Designation: Assistant Professor (AC)
School : School of Social Science, Economics
Qualification: Ph.D. in Economics from Kumaun University
Phone : 9756629859
Email : [email protected]
Dr Namita Verma is working as an assistant professor(AC) of Deptt. of Economics at Uttrakhand Open University Haldwani.
She has been credited with more than 5 papers in national and international journal. She has done Ph.D. in Economics from Kumaun University.
Her current area of interest is labor Economics, international economics, monetary theories and policies and macro economics.
Done PGDBM from IMSPR New Delhi .
Done Diploma in Rail Transport and management from Rail Bhawan Delhi
Worked as visiting faculty in Kumaun university as a Lecturer in Masters of marketing management - year 2003 -2004.
Worked as a lecturer in Economics at Unity College ,Rudrapur. Period- September 2008 to July 2009.
Worked as a visiting lecturer in ICFAI University Rudrapur. Period August 2009 to September 2010.
Worked as a visiting lecturer in BBA program of S.B.S.P.G. Govt. College, Rudrapur from March 2009 to Dec 2019.
International Conference on Digital India: Empowering the society- Bareilly College and Fater Academy of India on 27th January 2018.
• National Seminar on Multi-Disciplinary innovations for sustainability and growth-Shriram Institute of Management and Technology, Kashipur on 17th Mar 2018.
• Participated in 15th Annual Conference of UP-UEA organized by Department of Economics, DSB Campus, Kumaun University.
• Webinar on ‘Wetland Diversity and its Conservation’ conducted by Shree Ramkrishna Institute of Computer Education & Applied Sciences, Surat
• International Conference on Proactive governance and policy implementation in the times of COVID-19 conducted by Shyam Lal College, Delhi University.
• Took part in a webinar on ‘World Environment’ conducted by the School of Earth and Environmental Science, Uttarakhand Open University.
• Participated in the webinar ‘E-learning tools for 21st century’ conducted by Uttarakhand Open University.
• Faculty Development Program in R programming conducted by USERC.
• Participated in a 2 days seminar on “Strategic thinking about movement from global to local” conducted by School of Management Studies and commerce, Uttarakhand Open University.
• Attended a 7 days Seminar on “International level online faculty development programme on effects of Covid-19 on global economy” conducted by Khadir Mohiuddin College, , PG and research department of Economics in association with IQAC.
• Participated in the webinar “Covid-19 Outbreak and beyond – Mental health and well being of students.” Conducted by Karnatak State Akkamahadevi Womens University, Torvi, Vijaypura
• Participated in the two days webinar “National Webinar on Challenges related to Mental well being of Divyaangjan in corona period and their Therapeutic Rehabilitation” organized by UOU and Rehabilitation Council of India.
• Participated in one day webinar “World Economy in current pandemic : Learning, understanding and strategies” organized by the Dept. of Economics, Govt. College, Goa.
• One day international webinar on “Challenges for Ph.D. students during COVID-19 Pandemic : turning crisis into an opportunity.” organized by the Dept. of Economics, Govt. College, Goa.
• International webinar on “Humanities call, vaccine for all : understanding global politics” organized by SLC in collaboration with universal access for vaccine and medicine & Swadeshi Shodh Sansthan.
• Participated in one day Webinar organized by the Social Science Department of UOU “Impact of Covid 19 on Working Women in Unorganized Sector : with special reference to Urban Area"
• Participated in the one day webinar “National Education Policy 2020 and Social work profession : with special reference to National Council for Social Work Education Bill 2021” organized by Central Zone of NCSWE, Uttarakhand and the Social Science Department of UOU.
• Have prepared the unit for the study material for Post Graduation courses in Uttarakhand Open University.