Designation: Assistant Professor (AC)
School : School of Social Science, Psychology
Qualification: PhD and PGDCP
Phone : 8171754094
Email : [email protected]
Dr. Ruchi Tewari is working as an Assistant Professor (AC) of Psychology Department at Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani. She has been credited more than 10 research papers in International and National journals and Books. Her current area of interests is clinical psychology, Positive psychology, Cross- cultural Psychology and counselling psychology.
- Work Experience -Worked as Research Associate in the ICSSR project – Feb.-2009 to Jan.-2011 at Department of Psychology, Kumaun University.
- Paper published in “International Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanities” on “Organizational Stress and its Effects on Organizational Performance”.
- Paper published in “PARIPEX – Indian Journal of Research Vol. 7 Issue 12” on “Impact of Culture and Climate Supportiveness on Academic Stress and Stress Management: A Developmental Analysis”.
- Paper published in “International Journal of Social Sciences Review Vol. 7 Issue 1” on “Developmental Impact of Cultural Variation and Climate Supportiveness on Academic Motivation”.
- Paper published in edited volume, “Mental Health: Psychological Perspective Vol. 5” on “Academic Anxiety in Adolescents: A Cultural Analysis”.
- Four Chapter published in book Research design and data interpretation on
- Introduction including ethnography
- Grounded theory
- Discourse analysis
- Reporting and evaluating qualitative research.
- Chapter published in book Cognitive Psychology: Intellectual process on Artificial intelligence and computational approaches.
- Paper presented in 4th International Conference under Psychology and Allied Sciences on “Improving quality of life in School and Home: A developmental Analysis”.
- Paper presented in National Seminar under Self and Emotions in Social Contexts on “Self-Efficacy beliefs in Academic Motivation”.
- Paper presented in National Seminar under Self and Emotions in Social Contexts on “Psychological Differentiation in Cross Cultural Perspective”.
- Organize and also delivered lecture and practical workshop on Verbal Intelligence test and Mental Health in MBPG College, Haldwani
- Organize and also delivered online lecture and practical workshop on Verbal Intelligence test.
- Attended online workshop on Technology to reach and Teach the learners during COVID-19 organised by Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani
- Attended webinar on COVID-19 Outbreak and Beyond: Mental Health and Wellbeing of Students organised by Bhaskaracharya Study Chair, Karnataka State Akkamahadevi Women’s University, Vijayapura.
- Attended webinar on Indian Psychology organised by Dept. of Ashtang Yoga, Lakulish Yoga University, Ahmedabad.
- Attended webinar on Facilitating Values in Children during COVID -19 organised by Community Psychology Association of India.
- Attended webinar on New education Policy 2020 organised by RISHIKULSHALA.
- Participated in the 5 Day Faculty Development Programme in R Programming organised by Uttarakhand Science Education and Research Centre, Department of Information & Science Technology, Govt. of Uttarakhand with IIT Mumbai
- Participated in Virtual workshop on ICT enabled research during COVID pandemic organised by Staff training and research institution of distance education, IGNOU, New Delhi.
- Participated in 5-day faculty development program on online teaching and assessment using Moodle organised by School of computer science & IT and online program, Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani