Bachelor of Tourism and Travel Management
Code: BTTM-23 | Credit : 132 | Min-Duration : 36 (Month)| Max-Duration : 72 (Month) | |||
Year/Semester : 1 | Admission Fee : ₹ 6200.00 | Exam Fee : ₹ 2000.00 | *Total : ₹ 8200 | ||
AECC-E-101 | Business Communication | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
AECC-G-101 | गढवाली भाषा साहित्य | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
AECC-H-101 | हिंदी व्याकरण | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
AECC-J-101 | Japanese Language | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
AECC-K-101 | कुमाउनी भाषा साहित्य | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
AECC-S-101 | संस्कृत भाषा एवं साहित्य | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
BBAV-201 | Managerial Concepts | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
BCM(N)-101 | Organization & Management (संगठन एवं प्रबन्ध) | 4 | Syllabus | SLM | |
BTTM(N)-101 | Tourism Principles and Practices | 4 | Syllabus | SLM | |
CRTI(SEC)-101 | Background and Introduction of Right to Information | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
CSPD-101 | ICT Resources & Technology Enabled Learning | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
CVDMM(N)-101 | Digital Ecosystem and Social Media Applications | 4 | Syllabus | SLM | |
CYC(SEC)-101 | Fundamentals of Cyber Space & the Emerging Jurisprudence | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
DMM-101 | Introduction to Digital Marketing | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
EOM-101 | ICT Resources & Technology Enabled Learning | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEBO-01 | Plant Sciences | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GECH-01 | Elementary Chemistry | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GECOM-01 | ई-कॉमर्स (E-Commerce) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GECOM-02 | उद्यमिता विकास (Entrepreneurship Development) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GECOM-03 | व्यावसायिक नियामक ढांचा (Business Regulatory Framework) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GECS-01 | Foundation of Cyber Security | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEEC-01 | अर्थशास्त्र के मूलतत्व भाग एक | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEEC-02 | अर्थशास्त्र के मूलतत्व भाग दो | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEGE-01 | Basics of Physical Geography | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEHI-01 | राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन : कुछ झलकियाँ भाग एक | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEHI-02 | राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन : कुछ झलकियाँ भाग दो | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEJY-01 | भारतीय वास्तु शास्त्र का परिचय व स्वरुप | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GENS-01 | प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा (Naturopathy) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEPA-01 | लोक प्रशासन एक परिचय | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEPA-02 | भारतीय प्रशासन | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEPA-03 | नगरीय प्रशासन | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEPH-01 | Introductory Physics | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEPS-01 | राजनीति विज्ञान एक परिचय | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEPS-02 | भारतीय संविधान एक परिचय | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEPS-03 | भारतीय राजनीतिक व्यवस्था एक परिचय | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEPY-01 | मनोविज्ञान के मूल आधार (Fundamentals of Psychology) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEYS-01 | योग परिचय (Introduction of Yoga) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEYS-02 | शरीर विज्ञान तथा स्वास्थ्य (Human Anatomy and Health) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEZO-01 | Basic Concept of Zoology | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
SECCS-01 | Practical Guide on Cyber Security | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
SECIT-01 | Introduction to Computer Programming using C | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-01 | वैदिक अध्ययन (Vedic Studies) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-02 | Managerial Lessons from Indian Scriptures | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-03 | मानव मूल्य एवं आचार | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-05 | आधुनिक राजनीतिक विचारक | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-06 | Community Development | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-07 | Stress Management | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-08 | संवैधानिक मूल्य और मौलिक कर्तव्य | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-09 | Environmental Studies | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-10 | Moral Education from Indian Scriptures | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-11 | Indian Science and Technology | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-12 | Vedic Mathematics | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-13 | Communication Skills and Personality Development | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-14 | Disability and Inclusive Education | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-15 | Understanding India | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-16 | योग एवं समग्र स्वास्थ्य (Yoga For Holistic Health) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
