Designation: Assistant Professor (AC)
School : School of Earth and Environmental Science, Forestry
Qualification: PhD (Forestry)
Phone : 8449663224
Email : [email protected]
Dr. Beena Tewari Fulara is working as an Assistant Professor (AC) in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Science at Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani. She has published 10 research papers in International and national Journals, 4 papers in conference proceedings and seminars. Her current areas of interests are conservation of biodiversity through the participatory approach and conservation and propagation of medicinal plants. She is a life member of an NGO Society for Mountain Development and Conservation.
Dr. Fulara has worked in the areas high altitudes of Uttarakhand region. She has carried out two projects as a Principal Investigator sanctioned by Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi under the women Scientist scheme.
Research Areas: Forest Ecology, Biodiversity conservation and medicinal plants.
Award and Fellowships:
- Post Doctoral Fellowship under WOS-B Scheme 2011 of Department of Science and Technology (DST) from 2013-2014.
- Post Doctoral Fellowship under WOS-B Scheme 2017 of Department of Science and Technology (DST) from 2019-2021.
- Mittal A, Tewari A, Singh N, Tamta K. K, Fulara B. T, Shah S, Sharma S. Physiological Maturity Studies of Myrica esculenta in Kumaun Himalaya Uttarakhand. Curr World Environ 2022;17(2).
- Komal Joshi, Beena Tewari and Jeet Ram, 2022. Seed Characteristics and Germination of Quercus leucotrichophora A. Camus Tree along the Elevation Gradient in Central Himalaya, India. Indian Journal of Ecology (2022) 49(2): 558-562 DOI: https://doi.org/10.55362/IJE/2022/3561
- Surabhi Gumber, Ashish Tewari and Beena Tewari. 2017. Loranthus (taxillus vestitus) infestation in mixed oak forest sites in and around nainital catchment of central Himalayan region. Indian Forester. 143(7), 671-675.
- Prachi Gangwar, Vivek Pandey and Beena Tewari, 2015. Assessing Productivity of Eucalyptus Clones Under Different Edaphic Conditions. Paripex: Indian Journal of Research. Volume : 4 | Issue : 8 | Aug. ISSN - 2250-1991. Pp. 125-126.
- Vivek Pandey, Beena Tewari, Ashish Tewari and Jeet Ram, 2014. Comparison of Tree Vegetational Parameters Within and Outside a Protected Area of Kumaun. ISSN NO:: 2348 – 537X. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach and studies. Volume 01, No.5, pp 121-135.
- Vivek Pandey, Beena Tewari, Ashish Tewari and Jeet Ram, 2014. Vegetational parameters in different disturbance regimes in Corbett National Park. ISSN NO:: 2348 – 537X. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach and studies. Volume 01, No.6, pp 167-184
- Neeta Arya, Beena Tewari and Jeet Ram. 2012. The effect of natural and anthropogenic disturbance in forest canopy and its effect on species richness in forests of Uttarakhand Himalaya, India. (ISSN: 1067-4136 Russian Journal of Ecology, Vol 42, No. 2, pp. 117-121.
- Jeet Ram, Beena Tewari, and Neeta Arya. 2010. Ecology of Medicinal plants in Uttaranchal Himalaya, India. Indian forester. Vol. 136, no 9. 1223-1229.
- Beena Tewari and Jeet Ram 2006. Site Differences in Seed Characteristics and Germination Behavior of some Important Deciduous Species In Uttaranchal Himalaya. Proceedings of the XIIth Silvicultural conferene, Forest Researcch Institute, Dehradun. 194-197.
- Jeet Ram, Beena Tewari and Chanda Pant. 2006. Infestation of oak trees by the flowering parasite (TAXILLUS VESTITUS (Wall.) Danser) at Nainital in Uttaranchal . Current Science. Vol 90, no 4. 562- 563.
- Jeet Ram and Beena Tewari , 2005. Plant biodiversity of Uttaranchal Himalya: Ecosystem services and conservation. In: Uma melkania, H. J. Prasad and Jyothi Prasad (eds). Integrated Management of Natural Resources in Mountains. G. B. Pant Ubniversity of Agriculture and Technology Pantnagar.
- Jeet Ram, Beena Tewari and Neeta Arya. 2004. Variation in plant biodiversity of chir-pine and banj-oak forests of Uttaranchal Himalaya. In: K. Muthuchelian (ed.) “Biodiversity Resource Management anSustainable Use”. 54-56. Centre for Biodiversity and Forest Studies, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai.
S. No |
Title of Paper |
Title of Conference/seminar |
Year |
Impact of two exotic species on plant diversity of Pius roxburghii dominated forests of Central Himalaya. |
National conference on Environmental Conservation and Clean Indian Programme organized by MANU- International Council for Man and Nature (Asia Chapter)in collaboration with UGC- Academic Staff College, Kumaun University, Nainital, 7th December, 2014.
2014 |
Impact of Climate Change on Hill Communities of Himalayan region |
National seminar/panel discussion on challenges of women in Himalayan region |
2015 |
Impact of climate change and anthropogenic disturbance on regeneration status of oak forest. |
Forest in Uttarakhand Himalaya. Organized by Uttarakand History and Culture Association. “Revisiting and Reconstructing Past of Himalayan Region”. PNG GOVT. PG College, Ramnagar, Uttarakhand. |
2016 |
Effect of altitude and canopy gaps on structure and diversity of oak and mixed forest. |
International conference global perspective in Agricultural and applied Sciences for Food and Environmental Security (GAAFES 2019) |
2019 |