Usually the preparation and deployment of the strategic plan is carried out in the different statutory bodies of the University but mainly the following bodies’ deal with either planning or some functional area of planning;
- Planning Board: Planning board of the University not only discusses the academic, infrastructural, and financial planning of the University but it also prepares short-term and long-term plans for the University in view of the Vision and Mission of the University.
- Executive Council:Usually the matters on the agenda of the Executive Council are the items vetted by the different other bodies of the University but even some fresh planning takes place in the meeting of the Executive Council. However, if some plan includes technicalities of any kind, it is referred to that particular authority of the University, for example, if some plan has the financial implication that EC may approve it but it will expect the next Finance Committee to deliberate upon it and only thereafter the implementation take place.
- Academic Planning: Academic Planning in view of the interests of different stakeholders is discussed in various bodies, say, beginning with the Expert Committee to RAC and the Academic Council. While, making a strategic academic plans, especial care is taken about female learners differently abled learners and learners residing in the marginal and tribal areas. Similarly, academic planning takes into account the academic growth of teachers through Ops, RCs, FDPs, Seminars, and Publications etc.
- Financial Planning: Specific Financial Planning and the strategic plan related to the financial management is discussed in the Finance Committee of the University which prepares two types of budgets, i.e.,
- As per the requirements of the state in proforma specified by the state, and
- Annual budget of the University to ensure the growth and sustenance of the institution as per the directions shown in the annual budget of the University.
- Deployment of Strategic Plans: Deployment of these plans prepared in different bodies is ensured through Action Taken Reports which are mandatorily presented in the next meetings of the respective bodies and before the approval of the Minutes of the last meeting, ATR is carefully evaluated by the members. It needs to be emphasized that ATR involves delegation of work amongst various functionaries and units.
The inputs received from the other stakeholders like, the learners, the LSCs, RCs, or public are also taken into account while preparing these strategic plan and deploying it in the institution.