WDD-101 | ICT Resources & Technology Enabled Learning | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
Year/Semester : 2 | Admission Fee : ₹ .00 | Exam Fee : ₹ 2000.00 | *Total : ₹ 2000 | ||
AECC-E-101 | Business Communication | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
AECC-G-101 | गढवाली भाषा साहित्य | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
AECC-H-101 | हिंदी व्याकरण | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
AECC-J-101 | Japanese Language | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
AECC-K-101 | कुमाउनी भाषा साहित्य | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
AECC-S-101 | संस्कृत भाषा एवं साहित्य | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
BBAV-501 | Introduction to Financial Management | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
BCM(N)-201 | Financial Accounting (वित्तीय लेखांकन) | 4 | Syllabus | SLM | |
BTTM(N)-201 | Travel Agency and Tour Operations | 4 | Syllabus | SLM | |
CRTI(SEC)-102 | Application of Right to Information | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
CSPD-201 | Technical Communication skills | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
CVDMM(N)-102 | Digital Promotion Strategies, Tools & Freelancing | 4 | Syllabus | SLM | |
CYC(SEC)-102 | Intellectual Property Issues & Cyberspace- The Indian Perspective | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
DMM-201 | Social Media Application for Business | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
EOM-201 | Introduction to E-Office | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEBO-01 | Plant Sciences | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GECH-01 | Elementary Chemistry | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GECOM-01 | ई-कॉमर्स (E-Commerce) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GECOM-02 | उद्यमिता विकास (Entrepreneurship Development) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GECOM-03 | व्यावसायिक नियामक ढांचा (Business Regulatory Framework) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GECS-01 | Foundation of Cyber Security | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEEC-01 | अर्थशास्त्र के मूलतत्व भाग एक | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEEC-02 | अर्थशास्त्र के मूलतत्व भाग दो | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEGE-01 | Basics of Physical Geography | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEHI-01 | राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन : कुछ झलकियाँ भाग एक | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEHI-02 | राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन : कुछ झलकियाँ भाग दो | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEJY-01 | भारतीय वास्तु शास्त्र का परिचय व स्वरुप | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GENS-01 | प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा (Naturopathy) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEPA-01 | लोक प्रशासन एक परिचय | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEPA-02 | भारतीय प्रशासन | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEPA-03 | नगरीय प्रशासन | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEPH-01 | Introductory Physics | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEPS-01 | राजनीति विज्ञान एक परिचय | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEPS-02 | भारतीय संविधान एक परिचय | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEPS-03 | भारतीय राजनीतिक व्यवस्था एक परिचय | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEPY-01 | मनोविज्ञान के मूल आधार (Fundamentals of Psychology) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEPY-02 | मनोवैज्ञानिक विकार (Psychological disorder) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEYS-01 | योग परिचय (Introduction of Yoga) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEYS-02 | शरीर विज्ञान तथा स्वास्थ्य (Human Anatomy and Health) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEZO-01 | Basic Concept of Zoology | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
SECCS-02 | Fundamental of Information Security | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
SECIT-02 | Introduction to Information Technology | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-01 | वैदिक अध्ययन (Vedic Studies) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-02 | Managerial Lessons from Indian Scriptures | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-03 | मानव मूल्य एवं आचार | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-05 | आधुनिक राजनीतिक विचारक | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-06 | Community Development | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-07 | Stress Management | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-08 | संवैधानिक मूल्य और मौलिक कर्तव्य | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-10 | Moral Education from Indian Scriptures | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-11 | Indian Science and Technology | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-13 | Communication Skills and Personality Development | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-14 | Disability and Inclusive Education | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-15 | Understanding India | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
VAC-16 | योग एवं समग्र स्वास्थ्य (Yoga For Holistic Health) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
WDD-201 | Fundamental of Web Designing | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
Year/Semester : 3 | Admission Fee : ₹ 6200.00 | Exam Fee : ₹ 2000.00 | *Total : ₹ 8200 | ||
