Assignments 2019-19 Last Date of Submission of Assignments for Semester and Annual Programme is extended to 15, May 2019 Select Programme ACCT-11- ADVANCED CERTIFICATE COURSE IN INDUSTRIAL TRAINING ACCT-15- Advanced Certificate Course in Industrial Training ACCT-16- Advanced Certificate Course in Industrial Training ADHN-10- Advance Diploma in Hardware & Networking ADNS-10- Advance Diploma in Network Security ADPA-10- Advance Diploma in Professional Accounting BA-10- Bachelor of Arts BA-12- Bachelor of Arts BA-16- Bachelor of Arts BA-17- Bachelor of Arts BA-21- BACHELOR OF ARTS BA-23- BACHELOR OF ARTS BABM-11- BS in Agriculture Business Management BAG-13- Bachelor of Arts (Geography) BAG-16- Bachelor of Arts (Geography) BAG-17- Bachelor of Art with Geography BAG-21- Bachelor of Art with Geography BAG-23- Bachelor of Art with Geography BAGES-12- Bachelor of Arts (Single Subject) in Geography BAGES-16- Bachelor of Arts (Single Subject) in Geography BAGM-21- Bachelor of Arts with Geography and Mathematics BAM-16- Bachelor of Arts (Mathematics). BAM-17- Bachelor of Art with Mathematics BAM-21- Bachelor of Art with Mathematic BAM-23- BACHELOR OF ARTS with Mathematics BAPP-10- Bachelors of Art Preparatory Programme BAPP-12- Bachelor of Arts Preparatory Programme BAS-10- Bachelor of Art ( Single Subject) BAS-12- Bachelor of Art (Single Subject) BAS-16- Bachelor of Art (Single Subject) BAY-17- Bachelor of Arts (Yoga) BAY-21- Bachelor of Arts (Yoga) BAY-24- B. A. Yoga (Hons) BBA-10- Bachelor of Business Administration BBA-12- Bachelor of Business Administration BBA-16- Bachelor of Business Administration BBA-17- Bachelor of Business Administration BBA-21- Bachelor of Business Administration BBA-23- Bachelor of Business Administration BBAH-11- बैचलर ऑफ बिज़नेस एडमिनिस्ट्रेशन BCA-10- Bachelor of Computer Applications BCA-11- BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATION BCA-16- Bachelor of Computer Application BCA-17- Bachelor of Computer Applications BCA-21- Bachelor of Computer Applications BCA-23- Bachelor of Computer Applications BCAPP- Bachelor of Computer Applications Preparatory Programme BCAPP-12- Bachelor of Computer Application Preparatory Programme BCOM-10- Bachelor of Commerce BCOM-16- Bachelor of Commerce BCOM-17- Bachelor of Commerce BCOM-21- Bachelor of Commerce BCOM-23- Bachelor of Commerce BCPP-10- Bachelor of Commerce Preparatory Programme BCPP-12- Bachelor of Commerce Preparatory Programme BED-17- Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) BED-21- Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) BEDSEDEHI-15- B.Ed. Spl. Edu. (Hearing Impairment) BEDSEDEHI-21- B.Ed. Spl. Edu.(Hearing Impairment) BEDSEDELD-15- B.Ed. Spl. Edu. (Learning Disability) BEDSEDEMR-15- B.Ed. Spl. Edu. (Mental Retardation) BEDSEDEVI-15- B.Ed. Spl. Edu. (Visual Impairment) BEDSEDEVI-21- B.Ed. Spl. Edu.(Visual Impairment) BEDSEIDD-23- BACHELOR OF SPECIAL EDUCATION- (Intellectual Development Disability) BEDSELD-19- BACHELOR OF SPECIAL EDUCATION- (LEARNING DISABILITY) - B.Ed. spl. Ed BEDSELD-21- BACHELOR OF SPECIAL EDUCATION- (LEARNING DISABILITY) - B.Ed. spl. Ed BEDSEMR-19- BACHELOR OF SPECIAL EDUCATION- (MENTAL RETARDATION) - B.Ed. spl. Ed. BEDSEMR-21- BACHELOR OF SPECIAL EDUCATION- (MENTAL RETARDATION) - B.Ed. spl. Ed. BHM-10- B.Sc. in Hospitality and Hotel Administration BHM-11- BACHELOR OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT BHM-16- Bachelor of Hotel Management BHM-17- Bachelor of Hotel Management BLIS-21- Bachelor of Library & Information Science BSC-12- Bachelor of Science BSC-16- Bachelor of Science BSC-17- Bachelor of Science BSC-23- BACHELOR OF SCIENCE BSCG-21- Bachelor of Science BScS-12- Bachelor of Science (Single Subject) BSCS-16- Bachelor of Science (Single Subject) BSCS-18- Bachelor of Science( Single Subject) BSCS-21- Bachelor of Science ( Single Subject) BTS-10- Bachelor in Tourism Studies BTS-12- Bachelor in Tourism Studies BTTM-16- Bachelor of Tourism and Travel Management BTTM-17- Bachelor of Tourism and Travel Management BTTM-21- Bachelor of Tourism and Travel Management BTTM-23- Bachelor of Tourism and Travel Management BYN-12- Bachelor of Yoga and Naturopathy BYN-16- Bachelor of Yoga & Naturopathy CABC-10- Certificate in Ayurvedic Beauty Care CAFN-10- Certificate in Ayurvedic Food and Nutrition CAFN-11- Certificate in Ayurvedic Food and Nutritio CAFN-12- Certificate in Ayurvedic Food & Nutrition CAFN-16- Certificate in Ayurvedic Food and Nutrition CAFN-17- Certificate in Ayurvedic Food and Nutrition CAHC-10- Certificate in Ayurvedic Herb Cultivation CAHC-16- Certificate in Ayurvedic Herb Cultivation CAHC-17- Certificate in Ayurvedic Herb Cultivation CAM-10- Certificate in Ayurvedic Massage CAM-12- Certificate in Ayurvedic Masseur CAM-16- Certificate in Ayurvedic Masseur CAM-17- Certificate in Ayurvedic Masseur CBD-11- CERTIFICATE COURSE IN BHARTIYA DARSHAN CBIL-19- Certificate in Banking and Insurance Law CBJ-10- Certificate Course in Indian Astrology CBWT-11- CERTIFICATE COURSE IN BASIC WORKSHOP TECHNIQUES CCA-11- CERTIFICATE IN COMPUTER APPLICATION CCA1-12- CERTIFICATE COURSE IN AUTOMOTIVE ASSEMBLY LEVEL 1 CCA1-15- Certificate Course in Automotive Assembly Level-1 CCA1-16- Certificate Course in Automotive Assembly Level-1 CCA-16- Certificate in Computer Application CCA-17- Certificate in Computer Application CCA2-12- CERTIFICATE COURSE IN AUTOMOTIVE ASSEMBLY LEVEL 2 CCA2-15- Certificate Course in Automotive Assembly Level-2 CCA2-16- Certificate Course in Automotive Assembly Level-2 CCA-22- Certificate in Computer Application CCA3-12 - CERTIFICATE COURSE IN AUTOMOTIVE ASSEMBLY LEVEL 3 CCA3-15- Certificate Course in Automotive Assembly Level-3 CCA3-16- Certificate Course in Automotive Assembly Level-3. CCAC-10- Certificate in Computer Accounting CCAM-12- CERTIFICATE COURSE IN AUTOMOTIVE MANUFACTURING CCAM-15- Certificate Course in Automotive Manufacturing CCAM-17- CERTIFICATE COURSE IN AUTOMOTIVE MANUFACTURING CCAP-10- Certificate in Computer Applications CCAPP-10- Certificate in Computer Appreciation CCC-11- CERTIFICATE IN COMPUTER COURSE CCCH-13- Certificate Course in Chinese CCDS-21- Certificate course in Development Studies CCFP-16- Certificate in Commercial Flower Production CCHG-12- Certificate Course in Home Gardening CCIKS-25- Certificate Course in Indian Knowledge System CCISP-17- CERTIFICATE COURSE IN INDUSTRIAL SKILLS & PROCESS CCOF-16- Certificate in Organic Farming CCOM-10- Certificate Course in Office Management CCOM-12- Certificate Course in Office Management CCOM-16- Certificate Course in Office Management CCOM-17- Certificate Course in Office Management CCPR-10- Certificate Course in Panchayati Raj CCPR-12- Certificate Course in Panchayati Raj CCPR-16- Certificate Course in