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Programme Offered in 2019-20

Code Programme Name Min Duration (Months) Max Duration (Months)
CAFN-17 Certificate in Ayurvedic Food and Nutrition 6 24
CAHC-17 Certificate in Ayurvedic Herb Cultivation 6 24
CAM-17 Certificate in Ayurvedic Masseur 6 24
CBIL-19 Certificate in Banking and Insurance Law 6 24
CCA-17 Certificate in Computer Application 6 24
CCA-22 Certificate in Computer Application 6 12
CCDS-21 Certificate course in Development Studies 6 12
CCFP-17 Certificate in Commercial Flower Production 6 24
CCOM-17 Certificate Course in Office Management 6 12
CCPR-17 Certificate Course in Panchayati Raj 6 12
CCRT-21 Certificate in Community Radio Technology 6 12
CCRT-23 Certificate in Community Radio Technology 6 12
CCSDP-21 Certificate in Cyber Space & Data Protection 6 12
CDSA-21 Certificate in Data Science & Applications 6 12
CDSA-23 Certificate in Data Science & Applications 6 12
CEGCS-17 Certificate in e-Governance and Cyber Security 6 24
CEGCS-19 Certificate in e-Governance and Cyber Security 6 12
CFN-18 Certificate Course in Food & Nutrition 6 12
CGIS-17 Certificate in Geo Informatics 6 24
CGIS-21 Certificate in Geo Informatics 6 12
CGL-21 Certificate in Garhwali Language 6 12
CHBC-17 Certificate in Herbal Beauty Care 6 24
CHR-19 Certificate in Human Rights 6 24
CIN-17 Certificate in Naturopathy 6 12
CKL-21 Certificate in Kumauni Language 6 12
CME-17 Certificate in Memory Enhancement 6 12
CMM-17 Certificate in Mass Media 6 24
CNL-21 Certificate in Nepali Language 6 12
CNWFP-20 Certificate in Non-wood Forest Products 6 12
COASS-21 Certificate in Office Automation & Soft Skills 6 12
COF-17 Certificate in Organic Farming 6 12
CP(SEC)-23 Computer Programming 24 30
CPJ-17 Certificate in Phalit Jyotish 6 12
CPJL-17 Certificate programme in Japanese language 6 24
CRTI-17 Certificate in Right to Information 6 24
CRTI-21 Certificate in Right to Information. 6 12
CS(SEC)-23 Cyber Security 24 30
CSDP(SEC)-23 Cyber Space and Data Protection 24 30
CSL-17 Certificate in Sanskrit Language 6 12
CSPD(SEC)-23 Communications Skills and Personality Development 24 30
CVC-20 Certificate in Vedic Cosmology 6 12
CVDMM-19 C. Voc. (Digital Marketing & Management) 6 24
CVDMM-21 C. Voc. (Digital Marketing & Management) 6 12
CVDMM-23 C. Voc. (Digital Marketing & Management 6 12
CVEOM-19 C. Voc. (Soft Skill & E- Office Management)- 6 24
CVEOM-21 C. Voc. (Soft Skill & E- Office Management) 6 12
CVEOM-23 C. Voc. (Soft Skill & E- Office Management) 6 12
CVK-17 Certificate in Vedic Karmkand 6 12
CVP-17 Certificate in Vegetable Production 6 24
CVP-18 Certificate in Vocational Preparation(Automotive) 6 24
CVS-18 Certificate in Vocational Skills (Automotive) 6 12
CVTEE-19 C. Voc. (Technology Enabled Education) 6 24
CVTEE-21 C. Voc. (Technology Enabled Education) 6 12
CVTEE-23 C. Voc.(Technology Enabled Education) 6 12
CVWDD-19 C. Voc. (Web Designing & Development) 6 24
CVWDD-21 C. Voc. (Web Designing & Development) 6 12
CWDD-18 Certificate in Web Designing & Development 6 24
CYS-17 Certificate in Yogic Sciences 6 12
DMM(SEC)-23 Digital Marketing and Management 24 30
EOM(SEC)-23 E-Office Management 24 30
FCECD-18 Foundation Course for Education of Children with Disabilities 3 12
FCSEDE-21 Foundation Course in special education 6 12
IM(SEC)-23 Introduction to Management 24 30
NBP(HI) Need Based Program for B.Ed. Spl.Edu. (Bridge Course) 6 12
NBP(ID) Need Based Program for B.Ed. Spl.Edu.(Bridge Course) 6 12
NBP(LD) Need Based Program for B.Ed. Spl.Edu. (Bridge Course) 6 12
NBP(VI) Need Based Program for B.Ed. Spl. Edu. (Bridge Course) 6 12
RTI(SEC)-23 Right to Information 24 30
WDD(SEC)-23 Web Designing and Development 24 30

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Uttarakhand Open University

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Haldwani (Nainital) 263139 Uttarakhand

Toll Free : 1800 180 4025
Operator : 05946-286000

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Book Distribution Unit : 05946-286001

Exam Section : 05946-286022

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