Designation: Assistant Professor (AC)
School : School of Sciences, Chemistry
Qualification: Ph.D. (Natural product Chemistry) Kumaun University, Nainital, UK (2013) PG (Organic Chemistry) Kumaun University, Nainital, UK (2008) UG Kumaun University, Nainital, UK (2006)
Phone : 09997216611
Email : [email protected]
Teaching Areas: Organic, Inorganic, Physical in UG level and Organic Chemistry, Spectroscopy in PG level.
Research Areas : Natural Product Chemistry.Teaching Areas: Organic, Inorganic, Physical in UG level and Organic Chemistry, Spectroscopy in PG level. Research Areas : Natural Product Chemistry.
- Pritee Pant, Kapil Khulbe and Charu Chandra Pant, Essential oil composition and antioxidant, antibacterial activity of leaf extract of Persea odoratissima (NEES). European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Volume 5, Issue 4 527-536, (2018).
- Lalit Mohan, Anand B. Melkani, Reema Priydarshi, Charu C. Pant, “Chemical Composition and antibacterial activity of the steam volatile extract from Salvia coccinea Juss. ex Murr”. International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry. Vol.8, No.3, 277-285. (2019)
- Poonam Takuli, Kapil Khulbe, Parikshit Kumar and Charu C. Pant. “Chemical composition of essential oil of Equisetum diffusum: a noble source of phytol” International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. Vol. 11(11): 5572-5578. (2020)·
- Charu C. Pant1, Anand B. Melkani and Lalit Mohan. Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil from Aechmenthara gossypina (Wall.) Nees. International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry. Vol.9, No.3, 283-290. (2020).
- Ansnd B. Melkani, Lalit Mohan and Charu C. Pant, Diterpene Essential Oil from Anisomeles Indica (L.) O. Kuntz and its Antimicrobial activity, Word Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 5, Issue 5, 932-943, (2016).
- Reema Priydarshi, Anand B. Melkani, Lalit Mohan and Charu C. Pant, Terpenoid composition and antibacterial activity of the essential oil from Inula cappa (Buch- Ham. Ex. D. Don) DC Journal of Essential Oil Research (2015).
- Charu C. Pant, Anand B. Melkani, Lalit Mohan and Vasu Dev, Composition and Antibacterial Activity of Essential oil from Scutellaria grossa Wall ex Benth. Natural Product Research. 26 (2) 190-192 (2012).
- Anand B. Melkani, Lalit Mohan, Charu C. Pant, Anuradha Negi, and Vasu Dev, Terpinoid Composition and Antibacterial Activity of Essential Oil from Salvia hians Royle Ex. Benth, Journal of Essential oil bearing plants, 14 (6) 667-672(2011).
- Anand B. Melkani, Monoj Nailwal, Lalit Mohan, Charu C. Pant and Vasu Dev, Composition and Antibacterial Activity of essential oil from Scutellaria repens Buch. –Ham.ex D. Don Journal of essential oil research, (2011).
- Charu C. Pant, Lalit Mohan, Anand B. Melkani and Vasu Dev, Terpenoid composition of the essential oil from two species Teucrium quadrifarium and Teucrium royleanum. Natural Product Communications, 5, 939-942 (2010)
Workshops\Conferences Attended:
- Charu C. Pant and Anand B. Melkani, “Terpenoid composition of the essential oils from two species of Teucrium and its chemosystemics” Paper was presented in Postersession in 4th Uttarakhand state Science & technology congress at G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar during November 9th -10th 2009.
- Charu C. Pant and Anand B. Melkani, “Screening of essential oil from the Salvia species grow in Uttarakhand for Antimicrobial Potential” Paper was presented in Oral session in National Seminar on “Chemistry Biology Interface: Recent Trends” at Govt. Post Graduate College, Ranikhet during October, 28th -30th (2010).
- Charu C. Pant and Anand B. Melkani, “Antimicrobial Efficacy of Essential oil from Species of Salvia Growing in Uttarakhand” Paper was presented in Oral session in 5th Uttarakhand state Science & Technology congress at Doon University, Dehradun during November 10th -12th , 2010.
- Charu C. Pant Actively participated in the “National Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights & Patent Awareness” held on 2011. Department of Biotechnology, Bhimtal Campus, Kumaun University, Nainital during 6th July, 2011.
- Charu C. Pant and Anand B. Melkani “Terpenoid composition and Antimicrobial potential from species of Scutellari growing in Uttarakhand” Paper was presented in Poster session in National conference on Emerging trends in chemistry-Biology Interfaceat Chemistry Department, D. S. B. Campus, Kumaun University, Nainital during November 03th -05th, 2011.