Panchayati Raj CCPR-17- Certificate Course in Panchayati Raj CCRT-21- Certificate in Community Radio Technology CCRT-23- Certificate in Community Radio Technology CCSDP-21- Certificate in Cyber Space & Data Protection CCSM-10- Certificate Course in Salesmanship & Marketing CCTE-10- Certificate Course in Technical Excellence CCTE-15- Certificate in Technical Excellence CDSA-21- Certificate in Data Science & Applications CDSA-23- Certificate in Data Science & Applications CDTP-10- Certificate in Desk Top Publishing CEGCS-11- CERTIFICATE IN E-GOVERNENCE & CYBER SECURITY CEGCS-16- Certificate in e-governance and Cyber Security CEGCS-17- Certificate in e-Governance and Cyber Security CEGCS-19- Certificate in e-Governance and Cyber Security CFN-18- Certificate Course in Food & Nutrition CGIS-11- CERTIFICATE IN GEO INFORMATICS CGIS-16- Certificate in Geo Informatics CGIS-21- Certificate in Geo Informatics CGL-21- Certificate in Garhwali Language CGRS-10- CERTIFICATE IN GIS AND REMOTE SENSING APPLICATIONS CGRS-12- Certificate in GIS & Remote Sensing CHBC-12- Certificate in Herbal Beauty Care CHBC-16- Certificate in Herbal Beauty Care CHBC-17- Certificate in Herbal Beauty Care CHM-10- Certificate in Hardware Maintenance CHPFV-10- CERTIFICATE IN HOME SCALE PRESERVATION OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CHR-19- Certificate in Human Rights CIA-11- एक्यूप्रेशर में प्रमाण-पत्र CIN-10- Certificate in Naturopathy CIN-11- Certificate Course in Naturopathy CIN-16- Certificate in Naturopathy CIN-17- Certificate in Naturopathy CIT-10- Certificate in Information Technology CKL-21- Certificate in Kumauni Language CMAP-12- Certificate in Medicinal & Aromatic Plants CME-17- Certificate in Memory Enhancement CMM-12- Certificate in Mass Media CMM-16- Certificate in Mass Media CMM-17- Certificate in Mass Media CMP-10- Certificate in Mushroom Production CNL-21- Certificate in Nepali Language CNWFP-20- Certificate in Non-wood Forest Products COASS-21- Certificate in Office Automation & Soft Skills COF-10- Certificate in Organic Farming COF-12- Certificate in Organic Farming COF-17- Certificate in Organic Farming CPJ-10- CERTIFICATE IN PHALIT JYOTISH CPJ-11- Certificate in Phalit Jyotish CPJ-16- Certificate in Phalit Jyotish CPJ-17- Certificate in Phalit Jyotish CPJL-17- Certificate programme in Japanese language CPMJ-11- CERTIFICATE IN PRINT MEDIA & JOURNALISM CRTI-17- Certificate in Right to Information CRTI-21- Certificate in Right to Information. CSL-17- Certificate in Sanskrit Language CUL-12- Certificate in Urdu CVC-20- Certificate in Vedic Cosmology CVDMM-19- C. Voc. (Digital Marketing & Management) CVDMM-21- C. Voc. (Digital Marketing & Management) CVDMM-23- C. Voc. (Digital Marketing & Management CVEOM-19- C. Voc. (Soft Skill & E- Office Management)- CVEOM-21- C. Voc. (Soft Skill & E- Office Management) CVEOM-23- C. Voc. (Soft Skill & E- Office Management) CVK-10- Certificate Course in Vedic Karmakand CVK-11- Certificate Course In Vedic Karmkand CVK-14- Certificate in Vedic Karmkand CVK-16- Certificate in Vedic Karmkand CVK-17- Certificate in Vedic Karmkand CVP-10- Certificate in Vegetable Production CVP-12- Certificate in Vegetable Production CVP-18- Certificate in Vocational Preparation(Automotive) CVS-18- Certificate in Vocational Skills (Automotive) CVTEE-21- C. Voc. (Technology Enabled Education) CVTEE-23- C. Voc.