Designation: Assistant Professor
School : School of Sciences, Botany
Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D. (Botany)
Phone : +91-8859207240
Email : [email protected]
Dr. Saraswati Nandan Ojha is working as an Assistant professor of Department of Botany at Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani. He has to his credit more than 19 research papers, 13 research articles in International and National Journals , 01 referred book and unique Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (M&AP) germplasm (04) registered in ICAR-NBPGR, Pusa Campus, New Delhi. His current area of interests is Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Ethnobiology, Taxonomy, Documenting biodiversity related ITK, Socio-economic surveys, Developing PBRs/CBRs and management of community seed banks (CSBs) and PGR conservation.
He has an experienced as a Research Associate in National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem (NMSHE) under National Action Plane on Climate Change; Govt. of India funded “Traditional Knowledge Systems" Project. He has 10 years research experience in the field of plant genetic resources management, documentation of important community-led innovations on natural resources management including agricultural biodiversity
Dr. Ojha is reviewer of some journals and life time member of Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA)
Areas of Interest:
- Conducting biogeographic surveys and developing PBRs/CBRs.
- Conservation and promoting use of M&AP resources for livelihood security of farmer households in himalayan highlands.
- Native bioresources and their potential role in addressing community health and nutrition.
- Aspects of community empowerment and farmers’ rights.
- Teaching/imparting training in biodiversity management for capacity building of diverse stakeholders.
Award: Young Scientist Award – 2012, awarded by Uttarakhand State Council for Science & Technology (UCOST), Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of Uttarakhand, Deharadun, Uttarakhand.
PUBLICATIONS: (A) Research Papers (20) |
1. |
Ojha, S.N., Anand, A., Sundriyal, R.C. and Arya, D. Traditional dietary knowledge of marginal hill community in the central Himalaya: Implications for food, nutrition and medicinal security. Front. Pharmacol. 2022.12:789360. Doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.789360. IF-5.81(SCI). |
Ojha, S.N., Tiwari, D., Anand, A. and Sundriyal, R.C. 2020. Ethnomedicinal knowledge of a marginal hill community of Central Himalaya: Diversity, usage pattern and conservation concerns. J. Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine. 16:29. IF-2.50(SCI) & 8.18 (NAAS). |
3. |
Negi, K.S., Tiwari, V., Mehta, P.S., Rawat, R., Ojha, S.N. and Bisht, I.S. 2016. Botanical identity of seasonal flowering plants available and maintained in the home gardens of district Nainital, Uttarakhand. J. of Non-Timber Forest Products. 23(2):1-4. IF-3.59 (NAAS). |
4. |
Rana, J.C., Sharma, T.R., Tyagi, R.K., Chahota, R.K., Gautam, N.K., Singh, M., Sharma, P.N. and Ojha S.N. 2015. Characterization of 4274 accessions of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) germplasm conserved in the Indian gene bank for phenological, morphological and agricultural traits. Euphytica. 205(2): 441-457. IF-1.62 (SCI-TR); 7.62 (NAAS). |
5. |
Negi, K.S., Koranga, S.S., Ojha, S.N., Rayal, A. and Mehta, P.S. 2014. Introduction of taramira: Eruca vesicaria (L.) Cav. ssp. sativa (Mill.) Thell. in sub-temperate area of Central Himalayan Region. Indian For. 140(6): 636- 638. IF- 3.39 (NAAS). |
6. |
