Designation: Assistant Professor
School : School of Law, Law
Qualification: Ph.D., NET, U-SET, M.B.A (H.R.)
Phone : 8979034323
Email : [email protected]
Basic Profile-
- Dr Deepankur Joshi is working as Assistant professor and Coordinator School of Law at Uttarakhand Open University.
- Four research papers published in National and International Journals.
- Written 12 chapters in different books for Uttarakhand Open University and other publishers including 4 chapters in hand book on RTI for Raghunandan Singh Tolia State Administrative Academy Nainital.
- Presented papers in more than One dozen International and National seminars and participated in more than three dozen International and National seminars.
- As coordinator School of Law Uttarakhand Open University successfully launched new programmes Diploma in Right to Information, Certificate in Right to Information, Certificate in Banking and Insurance Law and Certificate in Human Rights
- As Coordinator organised events like “Know your Legal Rights to create awareness for the Legal rights of Women, sponsored by National commission for women.
- As Coordinator organised seminars on different topics including Intellectual Property Rights
- Supervised Dissertations of more than 20 LL.M students
- Worked as Assistant professor at Law College Dehradun, Uttaranchal University Dehradun and Unity Law College Rudrapur, Kumaun University Nainital
- Worked as Law Officer at Fomento Resorts and Hotels Limited (one of the most prestigious group of Goa State). As Legal Officer represented Company at different Tribunals, Lower Courts, District court and High court of Goa at Panjim
- Practice Law at Lower court, District Court and High Court of Uttarakhand Nainital.
Area of Research and Interest-
- He has done his Ph.D. from Kumaun University Nainital on the topic “A Critical Study of Protection to Whistle Blowers: A New Horizon in Indian Democracy”.
- Area of interest are Constitutional Law, Company Law, RTI and Cyber Laws
- Delivered more than 36 special invitee lectures on Right to Information at Raghunandan Singh Tolia State Administrative Academy Nainital to more than 150 Senior Administrative (P.C.S) Officers, Doctors, Engineers and Lower subordinate officers of Uttarakhand State.
- Delivered special invitee Lecture to M.Tech students at Dwarahat Engineering College on Constitution of India.
- Delivered more than 18 special invitee lectures on Right to Information to PIO’s including Block development officers, at Extension Training Centre Rudrapur, District Udham Sing Nagar.
- Deepankur Joshi: “Protection of Whistle Blowers in India:Need of the hour”,research paper published in Printing Area ,A Multilingual International Research Journal,Issue 33,Vol 07,September,2017, ISSN No. 23945303
- Deepankur Joshi: “Constitutional perspective of The Right to Information and Protection to Whistle Blowers”, research paper published in Vidhyavarta ,A Multilingual International Research Journal,Issue 20,Vol 06,December,2017, ISSN No. 23199318
- Deepankur Joshi: “Need of Elementary Education in India”, research paper published in Vidhyavarta ,A Multilingual International Research Journal,Issue 21,Vol 03,Jan to March 2018, ISSN No. 23199318
- Deepankur Joshi, “Judicial Attitude towards Corruption and Whistle Blowers”, A Multilingual International Research Journal- Printing Area, Issue- 39, Vol.- 02, March, 2018, ISSN No. 23945303
Research Papers and Articles
- Deepankur Joshi: “Protection of Whistle Blowers in India:Need of the hour”,research paper published in Printing Area ,A Multilingual International Research Journal,Issue 33,Vol 07,September,2017, ISSN No. 23945303
- Deepankur Joshi: “Constitutional perspective of The Right to Information and Protection to Whistle Blowers”, research paper published in Vidhyavarta ,A Multilingual International Research Journal,Issue 20,Vol 06,December,2017, ISSN No. 23199318
- Deepankur Joshi: “Need of Elementary Education in India”, research paper published in Vidhyavarta ,A Multilingual International Research Journal,Issue 21,Vol 03,Jan to March 2018, ISSN No. 23199318
- Deepankur Joshi, “Judicial Attitude towards Corruption and Whistle Blowers”, A Multilingual International Research Journal- Printing Area, Issue- 39, Vol.- 02, March, 2018, ISSN No. 23945303
Books/Chapters in book
- Chapter “Manav Swastha ko Surakshit Rakhne Me Bhartiya Samvidhan Avam Nyayalayon ki Bhoomica” written in a book “Swastha Raksha ke vibhinn aayam” ,first edition 2017,published by Variety books publishers distributers, ISBN:978-93-81156-60-5.