(Technology Enabled Education) CVWDD-19- C. Voc. (Web Designing & Development) CVWDD-21- C. Voc. (Web Designing & Development) CWA-10- Certificate in Web Applications CWDD-18- Certificate in Web Designing & Development CYS-10- Certificate in Yogic Science CYS-11- Certificate Course in Yogic Science CYS-16- Certificate in Yogic Sciences CYS-17- Certificate in Yogic Sciences DAM-11- Diploma in Accommodation Management DAM-12- Diploma in Accommodation Management DBP-11- Diploma in Sri Mad Bhagwat Puran DCA-10- Diploma in Computer Applications DCA-21- Diploma in Computer Applications DCH-10- Diploma in Commercial Hotriculture DCH-12- Diploma in Commercial Horticulture DCH-16- Diploma in Commercial Horticulture DCH-17- Diploma in Commercial Horticulture DCH-21- Diploma in Commercial Horticulture DFO-10- Diploma in Front Office DFO-11- Diploma in Front Office Management DFO-12- Diploma in Front Office Management DFO-16- Diploma in Front Office Management DFO-17- Diploma in Front Office Management DFP-10- Diploma in Food Production DFP-11- DIPLOMA IN FOOD PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT DFP-12- DIPLOMA IN FOOD PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT DFS-10- Diploma in Food and Beverage Service DGC-24- Diploma in guidance and counseling DGIS-21- DIPLOMA IN GEO INFORMATICS DHA-19- Diploma in Hospitality Administration DHA-21- Diploma in Hospitality Administration DHM-10- Diploma in Hotel Management DHM-11- Diploma in Hotel Management DHM-16- Diploma in Hotel Management DHM-17- Diploma in Hotel Management DHN-10- Diploma in Hardware & Networking DIA-10- Diploma in Industrial Accounting DIA-11- एक्यूप्रेशर में डिप्लोमा DIC-11- Diploma in Computerized Accounting DIIP-14- DIPLOMA IN INDUSTRIAL PROCESS DIIP-15- Diploma in Industrial Process DIIP-16- Diploma in Industrial Process DIIP-18- Diploma in Industrial Practices DIM-10- Diploma in Management DIMM-10- Diploma in Multimedia DIT-10- Diploma in Information Technology DIT-12- Diploma in information Technology DIT-17- Diploma in Information Technology DIT-21- Diploma in Information Technology DJNM-24- Diploma in Journalism and New Media DMA-20- Diploma in Medical Astrology DMA-21- Diploma in Medical Astrology DMDAN-12- Diploma in Modern Dietetics & Ayurvedic Nutrition DMM(SEC)-23- Digital Marketing and Management DMNWFP-10- Diploma in Management Non Wood Forest Products DMNWFP-17- Diploma in Management of Non-wood Forest Products DMNWFP-19- Diploma in Management of Non-Wood Forest Products DNWFP-20- Diploma in Non Wood Forest Products DNWFP-21- Diploma in Non-wood Forest Products DPA-10- Diploma in Panchkarma Assistant DPA-11- Diploma in Panchkarma Assistant DPA-12- Diploma in Panchkarma Assistant DPHCN-10- Diploma in Public Health and Community Nutrition DPHCN-16- Diploma in Public Health & Community Nutrition DPHCN-17- Diploma in Public Health and Community Nutrition DPHCN-19- Diploma in Public Health & Community Nutrition DPHCN-21- Diploma in Public Health & Community Nutrition DPJ-11- Diploma in Phalit Jyotish DPJ-12- Diploma in Phalit Jyotish DPJ-16- Diploma in Phalit Jyotish DPJ-17- Diploma in Phalit Jyotish DPJ-21- Diploma in Phalit Jyotishh DRS-11- Diploma in Restaurant Service Management DRS-12- Diploma in Restaurant Service Management DRTI- 17- Diploma in Right to Information DSL-10- Diploma in Sanskrit Language DTGE-10- Diploma in Tour Guiding & Escorting Skills DTS-10- Diploma in Tourism Studies DTS-16- Diploma In Tourism Studies DTS-17- Diploma in Tourism Studies DTS-21- Diploma in Tourism Studies DTS-23- Diploma in Tourism Studies DVAPFV-10- Diploma in Value Added Product from fruits and Vegetables DVAPFV-13- Diploma in Value Added Product from Fruit and Vegetable DVAPFV-16- Diploma in Value Added Products of Fruits and Vegetables DVAPFV-17- Diploma in Value Added Products from Fruits and Vegetables DVAPFV-21- Diploma in Value Added Products of Fruits and Vegetables DVDMM-19- D. Voc. (Digital Marketing & Management) DVDMM-21- D. Voc. (Digital Marketing & Management) DVEOM-19- D. Voc. (Soft Skill & E- Office Management) DVEOM-21- D. Voc. (Soft Skill & E- Office Management) DVK-17- Diploma in Vedic karmakand DVK-21- Diploma in Vedic karmakand DVS-20- Diploma in Vastu Shashtra (वास्तु शास्त्र में डिप्लोमा) DVS-21- Diploma in Vastu Shashtra DVTEE-19- D. Voc. (Technology Enabled Education) DVTEE-21- D. Voc. (Technology Enabled Education) DWD-10- Diploma in Web Development DYN-10- Diploma in Yoga and Naturopathy DYN-11- Diploma in Yoga & Naturopathy DYN-13- Diploma in Yoga & Naturopathy DYN-16- Diploma of Yoga and Naturopathy DYS-17- Diploma in Yogic Science DYS-21- Diploma in Yogic Science EDL-12- Certificate in Enhancing Digital Literacy EIPR-10- Basic Certificate Course in Panchayati Raj EOM(SEC)-23- E-Office Management ESL- Diploma in Sanskrit FCECD-18- Foundation Course for Education of Children with Disabilities FCSEDE-21- Foundation Course in special education LLM-11- MASTER OF LAWS LLM-12- MASTER OF LAWS LLM-16- Master of Laws LLM-17- Masters of Laws MADS-23- MASTER OF ARTS (Development Studies) MAEC-10- M.A. Economics-10 MAEC-12- M.A Economics MAEC-16- M.A.Economics MAEC-17- Master of Arts (Economics) MAEC-20 - M.A.ECONOMICS (एम0ए0अर्थशास्त्र) MAEC-21- M.A.ECONOMICS (एम0ए0अर्थशास्त्र) MAED-10- M.A. Education MAED-12- M.A Education MAED-16- Master of Arts in Education MAED-17- Master of Arts (Education) MAED-20- Master of Arts in Education (शिक्षाशास्त्र मेँ कला परास्नातक) MAED-21- Master of Arts in Education (शिक्षाशास्त्र में कला परास्नातक) MAEL-12- M.A English MAEL-16- M.A. English MAEL-17- Master of Arts (English) MAEL-20 - Master of Arts (English) MAEL-21- Master of Arts(English) MAES-23- Master of Arts (Environmental Studies) MAGE-19- MASTER OF ARTS(GEOGRAPHY) MAGE-20- Master of Arts in Geography(एम॰ ए ॰ भूगोल ) MAGE-21- Master of Arts in Geography (एम॰ ए ॰ भूगोल ) MAGE-23- Master of Arts in Geography MAGEO-12- Master of Art in Geography MAGIS-16- Master of Arts (Geo Informatics) MAGIS-17- Master of Arts (Geo Informatics) MAGIS-20 - MASTER OF ARTS (GEO INFORMATICS) – MA (GEO INFORMATICS) MAGIS-21- MASTER OF ARTS (GEO INFORMATICS) – MA(GEO INFORMATICS) MAHD-10- M.A. Hindi MAHI-10- M.A. History MAHI-16- M.A. History MAHI-17- Master of Arts (History) MAHI-20 - M.A. HISTORY (एम0ए0इतिहास) MAHI-21- M.A. HISTORY (एम0ए0इतिहास) MAHL-12- M.A HINDI MAHL-16- M.A. Hindi MAHL-17- Master of Arts (Hindi) MAHL-20 - Master of Arts (Hindi) मास्टर ऑफ आर्ट्स (हिंदी ) MAHL-21- Master of Arts (Hindi) मास्टर ऑफ आर्ट्स (हिंदी) MAHS-19- MASTER OF ARTS (Home Science) MAHS-21- MASTER OF ARTS (Home Science) MAJMC-16- M.A. Journalism & Mass Communication MAJMC-17- Master of Arts (Journalism and Mass Communication) MAJMC-19- Master of Arts (Journalism and Mass