Designation: Assistant Professor (AC)
School : School of Humanities, Hindi
Qualification: M.A.(Hindi)NET PhD
Phone : 9456767646
Email : [email protected]
Dr. Anil kumar Karki is working as an Assistant Professor(AC) of Hindi Department at Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani.
Teaching Areas :Folk Literature. Modern Hindi Literature
Research Areas : Hindi Poetry. Comparative Study of Literature and Environment. The study of the Interrelationship between Folk Literature and Society. Interrelationship of Middle Himalayan Folk Literature and Natives.
- International research project entitled “Narrative Performance in the Central Himalaya among Indo Canadians” being jointly carried out by Department of Anthropology, Montreal University, Canada and School of Social Science, Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani.
- International research project “Out Migration in Indian KSLArea : Pithoragarh District”by Shekhar Pathak and Lalit Pant, Research Scholars: Himani Upadhyaya and Dr. Anil Karki. Assisted by Naveen Bisht of CHEA. Sponsor/Support: ICIMOD (Amina Maharjan) and CHEA (Pankaj Tewari)
Research Papers: 06
- “भ्यासकथा तथा अन्य कहानियाँ” (ISBN: 978-93-84159-15-3) publishied by Dakhal Publication New Delhi
- “धार का गीतार” (कहानी संकलन) (ISBN : 978-81-86810-40-4)publishied bySamay Sakshya Publication Dehradun.
- “उदास बखतों का रमोलिया”(कविता संग्रह)(ISBN-978-93-84159-dd-d) publishied byDakhal Publication New Delhi by aid of culture ministry of Uttarakhand Government.
- As Editor “एक तारो दूर चलिक्यो”Bhanuram Sukoti Parichay aur Rachnayain .(ISBN-81-86246-66-5) publishied by Pahar
- As Editor “लोक पहरुवे”(ISBN-978-81-86810-11-0) publishied bySamay Sakshya Publication Dehradun.
- पलायनसेपहले(कविता संग्रह)(ISBN : 978-9386452986)publishied bySamay Sakshya Publication Dehradun.
- अपनी माटी अपना बचपन (शिक्षा और परिवेश को जोड़ते बचपन के अनुभवों पर आधारित स्मृतिपरख लेख)(ISBN : 978-93-88165-71-6)publishied bySamay Sakshya Publication Dehradun
- As Editor बदलने वाला ठहरा वक्त भी (गुमनाम राज्य आंदोलनकारी स्वर्गीय भुवन बिष्ट की कविता का संग्रह) (ISBN: 978&81&950264&9&4) publishied bySamay Sakshya Publication Dehradun