Central Library
The Uttarakhand Open University started its Central Library during the year 2005. The primary mission of the Library is to support the educational and research programs of the University by providing physical and intellectual access to information in accordance with the objectives of the University. The Library wants to build an extensive collection of documents that will be helpful to its users. The Central Library having total built up area of 2000 square meter.
Opening Hours
The Central Library opens all days except on the University holidays and 2nd Saturday of every month. It works between 10.00AM TO 5.00 PM.
Library Collection
Library has huge collection on Humanities, Social Sciences, Science, Yoga, food & nutrition, Commerce and Management etc. this includes Reference Books, Text Books, Journals, Competition Books, Theses, Dissertations. It has special collection on Education and Distance Education.
Library is using E-Granthalaya software for Library automation. Computer lab with internet facility having safe power back up support to their Research scholars. Availability of e- books publication and its link provided to all UOU staff and learners.
- Pearson e-books (56)
url:- elibrary.in.pearson.com Access Code: vWg-P9P-keqs
- Bibliotex India e-books ( 47)
URL: https://www.bibliotex.com/home;seoMode=true user: uoc2024 pass: Uoc@2024
- Wt e-books (71)
URl: https://ebooks.wtbooks.org/ ID: [email protected] Password: Wtebooks72@uou
- Bhashaprakashan e-books (34)
URL: https://bhashaprakashan.com/ Username: [email protected] Password: Bb34@uttarakhand
Shodhganga: Shodhganga is a digital repository set-up for submission of electronic versions of theses and dissertations by students / research scholars in universities in India and make them available in open access to the world-wide academic community in response to the UGC Notification (Minimum Standards & Procedure for Award of M.Phil. / Ph.D Degree, Regulation, 2009 and amendment made in 2016) where-in the responsibility of maintaining the digital repository of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) is assigned to the INFLIBNET Centre.
Shodhgangotri: Under this initiative, research scholars/research supervisors in universities could deposit an electronic version of approved synopsis submitted by research scholars to the universities for registering themselves under the PhD programme.
- Provide Membership of Library to all the staff and Learners.
- Circulation of books and journals and magazines.
- Reference Services.
- Recommend library material
- Reprographic services like Photocopy / Printing and Scanning of library materials.
- Audio / Visual Services.
- News Paper Clipping.
- Using e-Granthalaya software for Automation and providing web OPAC through e- Granthalaya.
Membership for UOU Students:
Membership Forms: The duly filled in membership form available at the Library or can be downloaded from website is to be forwarded by the Director/ HOD of School/Division concerned.
Security Deposit: Refundable Security of Rs.2000/- (PhD/Master/Bachelor/Diploma/Certificate Course) is to be paid by Cash Counter/Demand Draft drawn in the favour of Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani with University cashier after obtaining the necessary slip from Library. The security deposit is half refundable on the claim within one year of the date of expiry of membership of the library and beyond this money lapses to the University.
Library Collection
Total no. of Books |
26622 |
Number of e-books |
63 |
Number of Gifted Books |
199 |
Number of Journals |
7 |
Number of Magazines |
7 |
Number of Newspaper |
6 |
Workflow of Department
Major Achievement:
Availability of e- books and its link provided to all UOU staff and learners.
url:- elibrary.in.pearson.com
Access Code: vWg-P9P-keq