Designation: Associate Professor
School : School of Sciences, Department of Zoology
Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D. Zoology (Entomology)
Phone : 9758936059
Email : [email protected]
Dr. Pravesh Kumar Sehgal is working in School of Science, Dept. of Zoology, Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani, Distt Nainital (Uttarakhand). Dr Pravesh Kumar Sehgal completed Ph.D. in Zoology 2008. His work area of research was Entomology. He has more than thirteen (13) years of teaching and research experience in various organizations of repute for PG & UG programmes of Zoology and Entomology. He is also associated with many renowned National and International Journals as Lead Editor /reviewer /editorial board member. Around 10 UGC approved and care list; more than 15 Scopus indexed and other reputed National /International Journal research publications are credited to him. He has published 15 book National level with ISBN number.
Research Areas: Zoology /Entomology /Wild life
National and International Awards:
1. Excellence in Teaching Award, 2018 (National Award).
2. Scientist of the Year Award, 2019 (International Award).
1Fellow –F.S.E.Z. R
2.Indian Society of Weed Science (Jabalpur)
3. Astha Foundation Meerut and (ATDS Ghaziabad).
- Sehgal P.K (2021 Jan) Different food plant and feeding preference of Chrysocoris stolli Wolf (Heteroptera-Pentatomidae-Scutellerinae). International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews.E-ISSN 2348-1269. Impact factor 5.75, Volume 8, Issue 1, January. Pp 356-365
- Sehgal P.k (2018 Feb).Study of feeding behaviors’ and feeding preference of different food plants of Chrysocoris stolli Wolf (Heteroptera-Pentatomidae-Scutellerinae). International Journal of Entomology Research. ISSN 2455-4758, Impact factor 5.24, Volume 3, Issue 1, month of JAN-Feb. Pp- 13-18.
- Sehgal P.k. (2017May). Study of rostrum and antennae male female and all instars of Chrysocoris stolli Wolf (Heteroptera-Pentatomidae-Scutellerinae). International Journal of Current Advanced Research (IJCAR). ISSN 2319-6475. Volume 6. Issue 3. Impact factor 5.995. pp.2341-2346.
- Sehgal P.k. (2017 May) -Study of Incubation period and hatching of Chrysocoris stolli Wolf. (Heteroptera-Pentatomidae-Scutellerinae). International Journal of Current Research (IJCR). ISSN:0975-833X.Volume 9, Issue, 05, pp.50870-50973.
- Sehgal P. K and Dhiman S.C (2016). Description of Nymphal Instars Chrysocoris stolli Wolf (Heteroptera-Pentatomidae-Scutellerinae). International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2014): 5.611 pp-723-729.
- Sehgal P. K and Dhiman S.C (2016, January). Study of population of dyanamics of Chrysocoris stolli wolf (Heteroptera_Pentatomidae -Scutellerinae). International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences. 2016 Jan; 7(1): (B). Pp -491-501 Impact factors 5.121.
- Sehgal P. K (2016). Study of Phototoxic and Chemitotoxic Response of Chrysocoris stolli Wolf (Heteroptera_Pentatomidae – Scutellerinae) . International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Index Copernicus Value (2015). Impact Factor 6. 391.Pp-510-514.
- Sehgal P.K and Dhiman S.C (2015 April). Effect of temperature and relative humidity on the occurrence of Chrysocoris stolli Wolf (Heteroptera-Pentatomidae –Scutellerinae) a potential bio control agent of Cassia occidentaliesEuropean Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience. ISSN: 2321-9122. Volume 3. Issue 4, pp 14-18.
- Kumar P and Dhiman S.C. (2013 March) Oviposition, Fecundity and egg structure of Chrysocoris stolli Wolf(Heteroptera_Pentatomidae – Scutellerinae), International Journals of Zoology and research. ISSN: 2278-8816(Vol. 3, Issue 1 Mar–2013 PP-27-34.
