Designation: Assistant Professor (AC)
School : School of Health Sciences, Home Science
Qualification: Ph.D. (Clothing and Textiles), UGC-NET (JRF) 2010
Phone : 9720994878
Email : [email protected]
Dr. Pooja Bhatt is working as an Assistant Professor(AC) of Home Science Department at Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani.
Interest areas: fiber blending, dyeing and printing, textile finishing, textiles testing, garment manufacturing, art and craft
- Bhatt, P. and Bains, S. (2013). Comparative analysis of colour fastness properties of mulberry silk waste/wool blended fabric with Reactive Red 2, Reactive Green 19, Acid Green 16 and Acid Red 131. International dyer. 5: 36-38. h-index: 11 Impact Factor. 0.01. ISSN: 0020658X
- Bhatt, P. and Bains, S. (2014). Optimization of dyeing conditions for Acid Green 16 on mulberry silk waste/wool blended fabric. Global journal for research analysis 3(3): 24-26. ISSN: 2277-8160
- Bhatt, P. and Bains, S. (2013). Optimization of dyeing conditions for Reactive Red 2 on mulberry silk waste/wool blended fabric. Advances in applied research 6(2): 194-197. NAAS: 3.22. ISSN: 0974-3839
- Bhatt, P. and Rani, A. (2015). A case study on the traditional costumes of Rongpa tribe of Uttarakhand. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (IJHSS) 4(4): 61-70. NAAS: 3.17 ISSN: 2319-393X
- Bhatt, P. and Goel A. (2017) Study on personal protective equipments of workers working in Sidkul industrial area of Rudrapur, Uttarakhand. Man Made Textiles in India XLV (11): 379-382. NAAS: 3.49 ISSN:0377-7537
- Bhatt, P and Bains, S. (2017). Optimization of dyeing conditions for Reactive Green 19 on mulberry silk waste/wool blended fabric. International journal of basic and applied agriculture research 15 (3):215-218. NAAS: 4.60. ISSN: 2349-8765.
- Gahlot,M, Bhatt, P and Joshi, J (2018) Study on yield of plant extracts using different solvents and methods. Bull. Env. Pharmacol. Life Sci. 7 [6] : 17-20. NAAS Rating 4.95. Global Impact Factor 0.876 Universal Impact Factor 0.9804 Online ISSN 2277-1808.
- Bhatt, P., Rani, A. and Gahlot,M (2018). Costume and Culture: A study on the costumes of Jaunsari community. International journal of basic and applied research 8 (6): 750-760. Cosmos Impact Factor-5.86 ISSN 2249-3352 (P) 2278-0505 (E)
- Gahlot,M, Joshi, J and Bhatt, P (2018) Assessment of physico-chemical of Himalayan nettle fibers. International journal of basic and applied agriculture research 16 (1):71-75. NAAS: 4.60 ISSN: 2349-8765.
- Bhatt, P., Rani, A. and Gahlot, M. (2018) Female Jewellery of Tharu and Buxa tribe of uttarakhand. International Journal of Research - Granthaalayah, 6(1), 319-328. ISSN(O)- 2350-0530 ISSN(P)- 2394-3629.
- Bhatt, P., Rani, A (2018). Traditional costumes Tharu and Buxa tribe of Uttarakhand Region. IAHRW International journal of social sciences 6(5): 878-880. NAAS: 3.17 ISSN: 2347-3797.
- Gahlot, M., Joshi, J., Singh, J. and Bhatt, P (2018) Physical properties of Himalayan nettle cotton union fabrics. J. Cotton Res. Dev. 32 (2) 306-310. NAAS: 4.69 ISSN: 0972-8619
- Gahlot, M.; Bhatt, P.; Joshi, J. and Pargai, D. 2018. Comparative Analysis of total phenolic content of plant extract. Man made Textiles in India. 46(12):416p NAAS: 3.49 ISSN: 0377-7537.
- Gahlot, M.; Pargai, D and Bhatt, P.; 2018. Natural dyeing of Himalayan nettle fibre using by-product of kattha Industry. International journal of basic and applied agriculture research. 17 (2): 168-176. NAAS: 4.60 ISSN: 2349-8765.
- Gahlot,M, Bhatt, P .; Pargai, D and Singh, B (2020). Traditional Aipan Art of Kumoun - A Sustainable Development Tool. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci 9(10): 3890-3898. ISSN: 2319-7706
- Gahlot, M.; Pargai, D, Bhatt, P and Singh, B (2021) Application of unconventional textile fibre for agro textiles. Asian technical textiles. 30(5):56-60. ISSN: 0974-0589.
- Bhatt, P. and Goel, A. (2013). Carbon Fiber Production: Pitch Based Approach. Textile trends 51(4): 46-47. h-index: 4. ISSN: 00405205
- Bhatt, P. and Goel, A. (2013). Role of Textile Material in Thermoregulation and Insulation. Colourage 80(9): 40-42. h-index: 22. Impact factor 0.02. ISSN: 00101826.
- Bhatt, P. and Goel, A. (2015). Thermal resistant fibres. Asian Textile Journal 24(1): 63-66.
- Bhatt, P. and Rani, A. (2014). Textile dyeing and printing industry: An environmental hazard. Asian dyer. 10(6): 51-56. Impact factor: 0.08. ISSN: 09729488
- Bhatt, P. and Rani, A. (2013). Mechanical hazards in textile industry. Man made textiles in India. 42 (12): 461-466. NAAS: 3.49. ISSN:0377-7537
- Bhatt, P. and Goel, A. (2013). Macro Potential in Microfiber. The Indian Textile Journal. 124 (7): 46-49. ISSN:0019-6436
- Bhatt, P. and Rani, A. (2017). Natural Dyes: Crossroads between vanishing ancient knowledge and new applications. Pollution Research. 36 (4): 879-881. NAAS: 4.97.ISSN: 0257–8050
- Bhatt, P. and Goel, A. (2017) Carbon Fibres: Production, Properties and Potential Use. Material Science Research India 14(1), 52-57. NAAS: 4.28 ISSN: 0973-3469
- Bhatt, P. and Rani, A. (2018). Naturally Coloured Cotton: A Brief Review. Journal of Cotton Research and Development. 32 (1): 161-166. NAAS: 4.69. ISSN: 0972-8619
- Gahlot, M. Bhatt, P. and Joshi, J. (2017) Approach towards green fiber: Hemp fiber. Journal of Progressive Agriculture. 8 (2): 119-122. NAAS: 2.89. ISSN: 2229-4244.
Chapters in composite book
- Women in Mountains-Continuity and Change. Clothing and Textiles Effective Means for Empowering Mountain Women. Bhatt, P. and Jahan, S. (2014). Compiled by Deepak Paliwal. Pp 20-32.
- Non- conventional fibers from agricultural bio waste. Himalayan nettle (Girardinia Diversifolia) Gahlot, M, Bhatt, P., Pargai, D and Joshi, J (2019). Compiled by Jyoti V. Vastrad. Impressions, Belagavi. Pp 26-36. ISBN: 978-81-88367-45-0.
- An insight into the traditional folk arts of India. Aipan: folk art of Uttarakhand. Gahlot, M, Bhatt, P., and Joshi, J (2019). Compiled by Jyoti V. Vastrad. Impressions, Belagavi. Pp 1-4.ISBN
- Preservation of aipan: product diversification for empowerment of rural women. Gahlot,M, Bhatt, P . and Pargai, D (2021). Role of community sciences education in rural development. Compiled by Dr. Anita Rani and Dr. Sakshi. ISBN: 978-93-90049-06-6. OCEAN PUBLICATION, Rampur, UP.PP 41-43.