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People : Dr. Ghanshyam Joshi

Name: Dr. Ghanshyam Joshi
Designation: Assistant Professor
School : School of Social Science, Public Administration
Qualification: M.A. Ph.D
Phone : 05946286047
Email :
  • Dr. Ghanshyam Joshi is working as an Assistant Professor in the department of Public Administration (School of Social Science) at Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani.
  • Current area of interests is “Local Self-government and good governance”
  • As a Co-author he has written 3 Books of Political Science.
  • Published 5 research articles.
  • Attended more than 20 seminars and workshops.
  • Developed a six months certificate program in Panchayati Raj for the learners of Uttarakhand Open University.
  • Written near about 35 chapters (Units) for the learners of Uttarakhand Open University.
  1. “Child Rights in India, A Light on the Role of NHRC in Implementing Them” IJTEMT, EISSN: 2321-5518, Vol- IV, Issue-VI, December 2015
  2. “Societal Sensitization Regarding Women Rights in India, What More to be Done?” IJTEMT, EISSN: 2321-5518, Vol-5, Issue-II, April 2016
  3. रंसमाज का कंडाली महोत्‍सव (एक विजय यात्रा महोत्‍सव) सम्‍पादित पुस्‍तक उत्‍तराखण्‍ड- विभिन्‍न आयाममल्लिका बुक्‍स, ISBN: 81-89147-12-9
  4. “Role of E-Governance in Modern Administration” THINK INDIA (Quarterly Journal) ISSN: 0971-1260, Vol. 22, Issue-4, Oct-Dec. 2019.
  5. ‘‘ग्राम स्‍वराज और पंचायती राज व्‍यवस्‍था’’ ISSN: 2249-2577, अर्धवार्षिक शोध पत्रिका (जूलाईदिसम्‍बर 2020, वर्ष- 12, अंक- 2)  ‘‘लोक प्रशासन’’ के विशेषांक- आधुनिक प्रशासकीय संदर्भ में गांधी की प्रासंगिकता, भारतीय लोक प्रशासन संस्‍थान, नई दिल्‍ली।
Title Language Audio file
पंचायती राज पर सुनें डा. घनश्याम जोशी को Hindi
लोक प्रशासन को जानें डा. घनश्याम जोशी के साथ Hindi

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