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Centre for Internal Quality Assurance (CIQA)

Centre for Internal Quality Assurance (CIQA)

  • The objective of establishment of Centre for Internal Quality Assurance (CIQA) is to develop and put in place a comprehensive and dynamic internal quality assurance system to provide high quality programmes of higher education in the Open and Distance Learning mode. Its functions would inter alia include the following:-To maintain quality in the services provided to the learners.
    • To ensure continuous improvement in the entire operations of the Higher Educational Institution.
    • To identify the key areas in which the Higher Educational Institution should maintain quality.
    • To disseminate information on quality assurance.
    • To devise mechanisms for interaction and obtaining feedback from various Departments or Centres or Schools in the Higher Educational Institution.
    • To suggest to the authorities of the Higher Educational Institution, measures for qualitative improvement.
    • To ensure the implementation of its recommendations through regular monitoring.
    • To ensure participation of all stakeholders namely, learners, teachers, staff, parents, society, employers, and Government in quality improvement processes.
    • To prepare Programme Project Report and ensure another launch of programme(s).
    • Collection, collation and dissemination of accurate, complete and reliable statistics about the quality of the programme(s).


  • To fulfill the above objectives the Centre for Internal Quality Assurance shall -
  • prepare a Programme Project Report for each programme according to the norms and guidelines prescribed by the Commission and wherever necessary by the appropriate regulatory authority having control over the programme;
  • get the Programme Project Report approved by the appropriate authority of the Higher Educational Institution and the Commission before launch of the programme;
  • oversee the development of Study Learning Material (SLM), integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), setting up of Learning Centres and coordination with the parent institution and relevant Regulatory authorities;
  • put in place monitoring mechanism to ensure the proper implementation of Programme Project Reports;
  • design annual plans for quality level enhancement at the level of the Higher Educational Institution and ensure their implementation;
  • arrange for feedback responses from students, employers and other stakeholders for quality related institutional processes;
  • develop quality benchmarks or parameters for the various academic and administrative activities of the Higher Educational Institution;
  • obtain information from other Higher Educational Institutions on various quality benchmarks or parameters and best practices;
  • organise workshops or seminars on quality related themes and Higher Educational Institution wise dissemination of the proceedings of such activities;
  • suggest restructuring of programmes in order to make them relevant to the job market;
  • develop and implement innovative practices in major areas leading to quality enhancement in services to the learners;
  • create learner centric environment rather than institution centric environment;
  • cultivate creativity and innovation in the faculty and staff;
  • adopt measures to ensure internalisation and institutionalisation of quality enhancement practices through periodic accreditation and audit;
  • conduct or encourage system based research to bring about qualitative change in the entire system;
  • coordinate between the Higher Educational Institution and the Commission for various quality related issues or guidelines;
  • record activities undertaken on quality assurance in the form of an annual report; and
  • to coordinate recognition and accreditation of the Higher Educational Institution.
  •  It will be mandatory for all Higher Educational Institution to submit Annual Reports to its Statutory Authorities or Bodies about the activities undertaken by Centre for Internal Quality Assurance during the financial year.


  • The Centre for Internal Quality Assurance will be established in all Higher Educational Institutions offering programmes in Open and Distance Learning mode and should be headed by a full-time Director, being a senior academician of the rank of Professor, who shall be supported by adequate number of academic and other staff.
  • A Centre for Internal Quality Assurance Committee should be constituted which shall be chaired by its Director, and consisting of academic staff and internal quality auditors nominated from various functions or departments of the Higher Educational Institution. It shall perform following functions:-
    • decide policies for programme development methodology and programme delivery mechanism that are aligned with the vision and mission of the Higher Educational Institution;
    • advice on any issues related to programme development, Information and Communication Technology intervention and implementation, learning and teaching, collaboration referred to the Committee;
    • supervise academic approval and related modification procedures and to ensure that programmes satisfy stated design requirements and academic standards appropriate to the type and level of award as per philosophy of the Open and Distance Learning mode of education;
    • promote automation of academic and administrative activities of the Higher Educational Institution, Regional Centres and Study Centres or Learning Support Centres;
    • oversee and report on the effectiveness of systems for self-evaluation and monitoring;
    • appoint external subject experts or agencies or organisations for validation and annual review of its in-house process, its Learner Support Centres, Open and Distance Learning mode programmes etc.;
    • appoint third party auditing bodies for quality audit of programme(s);
    • approval of Self-Appraisal Report to be submitted to the Assessment and Accreditation agencies on behalf of Higher Educational Institution;
    • promote collaboration and association for quality enhancement of Open and Distance Learning mode of education and research therein; and
    • encourage industrial involvement and industry-institution linkage for providing exposure to the learners.


Attachment Size
Distance Education Regulations-2017 (1.19 MB) 1.19 MB
NAAC Manual (1.09 MB) 1.09 MB
1st Meeting Minutes (1.59 MB) 1.59 MB
2nd Meeting Minutes (3.11 MB) 3.11 MB
3rd Meeting Minutes (2.33 MB) 2.33 MB
CIQA Notifications (384.88 KB) 384.88 KB
Report of Faculty Induction Programme 2021 (3.4 MB) 3.4 MB
Report on Quality Assurance Toolkit (1.24 MB) 1.24 MB
CIQA Assessment Report by DEB 2018-2019 (441.35 KB) 441.35 KB
4th Meeting Minutes (3.16 MB) 3.16 MB
दिनांक 13-06-2022 की समीक्षा बैठक (687.25 KB) 687.25 KB
दिनांक 26 जुलाई 2022 की बैठक का कार्यवाही विवरण (2.6 MB) 2.6 MB
Internal Committee of CIQA (438.12 KB) 438.12 KB
MOM Prachar Prasaar Prakoshth (878.93 KB) 878.93 KB
MOM CIQA - 26 June 2022 (1.86 MB) 1.86 MB
CIQA Committee (543.13 KB) 543.13 KB
दिनांक 30/07/2022 निदेशक सीका की अध्‍यक्षता में आहूत प्रचार प्रसार प्रकोष्‍ठ की बैठक का कार्यवाही विवरण । (1.32 MB) 1.32 MB
CAS Batch 01 (1.61 MB) 1.61 MB
CAS Batch 02 (183.19 KB) 183.19 KB
CAS Batch 03 (179.87 KB) 179.87 KB
CAS Batch 04 (328.59 KB) 328.59 KB
CAS Batch 05 (316.62 KB) 316.62 KB
CAS Batch 06 (318.42 KB) 318.42 KB
3 Days Workshop on Quality and Other Issues (551.67 KB) 551.67 KB
MOM 15 May 2023 (1.02 MB) 1.02 MB
CIQA - Report (2020-21) (2.83 MB) 2.83 MB
CIQA - Report (2021-22) (2.59 MB) 2.59 MB
MOM DATED 30.10.2023 (1.97 MB) 1.97 MB
MOM DATED 6.12.2023 (463.99 KB) 463.99 KB

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