The University itself is an autonomous and democratic institution. In order to provide autonomy and stability to the democratic form, the University is committed to keep all its sections and their entire processes directly transparent. All sections of the University, like teaching, administration, finance, establishment, examination, book-distribution, storage and maintenance etc., have been protecting and developing transparent system in all their functions and procedures.
Time to time, complete details of all activities carried out by the University are made available on its website. These details include all the information released to the students as well as all the new information related to finance, examination and administration. Any citizen of India can use the Right to Information to remove any doubts regarding any information or procedure of the University by submitting an application at Web link:
Uttarakhand Open University, through its 43 different points, as described in its official website, furnishes complete information about all the procedures followed for admissions, examinations, syllabus, academic session, financial-tenders, cases or complaints related to women, minorities, Scheduled Castes, OBC, and Divyangs etc. The following Web links are important in this regard:
Web links
Further, a detailed description of transparency in functioning is evident from the following:
- Data regarding admission is available online and any stakeholder can access it anytime.
- Admission policies are decided in the meetings of the Admission Committee. Finally, before the start of admissions, it is published in the form of ‘prospectus’ (available online and offline). Rules, policies and academic calendar are adhered to in actual practices resulting in complete transparency in admission policy.
- Another important area related to transparency in functioning is related to governance, administration and management of finances. It must be emphasized that Uttarakhand Open University being a public University is governed by the rules, policies and procedures as laid down in the Act, Statues and Ordinances of the University. Further, order, G.Os, and instructions of the State Govt. MHRD, UGC (DEB), and other regulatory authorities are strictly followed. Thus, anyone can access these documents and verify the actual functioning.
Minutes of all the major bodies are available on the website of the University and these are open for all. - Further, in all the functional areas related to learners complete transparency is ensured.
Thus, in UOU, there exists complete transparency in functioning.