Designation: Assistant Professor
School : School of Education, Education
Qualification: M.Sc.(Organic Chemistry).M.Ed. Ph.D.(Education),USET.
Phone :
Email : [email protected]
Research field: Teacher Education , Science education, Education technology, Child Psychology, Inclusive education ,Women empowerment. Open and distance learning
Dr Lakhera has published 21 research papers in UGC care listed journals, referred journals with high impact factor. Presented papers in national and international seminars, webinars, conferences, workshops & Chaired sessions in National seminars/webinars. Besides her academic responsibilities she performs administrative duties with perfection.
She has Completed successfully Orientation Programme & Refresher Course in teacher education with grade ‘A’ from Kumaun University Nainital. Participated and completed successfully Swayam Arpit online Refresher Course Certification for career Advancement Scheme(CAS) in Education(Concerns in Educational research &Assessment ).Completed successfully 5 faculty development programs. Delivered more than 20 lectures as invited speaker and resource person in various academic platforms. Delivered radio talks on curricular and current issues of prior concern &video lectures on topics of education technology, science teaching, inclusive education &science teaching.
Research and Publication
- Published a research paper on “Teacher’s role in 21st century and reforms in Teacher education with reference to NEP 2020”,Shodhdrishti,UGC approved journal No.49321,an International Peer reviewed referral research journal vol-13, no-4, Impact factor 5.427,ISSN;0976-6650,April 2022 pp 83-89.
Published a research paper on “A study of reforms in Indian school curriculum; Regional perspective in Journal of education; Ravindra Bharti University ISSN;0972-7175impact factor 5.8 vol ;xxiv,no8, Peer reviewed and referred,2021-2022,pp117-125.
- Published a research paper on “भारत मे शिक्षक शिक्षा; कुछ नीतिगत मुद्दे एवं चुनौतियां” दृष्टिकोण कला ,मानविकी ,एवं वाणिज्य की मानक शोध पत्रिका ,वर्ष 13 अंक 1 जनवरी-फरवरी 2021 ISSN0975-119X impact factor 5.051,pp3544- 3549.
- Published a research paper on “भारत मे शिक्षक शिक्षा का वर्तमान परिदृश्य” दृष्टिकोण कला ,मानविकी ,एवं वाणिज्य की मानक शोध पत्रिका ,वर्ष 12 अंक 2 मार्च -अप्रैल 2020 ISSN0975-119X impact factor 5.051,pp2227-2231.
- Published a research paper on “Analytical study of provisions of NEP 2020” on edited book National education policy 2020 Perspectives and Prospects published by Pacific book international ISBN;978-81-949776-4-3.New Delhi 2021.
- Published a research paper on “Feminism in Indian context and its relevance at present time” in edited book by Pacific book international ISBN;978-81-949776-4-3.New Delhi 2021.
- Published a research paper “Role of Panchayat Raj system in Women Empowerment” in edited book Contemporary research papers in social sciences, Panchayat raj system with special reference to Uttarakhand Kumud Publications ISBN978-81-946183-7-9 pp145-151,2020.
- Published a research paper “Role of NGO’S to awaking and educating in Panchayat Raj Institutions” in edited book Contemporary research papers in social sciences, Panchayat raj system with special reference to Uttarakhand Kumud Publications ISBN978-81-946183-7-9 pp172-176,2020.
- Published a research paper “Sensitization towards issues and challenges of water resources through syllabi at school level” in Manglam, A Peer reviewed Journal impact factor 6.014 ISSN-0976-8149.pp18-24February 2020.
- Published research paper “Women Empowerment :a critical analysis” in Human rights initiatives, a peer reviewed,volume12 no-22-23 June 2020,ISSN:0975-0541.
- Published a research paper in “ Technology Enabled learning during covid-19 Prospect and challenges with special reference to Uttarakhand” Journal of Uttarakhand Academy of Administration (JUAAN),Nainital ISSN:2582-5798 (Online)pp15-22 July-Sep 2020.
- Published a paper on “New Education Policy 2020-Teacher Education” on International Research Journal of Education and Technology Peer reviewed ISSN2581-7795(online) ,19/12/2020.
- Published a research paper on “A conceptual study of attitude towards modernization” in international double blind Peer reviewed referred indexed research journal research analysis and evaluation impact factor 6.315(sjif)pp31-36 Issue-12 Vol-1 ISSN0975-3486 E—ISSN-2320-5482 RNIRAJBIL Dec 2020.
- Published a research paper on “Innovation in Assessment and Evaluation ”in on line International Interdisciplinary Research journal impact factor 6.375 vol 10/issue-05/sep-oct2020,ISSN22499598P.pp 66-71.
- Published a research paper “Education Technology and Technologies in Education” in Pankhuri an interdisciplinary journal peer reviewed/referred research journal vol.5 Issue2 Jan- Dec 2019 ISSN2454-3950.pp 01-07.
- Published a research paper “Anxiety-A Theoretical analysis” in Quest inter disciplinary journal September -December 2018 ISSN0974-5041.pp 241-246.
- Presented a research paper in National Webinar on Climate Change, Mitigation, relevance of Gandhian Approach in Climate change and the role of civil society in Environmental protections organized by Dayal Singh College, University of Delhi on 30 Jan,2022.
- Presented a research paper in 24 IDEA National Conference on Emerging Perspectives of Open and Distance learning, On Technology enabled learning during COVID-19 organized by University of Mumbai Institute of Distance and Open Learning in association with IDEA,CEMCA on 18 July, 2020.
- Presented a research paper on forest fire and climate change challenges and solution with special reference to Uttarakhand in National seminar organized by HVMPG College Raisi(Haridwar)Uttarakhand 14-15 February, 2020.
