government Degree College, Thalisain (Pauri), PAURI
14050 Government Degree College, Chaubattakhal, CHAUBATTAKHAL
15016 R.C.U. Government P.G. College, UTTARKASHI
15029 Government Post Graduate College, New Tehri, TEHRI GARHWAL
15030 B L J Government Degree College, Purola, PUROLA
15031 Government Degree College, Chinyalisaur (Uttarkashi), CHINYALI SAUR
16000 U.O.U. Model Study Center, HALDWANI
16022 PNG Government PG College, RAMNAGAR
16023 S.B.S Government P.G College, RUDRAPUR
16034 M.B. Government P.G. College, HALDWANI
16052 Radhey Hari Government P.G. College, KASHIPUR
16090 H.N.B. Government P.G. College, KHATIMA
16123 Lal Bahadur Shastri Government Degree College, Halduchaur, Haldwani, HALDWANI
16125 MIET Kumaun Engineering College, Lamachaur, Haldwani, HALDWANI
17007 Government P.G. College, Ranikhet, RANIKHET
17013 Government P.G.College, DWARAHAT
17030 Government Degree College, KARANPRAYAG
17063 Government Degree College, Gairsain, CHAMOLI
17067 Government Post Graduate College, Siyalde (Almora), ALMORA
17068 Government Post Graduate College, Gopeshwar, GOPESHWAR
17069 Soban Singh Jeena University Campus, Almora, ALMORA
17070 Shri Ram Singh Dhoni Government Degree College, Jainti (Almora), ALMORA
17071 H S B Government Degree College, Someshwar (Almora), SOMESHWAR
17075 Government Post Graduate College, Joshimath, JOSHIMATH
18002 Government P.G. College, PITHORAGARH
18004 Government P.G. College, NARAYAN NAGAR
18011 Government P.G. College, LOHAGHAT
18029 Soban Singh Jeena University Campus,Champawat, CHAMPAWAT
18032 Government Degree College, BERINAG

For Administrative enquiries:

Uttarakhand Open University

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