AECC-E-101 | Business Communication | 2 | Syllabus | SLM | |
AECC-E-102 | Basics of Writing | 2 | Syllabus | SLM | |
AECC-G-101 | गढवाली भाषा साहित्य | 2 | Syllabus | SLM | |
AECC-H-101 | हिंदी व्याकरण | 2 | Syllabus | SLM | |
AECC-H-102 | हिंदी भाषा :स्वरुप | 2 | Syllabus | SLM | |
AECC-J-101 | Japanese Language | 2 | Syllabus | SLM | |
AECC-K-101 | कुमाउनी भाषा साहित्य | 2 | Syllabus | SLM | |
AECC-S-101 | संस्कृत भाषा एवं साहित्य | 2 | Syllabus | SLM | |
AECC-S-102 | संस्कृत व्याकरण: पत्रलेखन एवं निबन्ध | 2 | Syllabus | SLM | |
BBA(N)-301 | Micro Economics for Business | 4 | Syllabus | SLM | |
BBAV-502 | Introduction to Human Resource Management | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
BCM(N)-302 | Business Economics | 4 | Syllabus | SLM | |
BTTM(N)-301 | Tourism Products of Uttarakhand | 4 | Syllabus | SLM | |
BTTM(N)-302 | Principles of Tourism Management | 4 | Syllabus | SLM | |
CRTI(SEC)-103 | Judiciary and Important Legislatures Effecting RTI | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
CSPD-301 | Personality Development | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
CVDMM(N)-201 | Applications of E-Office Management Tools | 4 | Syllabus | SLM | |
CYC(SEC)-103 | E-Commerce & Digital Evidence | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
DMM-301 | Digital Ecosystem and Freelancing | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
EOM-301 | Tools for E-Office Management | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEBO-01 | Plant Sciences | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GECH-01 | Elementary Chemistry | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GECOM-01 | ई-कॉमर्स (E-Commerce) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GECOM-02 | उद्यमिता विकास (Entrepreneurship Development) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GECOM-03 | व्यावसायिक नियामक ढांचा (Business Regulatory Framework) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GECS-01 | Foundation of Cyber Security | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEEC-01 | अर्थशास्त्र के मूलतत्व भाग एक | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEEC-02 | अर्थशास्त्र के मूलतत्व भाग दो | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEGE-01 | Basics of Physical Geography | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEHI-01 | राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन : कुछ झलकियाँ भाग एक | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEHI-02 | राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन : कुछ झलकियाँ भाग दो | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEJY-01 | भारतीय वास्तु शास्त्र का परिचय व स्वरुप | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GENS-01 | प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा (Naturopathy) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEPA-01 | लोक प्रशासन एक परिचय | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEPA-02 | भारतीय प्रशासन | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEPA-03 | नगरीय प्रशासन | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEPH-01 | Introductory Physics | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEPS-01 | राजनीति विज्ञान एक परिचय | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEPS-02 | भारतीय संविधान एक परिचय | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEPS-03 | भारतीय राजनीतिक व्यवस्था एक परिचय | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEPY-01 | मनोविज्ञान के मूल आधार (Fundamentals of Psychology) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEPY-02 | मनोवैज्ञानिक विकार (Psychological disorder) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEYS-01 | योग परिचय (Introduction of Yoga) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEYS-02 | शरीर विज्ञान तथा स्वास्थ्य (Human Anatomy and Health) | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
GEZO-01 | Basic Concept of Zoology | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
SECCS-03 | Cyber Security Technique | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
SECIT-03 | DBMS | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
WDD-301 | Website Publishing and Configuration | 3 | Syllabus | SLM | |
Year/Semester : 4 | Admission Fee : ₹ .00 | Exam Fee : ₹ 1250.00 | *Total : ₹ 1250 | ||
BCM(N)-403 | Mercantile Law | 4 | Syllabus | SLM | |
BTTM(N)-401 | Itinerary Preparation and Tour Packaging | 4 | Syllabus | SLM | |
BTTM(N)-402 | Hospitality Services | 4 | Syllabus | SLM | |
BTTM(N)-403 | World’s Leading Tourism Destinations | 4 | Syllabus | SLM | |
BTTM(N)-404 | International Tourism | 4 | Syllabus | SLM | |
BTTM(N)-405 | Tourist Transport System | 4 | Syllabus | SLM | |
BTTM(N)-406 | GDS in Air Ticketing and Cargo Handling | 4 | Syllabus | SLM | |
CVDMM(N)-202 | Office Automation and Internet Skills | 4 | Syllabus | SLM | |
Year/Semester : 5 | Admission Fee : ₹ 6200.00 | Exam Fee : ₹ 1800.00 | *Total : ₹ 8000 | ||
BCM(N)-502 | Auditing (BCM-302) | 4 | Syllabus | SLM | |
CVEOM(N)-103 | Communication Skills and Personality Development | 4 | Syllabus | SLM | |
Year/Semester : 6 | Admission Fee : ₹ .00 | Exam Fee : ₹ 1250.00 | *Total : ₹ 1250 | ||
BCM(N)-601 | Income Tax | 4 | Syllabus | SLM | |
CVTEE(N)-101 | ICT Resources and Applications | 4 | Syllabus | SLM |
* Note: Miscellaneous fees ₹150/- for Admission in New Programme/First Year/Semester, Degree Fee ₹500/- (Last Year/Semester)
List of Study centres offering this Programme
SC Code | SC Name |
11000 | UOU Model Study Center, DEHRADUN |
16000 | U.O.U. Model Study Center, HALDWANI |