- Presented a research paper on strengths, competencies and abilities of teachers in National webinar on Progression and innovation in Higher education organized by IQAC,M.B.G.PG College Haldwani, sponsored by Department of Higher education Govt of Uttarakhand 16 November ,2019.
- Presented a research paper on Women empowerment; a critical analysis in international conference on tourism ,economics and women empowerment organized by GPG College Lohaghat in collaboration of FATER Academy of India on 05 June-7 June 2019
- Presented a research paper In International Seminar on challenges of ecosystem and environment towards sustainable development in topic sensitization towards issues and challenges of water resources organized by GPG College Bilaspur Rampur &Paryavaran Mitra Samitti on,22September, 2019.
Presented a research paper sensitization through syllabi at school level on National seminar water the animated life challenges and solutions organized by UPSA &HRDC Kumaun University Nainital sponsored by UCOST on8-9 March, 2019.
- Presented a research paper on forest fire and climate change challenges and solution with special reference to Uttarakhand in National seminar organized by HVMPG College Raisi(Haridwar)Uttarakhand 14-15 February 2020.
- Chaired a session in the two days national seminar on Role of NEP 2019;approach to teacher education approved by CRE status of RCI on New Education Policy,2019 and its impact on disability studies at Doon University Campus organized by Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani from 14 Mar-15 Mar2020.
Orientation, Refresher, Faculty Development Programs –
- Participated and completed successfully Faculty development programme for Developing online courses for Swayam organized by School of Computer Science & IT and Online programme cell Uttarakhand Open University in collaboration with Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia from 21June -05 July 2021.
- Participated and completed successfully Refresher Course with grade ‘A’ in Teacher Educator from 09 March-24 March 2021 HRDC Kumaun University Nainital scheduled from 09th March -23rd March, 2021.
- Participated and completed successfully faculty development programme on ,”ICT enabled Research during Covid Pandemic “Organized by STRIDE IGNOU from 24-30 September, 2020
- Participated as ereppoteur in faculty development programme on ,”ICT enabled Research during Covid Pandemic “Organized by STRIDE IGNOU from 24-30 September, 2020.
- Participated and completed successfully in 5-Day Faculty Development Program on Online Teaching and Assessment using Moodle Organized by School of Computer Science & IT and Online Program Cell Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani in collaboration with Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia, New Delhi, from 26June-30June2020
- Participated and completed successfully 5 days faculty Development Programme in ‘R’ Programming organized by USERC,Department of Information &Computer ;Science Technology Govt of Uttarakhand with IIT Mumbai spoken tutorial ;School of Computer science&IT,Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani from15June-19June2020.
- Participated and completed successfully Orientation Programme with ‘A’ grade from HRDC Kumaun University Nainital from 01March-30March 2019.
Delivered lectures
- Delivered a lecture on Pre Ph.D. course work on research methodology organized S.V.G.P.G.C.Lohaghat, sponsored by S.S.J.University Almora on 30 May,2022.
- Delivered a lecture on the topic, Inclusive Education in lecture series organized by B.Ed.Deptt.Govt.P.G.College Haldwani on 8Sep,2021.
- Invited Speaker on topic ‘Perspective of Inclusive Education in ODL’ on National Conference on Inclusive Online organized by National Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Visual Disabilities, Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities ,Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment ,Govt.of India &Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani, CRE status accredited by RCI, New Delhi from 24Aug-25Aug,2021.
- Delivered a lecture as resource person on topic building mental and emotional resilience in online webinar on psychological issues related to mental health& role of Psychologist organized by Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani, approved by CRE status by RCI, New Delhi from19-21 July 2021.
- Delivered a lecture on types of Qualitative research on virtual workshop of research methodology for research scholars sponsored by ICSSR New Delhi organized jointly by Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani &MBPG College Haldwani on 25 April 2021.
- Delivered lecture on mental health and well-being in National seminar on challenges related to Mental well-being of Divyangjan in corona period and their therapeutic rehabilitation approved CRE status by RCI, New Delhi and organized by Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani on 24 January 2021.
- Delivered online lecture in national webinar on online teaching and use of technology in higher education organized by school of education Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani 17 June 2020.
- Delivered online lecture in National webinar on “E- learning tools for 21 century learners” organized by school of education Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani on 6 June 2020.
- Invited speaker in National webinar on covid 19 and higher education in India: Issues and challenges organized by IQAC &Career Guidance cell Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay Govt .Degree College Palahipatti Varanasi affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidhyapith Varanasi on2-3July2020.
- Delivered lecture as resource person in National Webinar on Online teaching and use of technology in Higher Education in topic; Online resources and their relevance in Higher education in present context. organized by School of Education, Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani on 17 June2020.
- Delivered lecture in online webinar on NEP 2020 organized by SSDPC, PG College Roorkee ,affiliated to HNB Garhwal central University Srinagar Garhwal on 28 November 2020.
- Delivered lectures in topic-Philosophical research, case study, Phenomenological research, Ethnographical research ,Ethnomethodological research & symbolic Interactionism in course work for Ph.D. research scholars, Uttarakhand Open University 2020.
- Delivered lecture on Drug abuse Issues and challenges in a capacity building programme for college teachers/students on Prevention of alcohol and drug abuse from 26/09/2019-27/09/2019 in Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani sponsored by National Institute of social Defence, New Delhi.
Title | Language | Audio file |
नयी शिक्षा नीति को समझें शिक्षा शास्त्र के नजरिये से | Hindi | |
बच्चों की दुनिया भाग-2 में सुनें डा. कल्पना लखेड़ा को | Hindi | |
बच्चों की दुनिया में सुनें डा. कल्पना लखेंड़ा को | Hindi |