Designation: Assistant Professor (AC)
School : School of Education, Education
Qualification: M.A. M.Ed. U.G.C.N.E.T. (Education) PhD. (Education)
Phone : +919412040817
Email : [email protected]
Dr. Dinesh Chandra Kandpal is working as an Assistant Professor (AC) in the School of Education also having more than 7 years of teaching experience in Teacher Training colleges affiliated by Kumaun University.
Dinesh Chandra Kandpal, Ashok Upreti
“The effectiveness of the rte in elementary Schools of uttarakhand”
KIJAHS/APR-jun2016/VOL-3/ISS-2/A24 ISSN:2348-4349 impact factor(2016) – 6.8712
Dinesh Chandra Kandpal, Mamta Kandpal
“A comparative study of left handed adolescent and right handed adolescent student with regards to socio psychological variable and their academic achievements”
E- ISSN 2278 - 8808 & P-ISSN 2319-4766, SJIF 2015: 5.403 JULY-AUG, 2016 Volume 4, Issue 25, Released On 04/09/2016
Dinesh Chandra Kandpal, Dr. Praveen Kumar Tiwari
“A comparative study of left- handed and right- handed adolescent students in relation to their intellectual ability”
E- ISSN 2278 - 8808& P-ISSN 2319-4766, SJIF 2016:6.177 UGC APPROVED SR. NO. 49366Nov-dec, 2017 volume 4, issue 37, released on 04/01/2018