Designation: Professor
School : School of Earth and Environmental Science, Geology
Qualification: M.Sc., Ph. D.
Phone : +919411597995/ +91983095847
Email : [email protected]
Dr. P D Pant has done his Masters and PhD in Geology. He has worked as Professor in Kumaun University in the Department of Geology, Centre of Advanced Study since 1991 till April 2015. Currently serving Uttarakhand Open University as Professor of Geology. He practices Geology with research interests in Structural Geology, Tectonics and landslide hazards Zonation, particularly Himalaya.
1. Job and Research Endeavour:
- Taught Structural geology, Tectonics and Geo-environment at the postgraduate and undergraduate levels at Kumaun University, Nainital since 1990-2015 (about 25 years) as one of the main subjects. Served as Controller of Examination (COE) at Uttarakhand Open University (UOU) since 2015-2020 (about 5 years). Currently serving Uttarakhand Open University (UOU) as Professor of Geology since 2021.
- My research work of about thirty years embodies structural and tectonic investigations, i.e., meso to micro tectonics, including neotectonics and hazard zonation of landslides of Himalayan Mountains, Ladakh and Karakoram region. My structural studies (1985-2022) confirm the existence of a regional thrusts, e.g. the Main Central Thrust, North Almora Thrust, South Almora thrust, Ramgarh Thrust and many tear faults (Pant, 1990, Pant et al., 1992, Pant, 1995, Pant et al., 2004, 2009, Pant and Chauhan, 2010, Pant et al., 2012, 2018, 2022).
- Neotectonics, morphotectonic and seismotectonic studies (1989-2019) contributed to the tectonic rejuvenation of regional thrust and faults (Pant 1990; Pant et al., 1992, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, Pant et , 2012, 2014, 2016,2018, 2020, 2021, 2022).
- Landslide hazard zonation studies (1989-2019) confirm the hazard prone areas in northern Kumaun (Pant, 1990, Pant, 1992, Pant et al., 1996, Pant and Luirei, 1999, 2002, 2006, Pant and Kothiyari, 2010, Pant et al. 2014, 2017, 2020).
- The detailed study of talc and magnesite mineralization and its relation to Himalayan tectonic setting has helped in understanding paragenesis of the mineralization, particularly in Bageshwar Dist. of Kumaun division (Pant and Pandey, 2008, 2009a, 2009b, 2017).
2. Membership of Learned Societies/ Bodies:
- International Association of Structural and Tectonic Geologists (ASTG)
- Geological Society of India (GSI)
- Himalayan Geology, Dehradun
- Central Himalayan Environment Association (CHEA)
- Indian Structural Geology and Tectonic Group (ISGT)
- Special Administrative Attainments: (Annexure-III)
- Registrar, Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani (2022-till date)
- Director School of Sciences (2016-till date)
- Member Expert Committee UGC-SAP Programme (2015-17)
- Member Secretary U-SET, Uttarakhand (2012-15)
- Joint Director (Science), Directorate R & E, Kumaun University (2012-15)
- Additional Comptroller of examination, Kumaun University (2010-2012)
- Secretary, Central Himalayan Environment Association (CHEA), (2009- 18).
- Secretary Kumaun University Teacher’s Association (KUTA) (2009-2011)
- Assistant Proctor, DSB Campus (2003-2010)
- Assistant DSW, DSB CAMPUS (1999- 2003)
- Number of D. awarded: 09
- 3. Research Projects: 04
- 4. Research Publications:
- Books: 02
- Technical Reports: 07
- Invited lectures: 17
- Research Articles: 33
- Peer-Reviewed and UGC listed journals: 29
- Magnetic Structure and geomorphic characteristics of Neotectonic activity along strike distance of North Almora Thrust, Kumaun Lesser Himalaya, India. Geodesy and Geodynamics, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geog.2022.01.002 ( in press)
- Structural damage zone mapping: a tool to delineate the slope stability of road cuts along the Mandakini River from Rudraprayag to Kund, Uttarakhand-India. Saudi Society for Geosciences (jointly with Mohit Kumar Puniya Priya Joshi; Lakshika Pathak; P. D. Pant; Rajeev Upadhyay)
- Lateral variations in sedimentation records along the strike length of North Almora Thrust: Central Kumaun Himalaya. Quaternary Science Advances, 2 (2020), 100009. (ISSN: 2666-0334 (Online), IF: 4.830)
- Polyphase or time-dependent kinematics and Quaternary reactivation of thrust bounding Baijnath Klippe: western Kumaun Himalaya, India. International Journal of Earth Sciences, (Jointly with Neha Joshi, Sonam Singh, M. K. Puniya and G. C. Kothiyari).
