Designation: Assistant Professor (AC)
School : School of Social Science, History
Qualification: BSc (Life Science), MA (History), UGC NET (History)
Phone : 9015285461
Email : [email protected]
Vikas Joshi is associated with Department of History (School of Social Science) Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani Nainital. Before joining Uttarakhand Open University, Mr. Joshi was associated with ‘Drishti IAS’, a reputed educational institution in Delhi/NCR Region.
National/International Conference
- Worked as Moderator in International Lecture Series organized by Department of History, PG College Doshapani on Aug. 2022
- Participated in national conference titled 'पिछले ७५वर्षों में भारत में महिला सशक्तिकरण'organized by Department of Political Science, Uttarakhand Open University on Aug 2022
- Participated in national conference titled ‘पिछले 75 वर्षों में भारत की संवैधानिक संस्थाओं का विकास” by Department of Political Science, Uttarakhand Open University on Aug 2022
- Participated in national conference titled ‘Data for Sustainable Development (सतत विकास के लिए आँकड़े) by Department of Economics, Uttarakhand Open University on June 2022
- Present a poem at Srajan Australia International e-journal on 23 April 2022
- Paper Presented and Participated on International Conference on Positive Parenting (ICPP-2022) organised by the Department of Psychology and the IQAC, Christ Nagar College, Maranalloor, Trivandrum in association with Assumption University of Thailand & Professional Psychologists of Kerala on 23 and 24 February 2022
Title | Language | Audio file |
अंतरिक्ष अन्वेषण दिवस (20 जुलाई) | Hindi | |
वेब सीरीज पर सुनें यूओयू फैकल्टी को | Hindi | |
उत्तराखण्ड की लोक-संस्कृति के विभिन्न आयाम | Hindi | |
प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं में इतिहास और मनोविज्ञान विषय की भूमिका | Hindi |