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Notice: Change of Venue for MSc. Programme Workshop - Pithoragarh and Baleshwar Region (Starting 18th April 2025)

Change of Venue for MSc. Programme Chemistry Workshop - Pithoragarh and Baleshwar Region (Starting 18th April 2025) It is hereby informed to all concerned that, due to unavoidable circumstances, the workshop for the MSc. Programme, Chemistry of the Pithoragarh and Bageshwar region will now be conducted at MBPG, Haldwani starting from 18th April 2025. All learners are kindly requested to make their presence at the venue on the scheduled date.
Your cooperation is appreciated.

For further inquiries, please contact: Dr. Ruchi Pandey, Ph. No.- 9634783741

For Administrative enquiries:

Uttarakhand Open University

Behind Transport Nagar, Vishwavidyalaya Marg,
Haldwani (Nainital) 263139 Uttarakhand

Toll Free : 1800 180 4025
Operator : 05946-286000

Admissions : 05946286002

Book Distribution Unit : 05946-286001

Exam Section : 05946-286022

Fax : 05946-264232