Designation: Assistant Professor (AC)
School : School of Health Sciences, Home Science
Qualification: Ph.D. NET
Phone : 05946286055
Email : [email protected]
Brief Profile
- Earned the doctorate in Human Nutrition from the Department of Foods and Nutrition at G..B.Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India.
- Ph.D. research work is an intervention study to find out the health benefits of dietary fiber found in green gram husk.
- Currently working at Department of Home Science, Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani.
- Research interests include Therapeutic Nutrition, Food Analysis and Community Nutrition.
Publications :
Research papers:
- “Fiber Rich Green Gram Husk for alleviation of constipation and other associated symptoms” Journal of Progressive Research, Volume 11(1), January, 2016.
- “Fiber rich snack food products incorporated with green gram husk and their suitability for diabetics” in Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research Vol. 34, No. 4, December 2015.
- “Development of low glycemic index green gram husk incorporated fiber rich food products and their intervention for health benefits’ in International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Volume 3, Issue 6, Oct-Dec, 2014.
- “Chemical and physicochemical evaluation of green gram husk” in Pantnagar Journal of Research, Volume 8(2), July-December, 2010.
- “Quality characteristics of chick pea and wheat grown by inorganic and organic farming” in Journal of Eco-friendly Agriculture, Volume 1, No.1, 2006.
Abstracts in Conferences/Seminars:
- “Food Labeling Regulations in India: A Guide to Food Safety” at National Seminar on “Biotechnology: Resource Management for Sustainable Nature in 21st Century” organized by Indian Society of Genetics, Biotechnology Research and Development, Agra during 22nd to 23rd April, 2017.
- “Food and Nutrition Security in Uttarakhand: Role of Government Programmes” at National Seminar on “Traditional Knowledge and Health Seeking Practices among the Himalayan Region Communities” organized by School of Social Sciences, Uttarakhand Open University during 4th- 5th March, 2016.
- “Development of low glycemic index green gram husk incorporated fiber rich food products and their intervention for health benefits” at ICMR, DST and DBT Sponsored 5th International Conference on Advances in Food Technology and Health Sciences (ICFTHS-2014) at JNU, New Delhi during 15-16th October, 2014.
- “Green gram husk incorporated high fiber food products and their evaluation for sensory parameters” at 6th Uttarakhand State Science and Technology Congress – 2011 at Kumaon university, S.S.J. Campus, Almora, Uttarakhand, India during 14-16 November, 2011.
- “Nutritional evaluation and glycemic index of green gram husk incorporated high fiber food products” at 43rd Annual National conference of the ‘Nutrition Society of India’ at NIN, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India during 11-12 November, 2011.
- “Quality and safety of market vs home made carrot halwa” at National Seminar on Nutritional Strategies for Improving Quality of Life, September 11-12, 2009 at GBPUAT, Pantnagar (Udham Singh Nagar), Uttarakhand, India.
- “Effect of packaging material on shelf life of soy enriched products” at 3rd Uttarakhand State Science and Technology Congress, 10-11 November, 2008 at IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India.