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Programme Details

BACHELOR OF SPECIAL EDUCATION- (Intellectual Development Disability)

Code: BEDSEIDD-23 Credit : 80 Min-Duration : 30 (Month)| Max-Duration : 60 (Month)
Year/Semester : 1 Admission Fee : ₹ 12100.00 Exam Fee : ₹ 2750.00 *Total : ₹ 14850
A1 Human Growth and Development 4 Syllabus SLM
A2 Contemporary India and Education 4 Syllabus SLM
B7 Introduction to Sensory Disabilities 2 Syllabus SLM
B8 Introduction to Neuro Developmental Disabilities 2 Syllabus SLM
B9 Introduction to Locomotar and Multiple Disabilities 2 Syllabus SLM
E1 Cross Disability and Inclusion (Part of area-B) 2 Syllabus SLM
Year/Semester : 2 Admission Fee : ₹ 12100.00 Exam Fee : ₹ 2500.00 *Total : ₹ 14600
A3 Learning Teaching and Assessment 4 Syllabus SLM
A4(I) Pedagogy of Teaching (Science) 4 Syllabus SLM
A4(II) Pedagogy of Teaching (Maths) 4 Syllabus SLM
A4(III) Pedagogy of Teaching (Social Science) 4 Syllabus SLM
B6 Inclusive Education 2 Syllabus SLM
C12(ID) Assessment and Identification of Needs 4 Syllabus SLM
E2 Disability Specialization(Part of area C) 2 Syllabus SLM
Year/Semester : 3 Admission Fee : ₹ 12100.00 Exam Fee : ₹ 2250.00 *Total : ₹ 14350
A5(I) Pedagogy of Teaching Hindi 4 Syllabus SLM
A5(II) Pedagogy of Teaching English 4 Syllabus SLM
C13 (IDD) Curriculum Design Adaptation and Evaluation 4 Syllabus SLM
C14 (IDD) Intervention and Teaching Strategies 4 Syllabus SLM
E2 (III) Disability Specialization(Part of area C) 4 Syllabus SLM
Year/Semester : 4 Admission Fee : ₹ 12100.00 Exam Fee : ₹ 2750.00 *Total : ₹ 14850
B10 Skill Based Optional Course ( Cross Disability and Inclusion) 2 Syllabus SLM
C15- IDD Technology and Disabilty 4 Syllabus SLM
C16- IDD Psycho Social and family Issues 2 Syllabus SLM
D -17 Reading and Reflecting on texts 2 Syllabus SLM
D18 Drama and Art in Education 2 Syllabus SLM
F1 Main Disability special school (Related area C) 4 Syllabus SLM

* Note: Miscellaneous fees ₹150/- for Admission in New Programme/First Year/Semester, Degree Fee ₹500/- (Last Year/Semester)

List of Study centres offering this Programme

SC Code SC Name
11000 UOU Model Study Center, DEHRADUN
16000 U.O.U. Model Study Center, HALDWANI

For Administrative enquiries:

Uttarakhand Open University

Behind Transport Nagar, Vishwavidyalaya Marg,
Haldwani (Nainital) 263139 Uttarakhand

Toll Free : 1800 180 4025
Operator : 05946-286000

Admissions : 05946286002

Book Distribution Unit : 05946-286001

Exam Section : 05946-286022

Fax : 05946-264232