- Slope stability analysis of Baliya Nala Landslide, Kumaun Lesser Himalaya, Nainital, Uttarakhand, India. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 9(2017), pp.150-
- (Jointly with M. K. Puniya, Shruti Rana, and R. C. Patel)
- Petrography and Oxygen, carbon isotopic signatures of the Magnesite from Bageshwar District, Kumaun Himalaya; focusing on genesis and depositional environment of Magnesite. Himalayan Geology, Vol. 38, pp.78-85. (Jointly with Prabha Joshi)
- Quaternary extensional and compressional tectonics revealed from Quaternary landforms along Kosi River valley, outer Kumaun Lesser Himalaya, Uttarakhand. Int. J. Earth Sci. (Geol Rundsch), Vol.105:965-981. (Jointly with GIRISH CH. KOTHYARI1, KHAYINGSHING LUIREI, S.S. BHAKUNI AND KAVITA TRIPATHI) ISSN, 1437-3262 IF: 2.545
- Structural overview and morphotectonic evolution of a strike- slip fault in the zone of North Almora Thrust, Central Kumaun Himalaya, India. Journal of Geological Research, Volume 2016, pp.1-16. (jointly with lalit M. Joshi, B. S. Kotlia, Khayingshing Luirei, G. C. Kothiyari and Anoop K. Singh) (ISSN: 2630-4961(Online)
- “Rock Deformation and Structures (RDS-IV), National Seminar abstract Volume 4, P. D. Pant (Edit.), 2016, 206pp.
- Tectonic Geomorphology and morphometry of the frontal part of Kumaun Sub-Himalaya
- Himalayan Vulnerability, Uttarakhand, Subrat Sharma, Pushkin Phartiyal and Pitamber D Pant (Edits.):
- Development of Transverse Fault along North Almora Thrust, Kumaun Lesser Himalaya, India: A Study Based on Field and Magnetic Fabrics. JGSI, Vol.79, May 2012, pp.429- 448 (jointly with Ritu Chauhan and S. S. Bhakuni). (ISSN: 0016-7622 IF: 0.899)
- 2012b. Landslides and Neotectonic Activities in the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) Zone: Southeastern Kumaun, JGSI, Vol.80, July 2012, pp.101-110. (Jointly with GIRISH CH. KOTHYARI1 and KHAYINGSHING LUIREI) (ISSN: 0016-7622 IF: 0.899)
- Spatial variability assessment of river-line floods and flash floods in Himalaya. A case study using GIS. Disaster Preventions and management, Vol.21, No.2, pp.135-159. (Jointly with Rawat PK, Tiwari PC, Pant CC, Sharama AK) (ISSN 09653562 IF: 1.710)
- Modelling of stream run-off and sediment output for erosion hazard assessment in Lesser Himalaya: need for sustainable land use plan using remote sensing and GIS: a case study. Natural hazards. 1-59(3):1277-1297. (Jointly with Rawat PK, Tiwari PC, Pant CC, Sharama AK) (ISSN 1573-0840 IF:2.427)
- Climate change and Its Geo-Hydrological Impacts on Mountainous terrain: A case study Through Remote Sensing and GIS Modeling. E-International Scientific Research Journal, Vol.03, Issue: 1, pp.51-69. (Jointly with Rawat PK, Tiwari PC, Pant CC, Sharama AK)
- Active faulting and deformation of quaternary landforms Sub-Himalaya, India. GEOCHRONOMETRIA: 37 (2010), pp 63-71. (jointly with Moulishree Joshi, Girish Ch. Kothyari, and Javed Malik) (ISSN: 1897-1695. IF: 1.243)
- Neotectonic Evidences of Rejuvenation in Kaurik-Chango Fault zone, Northwestern Himalaya. Jour. Geog. Info. Sys., V. 2, pp. 176-183. (jointly with Moulishree Joshi, Girish Ch. Kothyari, and A. D. Ahluwalia) (Print ISSN: 1365-8816 Online ISSN: 1362-3087 IF: 3.733)
- Evidences of active deformation in the northeastern part of Almora, in Kumaun Lesser Himalaya: A geomorphic perspective. Jour. Geol. Soc. India. V. 72, pp.