Mehta, P.S., Ojha, S.N., Negi, K.S., Verma, S.K., Rayal, A. and Tygai, R.K. 2014. On-farm status of rice (Oryza sativa L.) genetic resources in Garhwal Himalaya of Uttarakhand, India .Genet. Resour. Crop. Evol. 61(7):1279-1294. IF-1.26 (SCI-TR) |
7. |
Sharma, P., Rani Savita, Ojha, S.N., Sood, S.K. and Rana, J.C. 2014. Indian herbal medicine as hepetoprotective and hepatocurative: A review of scientific evidence. Life Sci. Leaflets. 49: 61-115. IF-0.92 (UIF); 3.98 (NAAS). |
8. |
Negi, K.S., Koranga, S.S., Ojha, S.N., Pandey, M.M. Rawat, A.K.S., Raina, A.P. and Rayal, A. 2014. Spiked Zinger Lily (Hedychium spicatum): Identification of superior genotypes from Indian Himalayan Region. Indian For. 140(4): 363- 367. IF- 3.39 (NAAS). |
9. |
Ojha, S.N., Negi, K.S., Tewari, L.M., Mehra, P.S., Rana, J.C., Pandey, V., Sharma, S. and Panwar, A. 2013. Variation in essential oil composition and anti-microbial activity of Indian Oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) population of Indian Himalayan Region (IHR). J. Med. Plants Res. 7 (46): 3375-3384. |
10.. |
Negi, K.S., Koranga, S.S., Ojha, S.N., Rayal, A. and Mehta, P.S. 2013. Cultural significance of Brassica nigra (L.)Koch. in Central Himalayan Region. Asian J. Agri-History, 17 (3): 275-279. IF- 3.10 (NAAS). |
11. |
Mehta, P.S., Negi, K.S. and Ojha, S.N., Rayal, A. and Verma, S.K. 2013. Herbal based traditional practices used by the Bhotias and Gangwals of the Central Himalayan Region, Uttarakhand, India. J. Environ. Nanotechnol.2(1): 83-96. IF- 0.60 (GIF, 2013). |
12. |
Ojha, S.N., Koranga, S.S., Negi, K.S., Mehta, P.S., Pandey, M.M., Rawat, A.K.S. and Tiwari, L.M. 2012. Ethno-botanical and Chemotypic Aspects of Origanum vulgare L. in Uttarakhand Himalayas. Ethnobotany. 24(1&2): 14- 19. |
13. |
Mehta, P.S., Negi, K.S., Rathi, R.S. and Ojha, S.N. 2012. Indigenous method of seed conservation and protection in Uttarakhand Himalaya. Indian J. Tradt. Knowledge. 11(2): 279-282. IF- 0.37 (SCI-TR); 6.37 (NAAS). |
14. |
Koranga, S.S., Ojha, S.N., Negi, K.S., Tiwari, L.M. and Rawat, A.K.S. 2011. Bold Seeded Spiked Zinger Lily (Hedychium spicatum Buch.-Ham. ex J. E. Smith). Seed Res. 39 (2): 203-208. IF- 4.72 (NAAS). |
15. |
Negi, K.S., Ojha, S.N. and Koranga, S.S. 2010. Cultivation, propagation and biotechnology of commercially important medicinal and aromatic plants of Uttarakhand Himalaya, National seminar on Medicinal Plants of Himalaya; Potential and Prospectus, (Souvenir), Organized by CCRAS, Department of Ayush, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India, Pp 73-88. |
16. |
Mehta, P.S., Negi, K.S. and Ojha, S.N. 2010. Native plant genetic resources and traditional foods of Uttarakhand Himalaya for sustainable food security and livelihood. Indian J. Nat. Prod. Resour. 1(1): 89-96. |
17. |
Mehta, P.S., Kumar, D., Ojha, S.N. and Negi, K.S. 2010. On-farm dynamics of wheat genetic resources in Nainital district of Uttarakhand. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour. 24(3): 305-308. IF- 5.12 (NAAS). |
18. |
Mehta, P.S., Negi, K.S., Trivedi, A.K. and Ojha, S.N. 2010. On-farm management of rice varieties in Kumaon Himalayas of Uttarakhand. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour. 23(1): 126-131. IF- 5.12 (NAAS). |
19 |
Ojha, S.N., Mehta, P.S., Negi, K.S. and Koranga, S.S. 2010. Germination potential of Jatropha curcas L. seeds under orientation, depth and stress level conditions. J. Non-Timber For. Products. 17(1): 75-79. IF- 3.59 (NAAS). |
20 |
Mehta, P.S., Rathi, R.S., Negi, K.S. and Ojha, S.N. 2009. Farmer’s criteria for naming crop varieties: A case study on rice varieties in Kumaon Himalaya of Uttarakhand. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour. 22(3): 215-220. IF- 5.12 (NAAS). |