Communication) MAJMC-21- Master of Arts (Journalism and Mass Communication) MAJY-18- Master of Arts (Jyotish) MAJY-20 - Master of Arts ( Jyotish ) MAJY-21- Master of Arts(Jyotish) MAMC-11- MASTER OF ART IN MASS COMMUNICATION MAMI-11- MA MUSIC (INSTRUMENTAL) MAMI-12- M.A Music (Instrumental Tonal) MAMT-11- M A MUSIC(TABLA) MAMT-12- M.A Music (Tabla) MAMT-19- MASTER OF ARTS (MATHEMATICS) MAMT-20- Master of Arts (Mathematics) MAMT-21- Master of Arts(Mathematics) MAMV-11- M A MUSIC(VOCAL) MAMV-12- M.A Music (Vocal) MAPA-10- M.A. Public Administration MAPA-16- M.A. Public Administration MAPA-17- Master of Arts (Public Administration) MAPA-19- MASTER OF ARTS (PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION) MAPA-20- MASTER OF ARTS (PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION)मास्टर ऑफ आर्ट्स (पब्लिक एडमिनिस्ट्रेशन) MAPA-21- MASTER OF ARTS(PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION)मास्टर ऑफ आर्ट्स (पब्लिक एडमिनिस्ट्रेशन) MAPS-10- M.A. Political Science MAPS-16- M.A. Political Science MAPS-17- Master of Arts (Political Science) MAPS-20 - MASTER OF ARTS (POLITICAL SCIENCE) MAPS-21- MASTER OF ARTS(POLITICAL SCIENCE) MAPSY-11- M.A. PSYCHOLOGY MAPSY-12- M. A. Psychology MAPSY-18- MASTER OF ARTS (PSYCHOLOGY) MAPSY-20- M.A. Psychology (एम.ए. – मनोविज्ञान) MAPSY-21- M.A.Psychology (एम.ए. – मनोविज्ञान) MAPSY-24- M.A.Psychology MASA-11- M.A.SANSKRIT MASL-12- M.A Sanskrit MASL-16- M.A. Sanskrit MASL-17- M.A. Sanskrit MASL-20 - Master of Arts (Sanskrit) मास्टर ऑफ आर्ट्स (संस्कृत ) MASL-21- Master of Arts (Sanskrit) मास्टर ऑफ आर्ट्स (संस्कृत) MASO-10- Master of Sociology MASO-16- M.A. Sociology MASO-17- Master of Arts (Sociology) MASO-20 - M.A. Sociology (एम0ए0 समाजशास्त्र्) MASO-21- M.A. Sociology (एम0ए0 समाजशास्त्र्) MAUL-12- M.A Urdu MAUL-16- M.A. Urdu MAUL-17- Master of Arts (Urdu) MAUL-23- Master of Arts (Urdu) MAY-11- M.A.YOGA AND HOLISTIC HEALTH MAY-12- MA YOGA MAY-13- M.A. Yoga MAY-16- M.A. Yoga MAY-17- Master of Arts (Yoga) MAY-20- Master of Arts Yoga (M A Yoga ) MAY-21- Master of Arts Yoga (M A Yoga) MAY-24- Master of Arts Yoga(M A Yoga) MBA-10- Master of Business Administration MBA-12- Master of Business Administration MBA-13- Master of Business Administration MBA-16- Master of Business Administration MBA-17- Master of Business Administration MBA-21- Master of Business Administration MBA-23- Master of Business Administration MBAH-11- मास्टर ऑफ बिजनेस एडमिनिस्ट्रेशन (हिन्दी माध्यम) MCA-11- MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATION MCA-16- Master of Computer Application MCA-17- Master of Computer Applications MCA-20- MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS(मास्टर ऑफ़ कंप्यूटर एप्लीकेशन्स) MCA-21- MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS MCOM-10- Master of Commerce MCOM-16- Master of Commerce MCOM-17- Master of Commerce MCOM-20- MASTER OF COMMERCE (मास्टर ऑफ़ कॉमर्स ) MCOM-21- MASTER OF COMMERCE (मास्टर ऑफ़ कॉमर्स ) MED-12- Master of Education (M.Ed.) MEG-10- M.A. English MGIS-11- MASTER OF GEO INFORMATICS MHM-11- MASTER OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT MHM-16- Master of Hotel Management MHM-17- Master of Hotel Management MJMC-12- Master of Journalism & Mass Communication MPAM-19- MASTER OF PERFORMING ARTS (MPA-MUSIC) MPAM-20- Master Of Performing Arts (Music) प्रदर्शन कला(संगीत) में स्नातकोत्तर MPAM-21- Master Of Performing Arts (Music) प्रदर्शन कला(संगीत) में स्नातकोत्तर MSCBOT-12- Master of Science in Botany MSCBOT-13- Master of Science in Botany MSCBOT-16- Master of Science in Botany MSCBOT-17- Master of Science in Botany MSCBOT-20- Master of Science (Botany) MSCBOT-21- Master of Science(Botany) MSCCH-12- Master of Science in Chemistry MSCCH-13- Master of Science in Chemistry MSCCH-16- Master of Science in Chemistry MSCCH-17- Master of Science (Chemistry) MSCCH-20- Master of Science (Chemistry) MSCCH-21- Master of Science(Chemistry) MSCCS-18- Master of Science (Cyber Security) MSCCS-21- MASTER OF SCIENCE (CYBER SECURITY) MSCEN-12- Master of Science in Environmental Science MSCEN-13- Master of Science in Environmental Science MSCES-19- MASTER OF SCIENCE(ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE) MSCES-20- M.Sc. (Environmental Science) MSCES-21- M.Sc.(Environmental Science) MSCES-23- Master of Science (Environment Science) MSCGE-12- Master of Science in Geography MSCGE-19- MASTER OF SCIENCE(GEOGRAPHY) MSCGE-20- MASTER OF SCIENCE IN GEOGRAPHY (एमoएससीo– भूगोल) MSCGE-21- MASTER OF SCIENCE IN GEOGRAPHY (एमoएससीo– भूगोल) MScGIS-16- Master of Science (Geo Informatics)) MScGIS-17- Master of Science (Geo Informatics) MSCGIS-20- MASTER OF SCIENCE (GEO INFORMATICS)/ M.Sc.(GEO INFORMATICS) MSCGIS-21- MASTER OF SCIENCE (GEO INFORMATICS) - M.Sc.(GEO INFORMATICS) MSCGIS-24- MASTER OF SCIENCE (GEO INFORMATICS) MSCIT-10- Master of Science in Information Technology MSCIT-12- Master. of Science in Information Technology MSCIT-16- Master of Science in Information Technology MSCIT-17- Master of Science (Information Technology) MSCIT-21- MASTER OF SCIENCE (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) MSCMAT-12- Master of Science in Mathematics MSCMT-19- MASTER OF SCIENCE(MATHEMATICS) MSCMT-20- Master of Science (Mathematics) MSCMT-21- Master of Science (Mathematics) MSCMT-23- Master of Science (Mathematics) MSCPH-21- Master of Science(Physics) MSCPHY-12- Master of Science in Physics MSCPHY-13- Master of Science in Physics MSCPHY-16- Master of Science in Physics MSCPHY-17- Master of Science in Physics MSCPHY-20- Master of Science (Physics) मास्टrर ऑफ साइंस (भौतिक विज्ञान) MSCZO-12- Master of Science in Zoology MSCZO-13- Master of Science in Zoology MSCZO-19- MASTER OF SCIENCE(ZOOLOGY) MSCZO-20- Master of Science (Zoology)मास्टर ऑफ साइन्स (जन्तु विज्ञान) MSCZO-21- Master of Science (Zoology) MSW-10- Master Of Social Work MSW-16- Master of Social Work MSW-17- Master of Social Work MSW-21- Master of Social Work MSY-11- M.SC.YOGA AND HOLISTIC HEALTH MTM-11- MASTER OF TOURISM MANAGEMENT MTM-12- MASTER OF TOURISM MANAGEMENT MTM-NT-11- MASTER OF TOURISM MANAGEMENT (NT)) MTTM-16- Master of Tourism and Travel Management MTTM-17- Master of Tourism and Travel Management MTTM-21- Master of Tourism and Travel Management NBP(HI)- Need Based Program for B.Ed. Spl.Edu. (Bridge Course) NBP(ID)- Need Based Program for B.Ed. Spl.Edu.