Designation: Assistant Professor (AC)
School : School of Social Science, Psychology
Qualification: M.A Psychology, Post graduation diploma in Guidance and Counseling, Ph. D (Psychology)
Phone :
Email : [email protected]
Dr. Bhagyashree Joshi is working as an Assistant Professor (AC) of Psychology Department at Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani. She has to her credit more than 05 research papers in National and International Journals, presented 11 papers in conference, authored 01 Book and her two chapters has published in editor volumes. Her area of interest is Positive Psychology, Guidance and Counseling and Psychology of Personality. She posses
Course Attended
- Pre Ph.D course work 2013-14 in the subject of Psychology conducted by Kumaun University Nainital in accordance with U.G.C. regulation 2009.
- Participated in Methodology Course in faculty of Education, Kumaun University S.S.J. Campus Almora sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi from 2nd to 11th Dec. 2014.
National Seminars
- Participated in National Seminar on Human Rights of Women in India held on 1st and 2nd march 2014 and presented a paper entitled “Violence Against Women.”
- Participated in National Seminar of Uttarakhand History and Cultural Association Kumaun University S.S.J.Campus Almora on 21-22 march 2014 and also presented a paper entitled “ Bhakti sufi parampara ke antargat dharmik vishwaso mein badlaao : manovigyan evam dharm ka sambandh”
- Participated in National Seminar organized by Department of Psychology, D.D.U Gorakhpur university held on 25-26 march 2014 and Presented paper entitled “Exploring Optimism in Women”
- Participated in National Seminar on Women empowerment through Panchayati Raj Issues and Challenges organized by department of sociology, school of social sciences Uttarakhand Open University held on 13-14 march 2015 also presented a paper entitled “Mahila shashaktikaran mein mahilaon ki jagrukta.”
- Participated in National Seminar jointly organized by Government of India, Central Hindi Directorate, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of human Resource development and Mahadevi verma srijan gyaanpeeth Kumaun university from 29-july-2015 to 31- july-2015 presented paper on the topic Lok sahitya: Parampara evam vikas.
- Participated in National Seminar on Challenges of women in Himalaya region held on 1st and 2nd Sep. 2015 and Presented a paper entitled “Bhartiya samaaj mein pracheen evam vartmaan paripeksh main naari ki sthiti”
- Participated in National Seminar on Ageing & health care in India : issues and challenges ( with the special reference to rural and mountain area ) organized by Regional health and family welfare training center motinagar Haldwani and sponsored by ICSSR New Delhi held on 5th 6th dec 2015 and Presented a paper entitled “Clinical Problems of Ageing”
International Seminars
- Participated in international seminar on Cultural Messengers of India held on 29-30 march 2014 organized by department of Indian culture and tourism and Dev sanskriti vishwavidyalaya haridwar uttatakhand and Presented a paper entitled “ Higher learning institutes of India: As cultural messengers of India.”
- Participated in 3rd international conference on Psychology and Allied Sciences jointly organized by Amity university Noida & Indian association of health Research and welfare held on 25-27 sep. 2014 and Presented a paper entitled “ Janam kundli : A religious tradition and a medium of value sustentation.”
- Participated in international seminar on Mother in Indian Culture held on 15-16 feb 2015 organized by department of History Kumaun University campus Almora Presented a paper entitled “Bhartiya mahakavya aur kavya mein mataye.”
- Joshi B. & Shukla A., Janam kundli : A religious tradition and a medium of value sustentation, Indian Journal of Positive Psychology. Page 44-51.volume 6 issue 1 ISSN 2229-4937
- Joshi B., vyaktitv sanrachana: manovaigyanik evam sangeetik paksh Research journal of fine arts. Issue 2 page 77-78. ISBN 936333200
- Joshi B., Astropsychology: A New Perspective, Recent Educational & Psychological Researches Refereed journal. Issue 2 page 34-37 ISSN 2278-5949
- Joshi B., jagar : ek manovaigyanik vishwas, Recent Educational & Psychological Researches Refereed journal. Issue 3 page 79-80. ISSN 2278-5949
- Joshi B., & Shukla A., Life satisfaction of Kumauni women as affected by cultural variation and age Recent Educational & Psychological Researches Refereed journal. ISSN 2278-5949
- Joshi B., & Shukla A., Health beliefs of Kumauni women as affected by cultural variation and age Recent Educational & Psychological Researches Refereed journal. ISSN 2278-5949
- Joshi B. (2014), “Horoscope Psychology and Human Behavior” , Almora book depot, Almora. ISBN NO. 81-900086-4-1
- Joshi B. “Praan: Adhyatmik Evam Manovaigyanik Paksh”, chapter published in editor volume “Swasth Raksha ke Vibhinn Aayam” page no. 152-156. Editors Dr. H.S. Bisht & Dr. H. C. Joshi
- Joshi B. & Shukla A. “ROLE OF ASTROPSYCHOLOGY IN PERSONALITY MAKING: AN EMPERICAL VALIDATION A chapter published in editor volume entitled PSYCHE OF ASIAN SOCIETY, Editors Prof. Aradhana Shukla, Dr. Anubhuti Dubey & Dr. Narendra Thagunna.