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Organizational structure of the Institution

Effectiveness and efficiency of functioning of the statutory bodies of the University can be gazed by the implementation of the decisions taken in the different bodies of the University. Some of the main features of effectiveness of the statutory bodies is reflected in the following decisions taken over the period of time.

  • Implementation of UGCs policies after approval thereof in the statutory bodies and the Chancellor of the University the following may be referred to;
    1. The earlier and the latest Ph.D. regulation.
    2. ODL regulation 2017 and its amendments.
    3. UGC regulations on minimum qualifications for appointment of teachers and other academic staff in Universities and colleges and measures for themaintenance of standards in higher education, 2018 dated 18th July 2018.
  • MOUs with LSCs as approved by the recognition board and the other authorities.
  • In the organizational setup of the University a new position of Assistant Regional Director had to be created and implemented by the University through its statutory bodies after due approval of the State Govt.
  • The appointments against the teaching positions in the University are made on the basis of pan India advertisement in news-papers as-well-as the periodicals. Panel of experts for this purpose is created by the chancellor as per the statutory provisions.
  • Service rules are adhered to in Toto since the joining to the retirement of an employee. 
  • Some of the procedures are laid down in the Statutes, and some other procedures are laid down by the state govt. And the University follows all the procedures as laid down in the Statues or the State Govt.
  • In the organizational structure of the University, the Vice Chancellor is the principal executive assisted by the directors, controller of examinations, registrar and the finance officer of the University. Accordingly, the movement of files for conceptual, administrative and financial approval are routed through the different relevant channels in the organizational set-up and in most of the cases the final decision is taken by the Vice Chancellor.
  • A number of decisions are not taken by the Vice Chancellor in view of the nature of such decisions and these are deliberated upon in the executive council which takes a final decision about such matters.

The organizational structure of the University is as per the statutory provisions and it ensures effective and efficient functioning of all the sub-systems of the larger system known as the University.


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