Designation: Assistant Professor
School : School of Health Sciences, Home Science
Qualification: Ph. D. UGC NET & USET
Phone : 05946286055
Email : [email protected]
Areas of interest: Extension education, Training, Development communication, Women studies
Working experience: Dr. Deepika Verma has worked as a Development Associate in the Central Himalayan Rural Action Group (CHIRAG), Simayal (Mukteshwar), Uttarakhand and engaged in diverse areas of training, mobilization and developmental activities of women development, preventive health, education, agriculture, social forestry and youth. She has worked as a Teaching Personnel in the Department of Home Science Extension, College of Home Science, G.B.P.U.A.&T., Pantnagar. She has also worked as a Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in the Department of Home Science Extension, College of Home Science, G.B.P.U.A.&T., Pantnagar under All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) Home Science Extension and associated with training, capacity building, empowerment of women, climate change and enhancing ICT use among farm women.
Research papers
- Verma, D., & Amardeep (2015). Constraints faced by trainees of Mushroom Research and Training Institute, Pantnagar. Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 4(6), 116-121. ISSN 2278-0211 (Online) http://www.internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/ijird_ojs/article/view/135640
- Verma, D., & Amardeep (2015). Constraints faced by women vegetable growers of Nainital district of Uttarakhand. International Journal of Basic and Applied Agricultural Research, 13 (2), 131-135. ISSN 2349- 8765 https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/20153395200
- Verma, D., & Sharma, G. (2015). Farm women’s preferences of information sources for vegetable cultivation in Nainital district of Uttarakhand. Indian Journal of Applied Research, 5 (7), 277-280. ISSN- 2249- 555X https://www.worldwidejournals.com/indian-journal-of-applied-research-(IJAR)/article/farm-women-preferences-of-information-sources-for-vegetable-cultivation-in-nainital-district-of-uttarakhand/Njk3NA==/?is=1&b1=17&k=5
- Verma, D., & Amardeep (2015). Success story of a trainee of Mushroom Research and Training Center, Pantnagar. International Journal of Science and Research, 4(7), 1407-1409. ISSN 2319- 7064 (Online) https://www.ijsr.net/archive/v4i7/SUB156656.pdf
- Verma, D., & Sharma, G. (2015). Psychological characteristics of women vegetable growers of Nainital District of Uttarakhand. International Journal of Advanced Research, 3 (7), 415- 419. ISSN 2320- 5407 http://www.journalijar.com/uploads/482_IJAR-6364.pdf
- Verma, D., & Amardeep (2015). Analysis of mushroom production training for below poverty line beneficiaries conducted by Mushroom Research and Training Center, Pantnagar. International Journal of Basic and Applied Agricultural Research. 13(3): 377-381. ISSN 2349- 8765 https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/20163069494
- Singh, P., Tewari, P., & Verma, D. (2017). Status of Self Help Groups in Uttarakhand. International Journal of Basic and Applied Agricultural Research. 15(3), 242-247. ISSN 2349- 8765 http://www.gbpuat.res.in/uploads/archive/15.3.20.pdf
- Verma, D., & Sharma, G. (2017). Communication behaviour of women vegetable growers of Nainital District of Uttarakhand. Indian Journal of Extension Education. 53 (1), 146-149. ISSN 0537- 1996 print & ISSN 2454-552X online http://www.isee.org.in/volumesearch.aspx
- Verma, D., & Sharma, G. (2017). Communication network of women vegetable growers of Nainital District of Uttarakhand. Indian Journal of Extension Education, 53 (3), 58-62. ISSN 0537- 1996 print & ISSN 2454-552X online http://www.isee.org.in/volumesearch.aspx
- Singh, P., Tewari, P., & Verma, D. (2018). Sustainability and effectiveness of Self Help Groups in Uttarakhand. International Journal of Home Science, 15(3), 242-247. ISSN: 2395-7476. https://www.homesciencejournal.com/archives/2018/vol4issue1/PartA/3-3-78-858.pdf
- Singh, P., Tewari, P., & Verma, D. (2018). Use of Information Communication Technologies by Rural Women of Uttarakhand. International Journal of Home Science, 4(2), 198-202. ISSN: 2395-7476. https://www.homesciencejournal.com/archives/2018/vol4issue2/PartD/4-2-44-300.pdf
- Singh, P., Tewari, P., & Verma, D. (2018). Perception of rural women towards Information Communication Technologies. International Journal of Basic and Applied Agricultural Research, 16(3), 238-244. ISSN 2349- 8765. https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/20203481250
- Tewari, P., Singh, P., & Verma, D. (2019). A study on awareness of farm women regarding change and its coping strategies. International Journal of Home Science, 5(3): 150-153. ISSN: 2395-7476. https://www.homesciencejournal.com/archives/2019/vol5issue3/PartC/5-3-43-760.pdf
Popular articles
Popular articles in Hindi
- Singh, P., Tewari, P. & Verma, D. (2017, December). Aamla ek aushadhi. Kisan Bharti, pp. 12-15.
- Singh, P., Tewari, P., & Verma, D. (2018, July). Aam ek swasthyavardhak fal. Kisan Bharti, pp. 33-35.
- Singh, P., Tewari, P., & Verma, D. (2018, September). Methi ke gun. Kisan Bharti, pp. 27-28.
- Singh, P., Verma, D. & Tewari, P. (2019, February). Jhingora- swasthya ka khazana. Kisan Bharti, pp. 29-41.
- Singh, P., Verma, D. & Tewari, P. (2019, June). Litchi ek paushtik fal, Kisan Bharti, pp. 37-39.
- Tewari P., Singh, P. & Verma, D. (2019, December). Kalonji ek-gun anek. Kisan Bharti, pp. 32-34.
- Singh, P., Verma, D. & Tewari, P. (2020, May). Kiwi fal ke vyanjan aivm gun. Kisan Bharti, pp. 17-19.
- Tewari, P., Tamta P. & Verma, D. (2020, October). Gahat ki daal ke vyanjan. Kisan Bharti, pp. 29-31.
- Tamta, P., Tewari, P., & Verma, D. (2020, December). Corona sankraman se bachav. Kisan Bharti, pp. 8-12.
Popular articles in English
- Singh, P., Tewari, P., & Verma, D. (2018, February). Women Empowerment: Its importance and approaches to achieve it, 2018, Indian Farmers’ Digest, 51 (02), pp. 15-19.
- Kunjwal, N. & Verma, D. (2018). Lac-culture. Agrobios Newsletter. 17(6), pp. 97-99.
- Singh, P., Verma, D. & Tewari, P. (2018, May). Smallholder Market Integration and Post-Harvest Strategies for the Fruits and Vegetables Cultivators of Uttarakhand. Indian Farmers’ Digest, 51(05), pp 18-20.
- Tewari P., Singh, P. & Verma, D. (2019, May). Women Empowerment: Its importance and approaches to achieve it. Indian Farmers’ Digest, 51 (02), pp. 38-40.
Book published- 1
Book chapters- 3
Self Learning Material (SLM) Units- 3