Designation: Assistant Professor
School : School of Social Science, Sociology
Qualification: M.A., M.Phil.,Ph.D
Phone : 05946286044
Email : [email protected]
Deepak Paliwal is Assistant Professor of Sociology at Uttarakhand Open University, Halwani (Nainital), Uttarakhand. He received his M. Phil Degree in Sociology in 2005 from Ch. Charan Singh University, Campus, Meerut and Ph.D. degree in Sociology in 2009 from Kumaun University, Nainital. He qualified UGC-NET in Sociology in the year 2007. From 2007 to 2011 he worked as Lecturer in different degree colleges of Uttarakhand. He joined the Department of Sociology, School of Social Sciences, Uttarakhand Open University as Assistant Professor in August 2011. Apart from academic he worked in the different capacities as Assistant Director (Research), Assistant Director (Training & Placement) and Assistant Registrar (Administration) in the University. He also works as a Coordinator of Social work programme for 3years. He is the recipient of the prestigious UGC Research Award (2014-16). Dr. Paliwal completed the research project entitled “Open Schooling in Hilly Areas: A Critical Analysis of its Reach and Responsiveness” in the year 2016 funded by NIOS (Ministry of Human Resource Development, India). He has organized various Conference, Seminar and workshop fully funded by various national and international organizations i.e. University of Sains Malaysia, ICSSR, National Commission of Women New Delhi and Uttarakhand Open University). His research interests include Research Methodology, Women Health and Traditional Practices, Marginalized Sections of the Society. He has edited 3 books and published one reference book published at Germany. He has authored about 35 papers in international, national journals and books chapters and participated in more than 40 National, International seminar/conferences and workshops. He also worked as a reviewer of International Journals of Repute i.e. Youth and Society, SAGE & Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, National Institute of science Communication and Information Resources, New Delhi etc. He is associated with Various Universities like HNBGharwal Central University, Gharwal, Kumaun University, Nainital, Sri Dev Suman University and GB Pant University of Agriculture & Technolgy, Pantnagar in various capacities as evaluator, paper setter and as an expert. Based on his outstanding contribution to both his field as well as to wider society, the International Academy of Social Sciences (IASS), Florida, United States of America bestows the title of ACADEMICIAN OF SOCIAL SCIENCES to him. The title of Academician is the highest honor bestowed by the International Academic of Social Sciences. Dr. Paliwal also received the prestigious 24th Dewang Mehta National Education Award for best professor in social science on 25 November 2016. He was awarded Honorary Fellowship in Social Sciences at BHU (Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi) on 10th of Feb 2017 by Indian Social Science Association for his outstanding contribution in publication and research work.
- Paper Published in Third Concept- An International Journal of Ideas, Vol.21, No.251, Dec-2007, ISSN 0970-7247
- Paper Published in Indian Journal of Population Education, No.39, Oct-Dec 2007
- Paper Published in Journal of National Development (JND), Vol.201, No.2, 2007, ISSN 0972-8309
- Paper Published in Indian Journal of Social Perspective (IJSP), Vol.1, No-2, 2007
- Paper Published in Journal of Rural Development (Kurukshetra), Vol.56, No.3, Jan 2008, ISSN -0021- 5660
- Paper Published in Third Concept- An International Journal of Ideas, Vol.22, No.256, June 2008, ISSN 0970-7247
- Paper Published in Indian Journal of Social Perspective (IJSP), Vol. 2, No.3, 2008
- Paper Published in Research Journal of Social and Life Sciences, Vol.V, Dec2008
- Paper Published in Third Concept- An International Journal of Ideas, March 2009,ISSN 0970-7247
- Paper Published In Indian Journal of Political Science (IJPS Hindi), Vol 1, Jan-June, 2009. http://www.ijps.net/images/HindiTableofContents.pdf, ISSN 0019-5510
- Paper Published in Research Journal of Social and Life Sciences, Vol.VII, Sep2009, ISSN 0975-4083
- Paper Published in Quest (Hindi) – A journal of UGC-ASC, Nainital, Uttarakhand, ISSN NO.0974-5041
- Paper Published in Proudh Shiksha- A Monthly Magazine by Indian Adult Education Association
- Paper Published in ‘Research Link’ Indore, Madhya Pradesh, Vol.VIII, ISSN 0973-1628
- Paper Published in Quest- A Journal of UGC-ASC, Nainital, Vol-5, May-2011 www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:quest&volume=5, ISSN NO.0974-5041
- Paper Published in International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management, Vol No.1, Issue No. 2(June)
- Paper Published in Kurukshetra(A Journal of Rural Development),October,2010, ISSN 0971-8451
- Paper Publsihed in Edited Book entitled “Spectrum of Life long Education” edited by Dr.Rameshwari Pandya, University of Gujarat published by Concept Publishers, New Delhi
- Paper Published in ‘Journal of Women Studies’ Centre for Women Studies, University of Allahabad, www.journalofwomenstudies.com
- Paper Published in ‘Languageinindia’ an international journal, Vol.11, April 2011, www.languageinindia.com/april2011/paliwalfinal.pdf, ISSN 1930-2940