Designation: Assistant Professor
School : School of Social Science, Psychology
Qualification: MA (Psychology), MBA (HRM), UGC NET (HRM), Ph.D (Psychology)
Phone : 8439139092
Email : [email protected]
Dr. Lalit Mohan Pant is associated with Department of Psychology (School of Social Science) Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani Nainital. Before joining Uttarakhand Open University, Dr. Pant worked with various reputed institutions/university in northern region of India. He has credited more than ten research papers/chapters published in National and International Journals and two refereed books. Human Resources Management, Organizational/Industrial Psychology, Positive Psychology, Mental Health and Suicide Prevention are some of his area of Interest. Dr. Lalit Mohan Pant is voluntarily associated with Department of Psychology, Miranda House New Delhi (DU Campus) as a Tele-Counsellor and as a Conference Reviewer at Symbiosis Pune.
- Paper Published in International Conference Proceeding(ISBN: 9789387748361)(Proceedings on International E-Conference on Innovation in Rural Empowerment, Social Dynamics and Welfare in India) titled “Rural Development: Role of Women In Entrepreneurial Initiatives with Special Reference to Uttarakhand” organized by Department of Management Studies, Nandha College of Technology, Erode, Tamilnadu in association with AICTE New Delhi on Sep. 15, 2020. Pp 17
2. Paper published“fodykax ckydksa ds izfr lh0ch0,l0bZ0 cksMZ ,oa ;w0 ih0 cksMZ ds f'k{kdksa dh vfHko`fÙk dk rqyukRed v/;;u” in Unmilan Journal by Darshan Pratishthan (UGC Care Journal), ISSN No. 0974-0053, Vol. 23, Issue-06, pp: 13-24, June 2020
3. Paper published titled “Problem of Migration in Almora District with special reference to Chaukhutia Block” in IJM (Invertis Journal of Management), ISSN No.: 0975-6310 (P), Vol-12, No. 01, pp. 7-18, Jan-June 2020
4. Paper published titled “Information Communication Technology and Their Need and Access by Tourists in Nainital” in IJM (Invertis Journal of Management), ISSN No.: 0975-6310 (P), Vol-11, No.-2, pp. 59-68, July to Dec 2019,
- Paper published titled “Management of Mental Health through Positive Therapy: A Study of Government Teachers in Haldwani Region” in International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138, Volume.6, Issue 2, Page No pp.331-337, June 2019
- Paper published titled “Jobless Growth in India” in Shodhmanthan (Peer Reviewed UGC approved Journal), ISSN No. (p) 0976-5255, (e) 2454-339x, Vol.-X, Special Issue-09, June-2019, page 39-44
- Paper published titled “The Impact of Cell Phone on Social Competence: A Case Study of Professional College Students in Haldwani Region” published in JETIR(Journal of Emerging Technologies & Innovative Research(peer reviewed & UGC approved Journal, ISSN: 2349-5162, Vol.: 06, Issue: 02, Feb-2019, page no: 347-354.
- Paper published “Impact of New Economic Policy on Agricultural Development with Special Reference to Uttar Pradesh” in Global Journal of Current Research(UGC approved Journal), Vol. 06, No. 04, 2018, page no.124-131
- Paper published titled “Education & Migration: with Special reference to Uttarakhand” edited book on “Migration from Indian Himalayan Region: Challenges & Strategies” JPC Publishing New Delhi, Nov. 2018, page no.: 107, ISBN: 978-93-85437-17-5
- Paper published titled “Jan Man Gan & Amar Sonar Bangla” edited book on Ravindra Nath Tagore, JPC Publishing New Delhi, May 2018, page no.: 82, ISBN: 987-93-85437-15-1
- Paper published titled “Management Education in India: Problems & Prospects with reference to Indian Industries” in Shodh-Sandhan Vol. 01, Issue 01, Jan-Feb 2016 ISSN No.: 2455-4804
- Paper published titled “Relevance of Management Education in the era of globalization” in ETMT 2014 (Seminar-Proceeding) page no: 153, ISBN 978-81-923750-21