- The role of fluids in formation of talc deposits of Reema Area, Kumaun Lesser Himalaya. JGSI, V. 73, pp.237-248. (jointly with Prabha Pandeu and Rajesh Sharma) (ISSN: 0016-7622 (Print) 0974-6889 (Online) IF: 0.899)
- Geomorphological and Geological investigation of Neotectonic activity of Saryu River Fault (SRF), a part of North Almora Tharust (NAT) in Serahgat-Basoli area in Central Kumaun, Uttaranchal. JGSI, Vol.70, pp.815-823. (Jointly with GIRISH CH. KOTHYARI1 and KHAYINGSHING LUIREI) (ISSN: 0016-7622 (Print) 0974-6889 (Online) IF: 0.899)
- Tectonic geomorphology of a part of Bilaspur region, SW Himanchal Pradesh. Journal Geological Society of India, Vol. 69, pp.909-915.
- Geomorphic Evidences of Neotectonics Movements in Dhrchula Area, Northeast Kumaun: A Perspective of the recent tectonic activity. JGSI, Vol. 67, pp.92-100. (jointly with Girish Ch. Kothyari, and KHAYINGSHING LUIREI)
- Amiya Landslide in the catchment of Gaula River, Southern Kumaun, Uttaranchal. JGSI, Vol.65, pp.291-295. (Jointly with KHAYINGSHING LUIREI)
- Seismic hazards estimation in Northeastern Kumaun Himalaya. Journal Geological Society of India, Vol. 61, pp.477-482. (Jointly with Ajay Paul)
- Malpa Rockfalls of 18 August 1998 in the Northeastern Kumaun Himalaya. Journal Geological Society of India. 54(4):415-20. (Jointly with Luirei K.)
- Quaternary Palaeolakes in Kumaun Lesser Himalaya: F indsof ncotectonic and palaeoclimatic significance. Current Science. 1996; 61:23S-42. (Jointly VaIdiya KS, Kotlia BS, Pant PD, Shah M, Mungali N, Tewari S, Sah N, Upreti M) (ISSN: 0011-3891, IF: 0.756)
- Neotectonic movements in the Loharkher area, District Almora, Kumaun Himalaya. Journal Geological Society of India, Vol.39, pp.245-253. (Jointly with O.P. Goel and Mallikarjun Joshi) (ISSN: 0016-7622 (Print) 0974-6889 (Online) IF: 0.899)
- Causes and remedial measures for rockfalls and landslides on Naina Peak, Nainital, Kumaun Himalaya, U.P., India. Mountain Research and Development, Vol.10, No.4, pp.343-351. (Jointly with Mallikarjun Joshi) (Online ISSN: 1994-7151 Impact Factor: 1.494)
f: Edited books: 03
- Impact of Structural Damage Zone on Slope Stability: A case study from Mandakini Valley, Uttarakhand State (India). S. Mukherjee (Ed.) Tectonics and Structural Geology: Indian Context. P.397-410. (ISBN 978-3-319-99341-6) (Jointly with Mohit Puniya et al.)
- 2020 i;t´ojot v/;;u dh cgq’kkL=h; izd`frA i;t´ojot v/;;u ( Environmental Studies), Anil Yadav and H. C. Joshi (Edits.) 204pp.
- Neotectonic Rejuvenation in Central Kumaun, Uttarakhand; Quaternary Reactivation of North Almora Thrust and Transverse Tear Faults : A review. S. Valdiya Commemorative Volume Incorporating Jour. Ind. Geol. Cong., Vols.12(2) and 13(1&2) 2021,
g: Conference Proceedings: 03
- Structural and thermo-chronological studies of the Almora Klippe, Kumaun, NW India: implications for crustal thickening and exhumation of the NW Himalaya. Sharma, R., Villa,
- M. and Kumar, S. (Eds.); Crustal Architectural and Evolution of the Himalayan-Karakoram- Tibet Orogen. GSL, Special Publication 481. (ISSN 0305-8719. ISBN 1786204266, 9781786204264)
- Geological Investigation of Nainital Bypass: A special emphasis on slope stability analysis, Kumaun Lesser Himalaya. Subrat Sharma, Pushkin Phartiyal and Pitamber D Pant (Edts.): Himalayan Vulnerability, Uttarakhand, 2013. Pp.65-72. (Jointly with Priya Joshi and M. K. Puniya).
- Petrography and Geochemistry of Magnesite and Talc deposits of Jhiroli, Kumaun Lesser Himalaya. Magmatism, Tectonism and Mineralization (Ed.), Santosh Kumar,