- Four Chapters in hand book on RTI for Raghunandan Singh Tolia State Administrative Academy Nainital.
Paper presentation and seminars attended
- Presented paper entitled “New Developments for the Prevention and Protection of Women Harassment Laws in India, in National Seminar held on 1-2 March 2014, on “Protection of Human Rights of Women in India”,Organised by Centre for Women Studies Kumaun University, Nainital.
- Presented paper entitled “Political Scenario in Uttarakhand from its Formation till 2014” in the 4th convention of Uttarakhand History and Cultural Association held on 21-22 March 2014 at Kumaun University, S.S.J campus Almora,organized by Department of History,Kumaun University S.S.J campus Almora
- Presented paper entitled “Social Reformers of India, as Cultural Messengers” in International Seminar held on 29-30 March 2014 on Cultural Messengers of India organized by Department of Indian Culture & Tourism, at Dev Sanskrit Vishwavidyaiaiaya, Shantikunj Haridwar, and Uttarakhand.
- Presented paper entitled “Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar and Indian Constitution “in National Seminar, held on 5-6 March 2016, on Transcending Identities and the Relevancy of Amedkar’s Ideology, organized by Libra College of Law, Dehradun.
- Presented paper entitled “Importance of intellectual property rights in economic development “in National Seminar, held on 6-7 August 2016 on “Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Technology, Transfer and Economic Growth:Prospects and Challenges”,organized by Nehru Memorial Law P.G. College Hanumangarh Town, Rajasthan
- Paper presented on the Topic “Indian Culture, Corruption, Anticorruption Laws in India and Aestheticism” in International Seminar- Aetheticism and Indian Culture Organised by Department of History, Kumaun University, S.S.J campus Almora, Uttarakhand, held on 17-18 March 2018.
- Attended Awareness Workshop on “Water Conservation: A Shift from Awareness to Consciousness” held at Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani on 20 March 2018.
- Paper presented on the Topic “Women Health and Whistle Blowing in National Health Services” in National Seminar “Women Health in India: Issues and Concerns (with special reference to Uttarakhand State) Organized by Department of Political Science, B.S.M.P.G.College Roorkee, Uttarakhand, held on 23-34 Feburary 2018.
- Participated in National Summit on “Digital Judiciary-Smart Solutions”, Organized by Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun, held on 6th May, 2018.
- Participated in Capacity building Workshop on Development of Online Courses using Moodle Learning Management System Organized by Uttarakhand Open University in Collaboration with Uttarakhand Science Education Research Centre (USERC) Dehradun at UOU Campus,Haldwani on 01-02 March 2019.
- Paper Presented on the Topic “Sustainable Development and the Indian Legal System” in National Seminar on Understanding Environment and Biodiversity: Law, Governance, Development and Society Perspective, Organized by School of Legal Studies and Governance Career Point University, Hamirpur, Himanchal Pradesh, held on 27 April 2019.
- Participated in Two day Capacity Building workshop for Teachers on Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Organized by National Institute of Social Defence and Uttarakhand Open University at UOU Campus on 26-27 September 2019.
- Participated in National Seminar on “Vocational Education and Open & Distance Learning, Organized by Uttarakhand Open University in Collaboration with Uttarakhand Science Education Research Centre (USERC) Dehradun at UOU Campus, Haldwani on 16 December 2019.