(B) Popular Research Articles (12) |
1. |
Pandey D., Ojha, S.N. and Sundriyal, R.C. 2017. Prawatiya Kshetra main Krishi Jaiv-Vividhata ke Sanrakshana hetu Sanskritik wa Paramparik pahal. Hima Prabha. 9: 59-62. |
2. |
Negi, K.S., Verma, S.K., Tiwari V., Rawat R., Mehta, P.S., Arya, R.R. and Ojha, S.N. 2016. Bhura delicious apple- Kumaun region farmer’s variety. ICAR News. 22(3): 21-22. |
3. |
Tiwari V., Negi, K.S., Rawat R., Ojha, S.N., Mehta, P.S. and Chandra, S. 2016. Plant wealth in home gardens from Dhari block of Uttarakhand. ICAR News,. 22(2): 13-14. |
4. |
Negi, K. S., Ojha, S.N., Koranga, S.S., Rayal, A. and Mehta, P.S. 2015. Sweet basil ki Saundhrya udhyog mai badti mang. Kheti. 66(10): 18-22. |
5. |
Ojha, S.N., Negi, K.S. and Rawat, R. 2014. Introduction of Mexican sun flower: Tithonia rotundifolia (Mill.) S. F. Blake. Oaks. 10: 31-32. |
6. |
Negi, K.S., Ojha, S.N. and Tiwari, V. 2014.Unique and less-known wild edible fleshy root: Kandmool. Oaks, 10: 32-33. |
7. |
Negi, K.S., Ojha, S.N., Koranga, S.S., Rawat, A.K.S., Pandey, M.M., and Raina, A. 2013. NKO-68 (IC 589087/INGR13046) Oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) for high percentage of phenolic compound thymol and high yield of essential oil. Indian. J. Plant Genet. Resour. 26(3): 259-260. |
8. |
Negi, K.S., Ojha, S.N., Koranga, S.S., Rawat, A.K.S., Srivastava, S. and Raina, A. 2013. MMBO-3055 (IC589079/INGR13018) Oregano (Origanum vulgare) germplasm with high carvacrol content. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour. 26(2): 182- 183. |
9. |
Negi, K.S., Koranga, S.S., Ojha, S.N., Rayal, A., Pandey, M.M., Rawat, A.K.S. and Mehta, P.S. 2012. Indian Valerian from Central Himalayan Region. ICAR News. (19)3: 17-18. |
10. |
Ojha, S.N., Negi, K.S., Koranga, S.S., Rayal, A. and Mehta. P.S. 2012. Aushadhiya guno se bharpur: Van-Tulsi. Kheti. 65(1): 21-23. |
11 |
Negi, K.S., Ojha, S.N., Koranga, S.S., Rawat, A.K.S., Pandey, M.M., Srivastava, S., Sharma, N. and Raina, A. 2011. Oregano superior genotypes on the basis of chemotypic variations. ICAR News. 17(3): 08. |
12 |
Negi, K.S., Koranga, S.S., Ojha, S.N. and Mehta, P.S. 2010. Aamdani: Aushadiya karchoor. Kheti. 63(2): 25-27. |
13 |
Archana, P. Raina, Negi, K.S., Mishra, S.K., Koranga, S.S., Ojha, S.N. 2010. Chemical characterization of aromatic plants from Central Himalayas. ICAR News. 16 (4): 6-7. |
(C) Book: (01) |
Bisht, Deepa, Bisht, D.S., Ojha, S.N., Dhaila, PS. and Bhojak, Deepti. 2020. Safalta Ki Kahani Krisako Ki Jubani. G. B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment, Kosi-Katarmal, Almora. ISSN No. 9789354070655. |
S.N. |
Plant species |
Criteria for registration |
Status |
1. |
Lavendula stoechas L. (Franch lavender), IC 449512. |
High Camphor content (52.12%) in essential oil |
Registered (INGR 10160) |
2. |
Origanum vulgare L. (Oregano) IC589087/NKO-68. |
High Thymol content (85.87%) in essential oil. |
Registered (INGR 13046) |
3. |
Origanum vulgare L. (Oregano) IC589079/MMBO-3055. |
High Carvacrol content (63.6%) in essential oil |
Registered (INGR 13018) |
4. |
Hedychium spicatum Buch.-Ham. ex J. E. Smith, (Spiked Zinger Lily), IC573223/NKO-24. |
For bold seeds, early emergence and late senescence. |
Registered (INGR 13069) |
Title | Language | Audio file |
विश्व प्रकृति संरक्षण दिवस पर सुनें डा. सरस्वती नंदन ओझा को | Hindi | |
पौंधों का संरक्षण क्यों जरूरी सुनें डा. सरस्वती नंदन ओझा को | Hindi | |
एरोमैटिक प्लांट्स को जानें डा. सरस्वती नंदन ओझा के साथ | Hindi | |
नव वर्ष में प्रकृति संरक्षण का संदेश | Hindi | |
Nature Conservation Day | Hindi |