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People : Dr. Prabha Bisht Dhondiyal

Name: Dr. Prabha Bisht Dhondiyal
Designation: Assistant Professor (AC)
School : School of Sciences, Botany
Qualification: Ph.D. (Botany)
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Teaching Area-Ecology, Lower Botany, Applied Botany, Environmental Biology
Research Area- Bryophytes, Antimicrobial and Allelopathic potential of Bryophytes.

Specialization- Bryology (in Ph.D.), Plant Taxonomy and Ecology (in M.Sc.)
Award: Young scientist award for best poster presentation in 11th Uttarakhand State Science and Technology Congress (UCOST) 2017. 

  • Prabha Bisht and Raksha Pande 2009. Some significant uses of Bryophytes. Oaks 05:10pp.
  • Neerja Pande and Prabha Dhondiyal (nee Bisht) 2012. Antimicrobial Potentiality of Bryophytes In Microbes: Diversity and Biotechnology Eds. Sati and Belwal, Daya Publishing House, New Delhi 477-493 pp.
  • Prabha Dhondiyal nee Bisht, Raksha Pande and Neerja Pande 2012. Bryophytes: Threats and Conservation Oaks 07: 74-76 pp.
  • Prabha B. Dhondiyal, Neerja Pande and Kiran Bargali 2013. Antibiotic potential of Lunularia Cruciata (L.) Dum ex. Lindb (Bryophyta) of Kumaon Himalaya. African Journal of Microbiology Research vol. 7(34): 4350-4354   
Title Language Audio file
कुमाऊँ की होली Hindi
हल्दी से स्वास्थ्य लाभ Hindi
हिमालय दिवस - महत्ता और विचार Hindi
Uttarakhand Open University : Botany Introduction Hindi

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