- Kumar P. & Dhiman S.C. (2013 June) Chrysocoris stolli Wolf, A Sap Feeder Pentatomidae Bug on the Weed in North Western Districts of Uttar Pradesh, International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research. ISSN 2250-0057, Vol-3, Issue 2, June 2013.Pp-89-92.
- Kumar P. & Dhiman S.C. (2013 March) Bio-control agents of Chrysocoris stolli Wolf (Heteroptera –Pentatomidae). Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. ISSN 0975-8585, Volume -4, Issue 1, Pp-958-963.
- Kumar. P. & Dhiman S.C. (2013 July) Some Ethological aspects of Chrysocoris stolli Wolf (Heteroptera- Pentatomidae-Scutellerinae ) .Research and Reviews: Journal of Zoological Sciences .ISSN 2321-6190.Volum 1,Issu 1, .Pp-8-12.
- Dhiman S.C. and Kumar P. (2006.) Food plants and seasonal occurrence of Chrysocoris stolli Wolf. (Heteroptera – Pentatomidae – Scutellerinae). Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology. ISBN 81: 900101-7-9. Vol 2, Pp-47-50
- Dhiman, S.C. and Kumar. P. (2008). Copulatory behaviour of Chrysocoris stolli Wolf. (Hepteroptera-Pentatomidae -Scutellerinae). Polyphagous pests. ISSN: 0972-0030 Journal of Experimental Zoology India. Vol.11, Issue 2, Pp-439-444.
- S.C Dhiman and Kumar, P. (2008) Biocontrol agent of Chrysocoris stolli Wolf and their biocontrol efficacy. ISSN 0972-0030 Journal of Experimental Zoology India.Vol.11, Issue 2, Pp-419-422.
- 7th National Symposium. On Indian Entomology: Productivity and Health (A silver jubilee celebration), 2 – 4 October, 2005, held by the Uttar Pradesh Zoological Society Muzaffarnagar, 251001, India, at Jai Ram Ashram No. – 3, Bhim Goda Road, Haridwar.
- National Symposium on “Role of Applied Zoology in Food Production and Human Health”, 23 – 24 December, 2006. Organized by Department of Zoology, M.S. (P.G.) College, Saharanpur-247001, and India.
- National Seminar on “Threats: Global Warning to Global Warming (Sponsored by U.G.C. & C.S.I.R.)”, 31 March, 2007.Organized by department of Zoology, K.L.D.A.V. (P.G.) College Roorkee.
- AZRA “National Conference “Applied Zoology and sustainable development 13 – 14 July 2007, held by, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hydrabad-500007(India). National Seminar on “Ailing Earth and Health Threats” 19 – 20 December, 2007. Organized by department of Zoology D.N. (P.G.) College, (B++ NAAC ACCREDITED) Meerut (UP).
- Biennial conference on “Weed Management in Modern Agriculture: Emerging challenges and opportunities 27 – 28 February, 2008. Jointly organized by Indian Society of Weed Science. National Research Center for Weed Science, Jabalpur (M.P.). Rajendra Agricultural University Pusa, (Bihar).
- National Symposium on Advances in Zoology and Applied Sciences 7-8 April, 2016.Sponsored by UCOST Uttarakhand and Organized by Dolphin (pg) Institute of Biomedical and Natural Science, Dehradun, Uttarakhand.
- International Seminar on The Himalayan Challenge Towards Interdisciplinary Dialogues for Sustainability and Development 29 November to 1 December, 2017.Organized by Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University, Badshahithaul Tehri Garhwal in Collaboration with Doon University, Dehradun
- International Conference on Global Research Initiatives for Sustainable Agricultural and Allied Sciences 2-4 December 2017 held at Maharana Pratap University of Agricultural and Technology, Udaipur (Rajasthan). India: Organized by Astha Foundation, Meerut (up) India
Title | Language | Audio file |
पेट के कीड़ों पर सुनें डा. प्रवेश कुमार सहगल को | Hindi | |
मच्छरों के बारे में कुछ रोचक तथ्य सुनें डा. प्रवेश कुमार सहगल के साथ | Hindi |