Designation: Assistant Professor
School : School of Sciences, Mathematics
Qualification: Ph.D (Mathematics)
Phone :
Email : [email protected]
Dr. Jyoti Rani is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics in School of Sciences at Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani (Nainital). She is on Administrative post of Assistant Exam Controller, Examination. She has completed her Ph.D in Mathematics with specialization in Relativity & Astrophysics. She has also 5 years of teaching experience in Mathematics at graduate and postgraduate levels in Institute/University.
Dr. Rani has research interst in the area of Mathematics including Relativity and Astrophysics. She also worked in the field of naked singularity, black hole and gravitational lens.
- B.C.Tewari, Kali Charan and Jyoti Rani, “Spherical Gravitational Collapse of Radiating Star”. J.of Ramanujan Society of Math. And Math. Sc. Vol.4, No.2 (2015), pp. 103-112
- B.C.Tewari, Kali Charan and Jyoti Rani, “Spherical Gravitational Collapse of Anisotropic Radiating Sphere”. International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics Vol.6, No.2 (2016), pp. 155-165.
- Kali Charan and Jyoti Rani, “Relativistic modeling of Gravitationally Collapsing anisotropic fluid ball with occurrence of horizon”. SRMS J.of Mathematical Sciences Vol.4, (2018), pp.01-08.
- Conferences/ Workshops/Symposium:
- Presented a research paper in the national conference on “Relevance of Ramanujan’s work and its Applications in Mathematical Sciences” organized by Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences with collaboration of Department of Mathematics, T.D.P.G.college, Jaunpur (U.P.) India. (Oct. 24-26, 2015)
- Presented a research paper in the national conference on “31st Annual Conference of the mathematical Society Banaras Hindu University” at Department of Mathematics DIT University Makkawala, Mussoorie Diversion Road, Dehradun. (Nov. 20-21, 2015)
- Presented a research paper in the national conference on “Uttarakhand State Council for Science & Technology (UCOST)”, at University of Petroleum & Energy studies, Dehradun. (Feb.10-12, 2015-16)
- Presented a research paper in the national conference on “Advanced in Mathematics and its Applications”, organized by Department of Mathematics, M.B.P.G. College, Haldwani(Nainital), Uttarakhand in associated with Uttarakhand Science & Research Centre (USERC), Dehradun.(March 17-18, 2018)
- Participated in the Instructional School for Lectures in Geeometric Measure Theory CEMS, during Dec. 9th -21st 2013 conducted in CEMS, Department of Mathematics, SSJ Campus Kumaun University, Almora.
- Participated in the Instructional School for Lectures in Linear Algebra, during Dec. 17th - 29th 2014 conducted in CEMS, Department of Mathematics, SSJ Campus Kumaun University, Almora.
- Participated in the national symposium on Technology Enabled Education organized by Computer Science Department, KU SSJ Campus, Almora, in collaboration with Uttarakhand Science Education Research Centre(USERC), Dehradun at SSJ Campus, Almora, Uttarakhand (India).(29th March,2019)
Title | Language | Audio file |
Theory Of Relativity को समझें डा. ज्योति के साथ | Hindi | |
International Womens Day | Hindi | |
Maths- Theory Of Relativity | Hindi |