Academic Counseling Support to learners is an integral part of the University and there is a well define institutional mechanism to provide counseling support to learners. A brief description of this mechanism is as below:
1. The University has made it mandatory for all the LSCs to conduct compulsory counseling session to the extent of 10% of the credits in a particular course. Thus, regular weekend counseling takes place at all the LSCs.
- The University has created two Model LSCs under the direct supervision of the University itself. These Model LSCs are located at the University’s headquarter Haldwani and at the Dehradun Campus of the University. These model LSCs issue the schedule of the Counseling which is for the benefit of the learners (URL to the counseling sessions: in accordance with the schedule, faculty of the University takes counseling sessions in the face-to-face mode at these two model LSCs.
- Since counseling involves hand-holding a learner and providing extended support, the faculty of the Universitydischarge this function by individual counseling to the learners who need it.
- There is a provision of recording Video Lectures in the University and faculty of the University records lectures based on the curriculum of the courses in the video studio of the University.
- Even the visiting subject experts (like the members of the Expert Committee, BOS, Resource Persons for workshops and seminars) are requested to deliver video lectures of about 30 minutes each to strengthen the repository of video lectures delivered by the faculty of the University. There is a system of Online Counseling on the LMS (Learners Management System, URL for LMS: ………) and it has been implemented to augment the existing counseling. During these sessions learners raise different queries and these are resolved by the faculty handling virtual counseling.
- Webinars are conducted by the University for the benefit of learners. In these webinars, experts from different fields and different institutions strengthen the existing counseling arrangement.
- The University has a Community Radio and teachers of the University as well as the visiting subject experts deliver talks related to various instructional components related to the courses of different programmes of study. (URL of Radio Talks Schedule:
- Interactive Radio Sessions are also conducted in the community radio to help the learners in enhancing their learnings/ understanding.
2. Special Counseling Sessions: Normally the counseling functions for the learners enrolled with different LSCs is a responsibility of the concerned LSCs but the University believes in making extra efforts and the faculty of the University organizes especial counseling session of 7 to 10 days in different locations of the State.
These especial counseling sessions are classified into two categories i.e., mandatory and voluntary counseling. In view of the specific nature of some of the programs (such as Yoga, Science, Education, etc.) counseling has been made mandatory in these programmes of study. But in some other programmes of study like Management Studies, MSW, and Journalism, etc., this especial counseling is voluntary to strengthen the academic counseling support provided to the learners during their routine counseling sessions at LSCs.
- Mandatory Counseling: In view of the practical nature of the programmes offered by theDepartment of Yoga, Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Geography and Department of Education, special counseling sessions of 7-10 days have been made mandatory and these sessions are conducted at different locations in the domain area of the University. These special counseling sessions are very popular amongst learners and through these sessions rich learner participationis ensured and they learn the required competencies and skills. Further, these special counseling sessions help the University in terms of further enrollments based on the ‘word of mouth’ publicity about the University because the feed-back received from learners shows that they like these sessions and always insist for increasing the duration of these sessions. In these special counseling sessions experts from outside are also invited to share their knowledge and expertise with the learners of the University.
- Voluntary Counseling:These special counseling sessions are not mandatory, but, the basic purpose of arranging these special counseling sessions is to augment the academic counseling support provided to learners by their respective LSCs. Further, in some of the programmes of study there exists a provision of project work or field-work, and as such the learners are exposed to the nitty-gritty of these specific activities. Though, these special counseling sessions are not mandatory but the learner participation is always rich and encouraging. It helps the learners to acquire the required competencies and skills for quality project work/ filed-work.