- Lalit Mohan, Anand B. Melkani and Charu C. Pant “Terpenoid composition of the essential oil and Bioactivity from Helenium grandiflorum(Wild) O.Kuntze” Paper was presented in Poster session in 6th Uttarakhand state Science & Technology congress at S. S. J. Campus Almora Kumaun University, Nainital during November 14th -16th , 2011.
- Charu C. Pant, Anand B. Melkani and Lalit Mohan “Phytochemical analysis and antibacterial activity of the essential oil from Aechmenthara gossypina (Wall.) Nees” Contribution of Paper in Poster session in 6th Uttarakhand state Science & Technology congress at S. S. J. Campus Almora Kumaun University, Nainital during November 14th -16th , 2011.
- Lalit Mohan, Anand B. Melkani and Charu C. Pant “Bioactivity of essential oil and pure compounds isolated from Senecio and Helenium species” Paper was presented in Poster session in 6th International Conference on Green Technologies for Environmental Rehabilitation at Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar during November 11th -13th , 2012.
- Charu C. Pant, Anand B. Melkani and Lalit Mohan “Phytochemical analysis and Antimicrobial evaluation of some medicinal plants” Contribution of Paper in Poster session in 6th International Conference on Green Technologies for Environmental Rehabilitation at Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar during November 11th -13th , 2012.
- Charu C. Pant and Anand B. Melkani “Phytochemical screening and Bioactivity of medicinal plants species Teucrium royleanum and T. quadrifarium” Contribution of Paper in Poster session in National Conference on Innovation in Ethno pharmacology, Recent Developments in Biological and Chemical Science for Societal Benefit at gov. P.G College Pithoragarh during March 1-3, 2013.
- Charu C. Pant Actively participated in the “Information Communication Technology (ICT)” Directorate, Kumaun University, Nainital during 16th April, 2013.
- Charu C. Pant, Actively participated in the National seminar on recent Development in in Physics and Prosperity in the Solar Physics-Space Science (NSRDPPSPSS-2014) on the 27th and 28th December 2014 at MBPG College Haldwani.
- Charu C. Pant Charu C. Pantin National Seminar on Environmental Issues in the Chemical & Petrolium Industry at gov. P.G College Dwarahat during March 4-5 Dec. 2014.
- Charu C. Pant Actively participated in the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) Workshop conducted by Indian Institute of Technology and Indian Institute of Science at Amarpali Institute of Technology during 21 -23 Aug, 2014.
- Charu C. Pant Invited a Technical paper on Antioxidant and Free Radical in State level Seminar jointly organised by District Tuberculosis Center, Govt. of Uttarakhand and Govt. PG College Lohaghat held on 25th Nov. 2014.
- Charu C. Pant Actively participated in the Capacity Building Workshop on Open Educational Resources (OER) organised by Commonwealwelth Educational Media for Asia (CEMCA) at Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani during 18-19 February, 2015.
- Charu C. Pant in recognition of Actively participated in National Workshop in “ Harnessing Intellectual Property & It’s Management for Growth and Prosperity” organised by National Research Development Corporation (NRDC), New Delhi and Kumaun University Nainital on 15th October, 2014.
- Charu C. Pant Actively participated in the Training Workshop on ““Geospatial Education and Tranning Workshop on Management of water Resource, Glaciers and Climate Change with special reference to Uttarakhand” Organized by Uttarakhand space Application Center (USAC), Dehradun on 24-26 May, 2015.
- Charu C. Pant Actively participated in the 1st National Conferenceon Recence Advances in Science and Technology (NCRAST-2015) organized by Seemant Institute of Technology, Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand held on 22-23 August, 2015.
- Charu C. Pant actively participated in the 04 days India International Science festaval (IISF 2015) organised by IIT New Delhi and Vigyan Bharati.
- Charu C. Pant, Paper was presented in Oral session, developing the medicinal plants sector in northern Himalayan region in India: Challenges and opportunities. in National conference on Natural Resource Management, Avenues & Application (NRMAA), 19-20, March, 2016.
- Charu C. Pant Actively participated in the 2ed National Conferenceon Recence Advances in Science and Technology (NCRAST-2016) organized by Seemant Institute of Technology, Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand held on 29-30 August, 2016.
Book Published:
Published one book B.Sc. III Inorganic Chemistry (BSCCH- 301), School of Sciences Department of Chemistry, Uttarakhand Open University. ISBN (978-93-90845-07-1).
Book Chapters:
More than 30 Book chapters/units on the various topics of B.Sc. and M.Sc. Chemistry programme published by the Uttarakhand Open University.
Title | Language | Audio file |
नेशनल एजुकेशन पॉलिसी और रसायन विज्ञान | Hindi |