(Bridge Course) NBP(LD)- Need Based Program for B.Ed. Spl.Edu. (Bridge Course) NBP(VI)- Need Based Program for B.Ed. Spl. Edu. (Bridge Course) PGDAPR-12- P.G Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations PGDAPR-16- PG Diploma in Advertising and Public Relations PGDAPR-17- PG Diploma in Advertising and Public Relations. PGDBJ-12- P.G Diploma in Broadcast Journalism & New Media PGDBJ-16- PG Diploma in Broadcast Journalism & New Media PGDBJ-17- PG Diploma in Broadcast Journalism & New Media. PGDBJ-19- Post Graduate Diploma in Broadcast Journalism & New Media PGDCA-10- Post Graduate Diploma In Computer Applications (PGDCA) PGDCA-11- POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER APPLICATION PGDCA-16- PG Diploma in Computer Application PGDCA-17- PG Diploma in Computer Application PGDCA-20- Post-Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications PGDCL-12- P.G Diploma in Cyber Law PGDCL-16- PG Diploma in Cyber Law PGDCL-17- PG Diploma in Cyber Law PGDCL-20- Post Graduate Diploma in Cyber Law PGDCS-17- Post Graduate Diploma in Cyber Security PGDDM-10- P G Diploma in Disaster Management PGDDM-12- P.G Diploma in Disaster Management PGDDM-16- PG Diploma in Disaster Management PGDDM-17- PG Diploma In Disaster Management PGDDM-20- P.G. Diploma in Disaster Management PGDGIS-11- POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN GEO INFORMATICS PGDGIS-16- PG Diploma in Geo - Informatics PGDGIS-17- PG Diploma in Geo Informatics PGDGRS-12- P.G Diploma in GIS & Remote Sensing PGDHRM-10- Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management PGDHRM-16 - PG Diploma in Human Resource Management PGDHRM-17- PG Diploma Human Resource Management PGDJMC-10- Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication PGDJMC-12- P.G.D in Journalism & Mass Communication PGDJMC-16- PG Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication PGDJMC-17- PG Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication. PGDJMC-19- Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication PGDMM-10- Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management PGDMM-16 - PG Diploma In Marketing Management PGDMM-17- PG Diploma in Marketing Management PGDMT-12- P.G Diploma Music (Tabla) PGDMV-11- P.G.D.M.(MUSIC-VOCAL) PGDMV-12- P.G Diploma MUsic (Vocal) Ph.D (JYO)-18- Ph.D JYOTISH Ph.D (JYO)-21- Ph.D JYOTISH Ph.D (PSY)-18- Ph.D PSYCHOLOGY Ph.D (YOG)-18- Ph.D YOGA Ph.D. (COM)-12- Ph.D. COMPUTER SCIENCE Ph.D. (EDU)-12- Ph.D. EDUCATION Ph.D. (ENG)-12- Ph.D. ENGLISH Ph.D. (HIN)-12- Ph.D. HINDI Ph.D. (HIS)-12- Ph.D. HISTORY Ph.D. (JOU)-12- Ph.D. JOURNALISM Ph.D. (MAN)-12- Ph.D. MANAGEMENT Ph.D. (POL)-18- Ph.D POLITICAL SCIENCE Ph.D. (SOC)-12- Ph.D. SOCIOLOGY Ph.D. (TOU)-12- Ph.D. TOURISM Ph.D.(BOT)-22- Botany Ph.D.(CHE)-21- Ph.D.Chemistry Ph.D.(COM)-21- Ph.D.Commerce Ph.D.(CSA)-18- Ph.D. Computer Science Ph.D.(CSA)-21- Ph.D.Computer Science Ph.D.(ECO)-22- Economics Ph.D.(EDU)- 21- Ph.D.Education Ph.D.(EDU)-18- Ph.D. Education Ph.D.(ENG)-18- Ph.D. English Ph.D.(ENG)-21- Ph.D.English Ph.D.(ENV)-21- Ph.D ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Ph.D.(HIN)-21- Ph.D.Hindi Ph.D.(HIS)-18- Ph.D. HISTORY Ph.D.(HIS)-21- Ph.D. HISTORY Ph.D.(HOS)-22- Home Science Ph.D.(JOU)-21- Ph.D JOURNALISM Ph.D.(MAN)-18- Ph.D. Management Ph.D.(MAN)-21- Ph.D.Management Ph.D.(MAT)-22- Mathematics Ph.D.(PHY)-21- Ph.D.Physics Ph.D.(POL)-21- Ph.D POLITICAL SCIENCE Ph.D.(PSY)-21- Ph.D PSYCHOLOGY Ph.D.(PUA)-22- Public Administration Ph.D.(SAN)-18- Ph.D. Sanskrit Ph.D.(SAN)-21- Ph.D.Sanskrit Ph.D.(SOC)-18- Ph.D. Sociology Ph.D.(SOC)-21- Ph.D.Sociology Ph.D.(SOW)-21- Ph.D. SOCIAL WORK Ph.D.(TOM)-18- Ph.D. Tourism Management Ph.D.(TOM)-21- Ph.D.Tourism Management Ph.D.(YOG)-21- Ph.D YOGA Ph.D.(ZOL)-22- Zoology RTI(SEC)-23- Right to Information Select the Programme first