Designation: Assistant Professor
School : School of Education, Education
Qualification: M.A.M.Ed.,Ph.D.,UGC-NET.,U-SET (Education)
Phone : 8755058688
Email : [email protected]
Dr. Debaki Sirola is working as an Assistant Professor of School of Education at Uttarakhand Open University in Haldwani. She has worked in the Assistant exam Controller in the Uttarakhand Open University. She has taught courses of B.A. Education, B.Ed Spl. & B.Ed. ODL and M.A. Education both at Research level. She has delivered Online Lectures and provide Audio/ Video & LSM. She also works as a Coordinator of BAED-201 & BAED 202 programmes.She has worked as an Assistant Professor of Education at SSJ Campus Almora Kumaun University Nainital. She has 5 years teaching experience in B.Ed. M.Ed.course of Education and Experience in Exams of University. She has Conducted 6 days B.Ed. and M.Ed. Online workshop SSJ University Almora and Conducted 5 days online Skill Development Course; - Basics of B.Ed. School Internship for B.Ed. and M.Ed. Students. Under SAMPARK Programme - A Social Initiative by Kumaun University Nainital.She has Supervised B.Ed. School Internship programme and Supervised also M.Ed. Field Attachment work. She has CO-Convenor of Iternational Seminar –“Role of Education , Literature, Culture and Society in Global Development on 13th & 14th November 2022 Organised by Dept.of B.Ed., L.S.M. Govt..P.G. College Pithoragarh.
Area of Teaching : B.A. Education, B.Ed Spl. & B.Ed. ODL, M.A. Education and Research in Education.
Area of Specialization - Philosophy of Education, Guidance and Counselling, Educational Technology, Pedagogy of Hindi & Pedagogy of SST.
Research field: Philosophy of Education and Teacher Education.
- U.G. & P.G. Level Teaching Experience- 05 years
- Work Experience of Assistant controller of Examination- 02Years.
- Flying Squad Experience in exam’s from SEP 2021 to Till Continue.
- Paper setter various universities from April 2021 to Till Continue.
Ph. D Supervision: - Number of Ph.D. candidates currently working: 01
Coordinator- BAED-201, BAED 202- from April 2021 to Till Continue.
Membership to professional Organization/Associations:
- All India Association of Educational Research- Life Member
- Indian Association of Teacher Education - Life Member
- Teacher Educators in Special Education, Life Member
- Research Degree Committee of Education - Life Member
Publication and Workshop /Seminar/Conference Attended:
- Research Papers published in UGC approved General’s-08
- Research Articles published in books chapters.- 05
- Research Papers presented in the National Seminars /conferences-12
- Attended in the Seminar/Conference/Webinar – 16
- Participated in the Faculty Development Workshop -8
- Participated in the Refresher course in Education 01
Organized workshop – 02
Organized Seminar- 01
Research Papers published in UGC approved Generals:-
1. Published a paper on “Right to Education” on Indian Research Journal of Social Sciences. ISSN: 0974-0694,Volume No 29:0, Pp. 95-99 Dec.2015.
2.Published a paper on “Jiddu Krishnmurti ke Shaikshik Vicharon ka Vishleshnatmak Adhyayan,” Half Yearly National Research Journal of Education. Shiksha Kalash, ISSN: 0975-2579 Volume No 7:0, Pp No-66-80, Dec.20156-
3-Published a paper on ‘Women Participation in State Politics of Uttarakhand’’ An International Refereed Journal For Innovative Research In Multidisciplinary field. ISSN: 2405-0967, Volume N0-23 OCT-2016)
4. Published a paper on Gijjubhai Evam j. Krishnamurti ke shaikshik Vicharon ka Tulnatmak Adhyayan. Shodh Navneet. The Half Yearly International Refereed Research Journal of Humanities and Oriental Knowledge. ISSN:2321-6581 Volume No-VII:3, Page No-112-118, Dec-2016
5. Published a paper on “Inclusive Education, Trends and Challenges”, An International Journal of Teacher Education, ISSN: 0974-0562 Volume No-11 Pp No-74-80. August-2017
6. Published a paper on “Girija Shankar Bhagwan ji Badheka ke shaikshik Vicharon ka Vivechnatmk Adhyayan”An International Refereed Journal For Innovative Research In Multidisciplinary field. SSN: 2455-0620, Volume No-86:87 (Online) May-2017)
7- Published a paper on “NEP2020 & Women Education’’ An International Peer Reviewed Refereed Research Journal Shodh Drishti. ISSN: 0976-6650, Volume No-13, N0.9 (Online) SEP-2022)
8-Published a paper on ‘’ NEP2020 ke Sandarbh mai Mahatma Gandhi ke Vicharon ki prasangikta’’Journal of Indian Education. ISSN:0972-5628 Volume No-11, N0.4 (Online) OCT-2022)
1.Debaki Sirola,-“गिरजाशंकर भगवान जी बधेका का कृतित्व एवं राष्ट्रबोध’’ Book-“शिक्षा साहित्य और राष्ट्रप्रेम” Publication Book Editor Writers Choice B-258, Rama Park Road Mohan Garden New Delhi-110059, ISBN N0: 978-93-84081-50-8. Page No7, Year of publication 2019 weblink-www.amazon.in/dp/9384081507/ref=cm
2. Debaki Sirola -“महात्मा गांधी के शिक्षा दर्शन की वर्तमान संदर्भ में प्रासंगिकता” Book-“गाँधी दर्शन शिक्षा के विविध आयाम” प्रकाशन वर्ष-2020
Publication- Arnav Enterprises 4697/ 3rd floor 21-A Ansari Road Dariyaganj NewDelhi-1100, ISBN N0: -978--81-936585-3-6, PageNo-67 weblink-www.amazon.in/dp/9384081507/ref=cm
3. Debaki Sirola –“COVID-19 Pandemic and Mental Health”(कोविड-19 महामारी एवं मानसिक स्वास्थ्य) Book- “Covid-19: Changing Paradigms of Education and Society” (कोविड-19: शिक्षा और समाज के बदलते प्रतिमान), Nikhil Publisher & distributors 37, shivramkripa Vishnu Coloney Shah Ganj, Agara-282010(UP) ISBN N0: 978-93-87697-81-2, Page No- 111 Year of publication 2020 weblink - www.sahityasanchay.com
4. Debaki Sirola- “वैदिक कालीन शिक्षा की वर्तमान में उपादेयता” Book-‘वैदिकी शिक्षा और समाज’ (Vedic Education and Present Society) ISBN N0:978-93-91602-06-2 Page No-49, Year of publication 2020 weblink - www.sahityasanchay.com
5. Debaki Sirola -“उत्तराखंड के राजी जनजाति का शैक्षिक, सामाजिक एवं आर्थिक स्तर” Book Education, Literature and Society-(COVID-19) (शिक्षा साहित्य और समाज) Nikhil Publisher & distributors 37, shivramkripa Vishnu Coloney Shah Ganj, Agara-282010(UP) ISBN N0: 978-93-87697-85-0, Page No-61 Year of publication 2020 weblink-www.sahityasanchay.com
Papers Published in conferences/ Workshop/ Seminar Proceeding
- Debaki Sirola, The Role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Higher Education, proceeding of the National Seminar on “ Problems and Prospect of Higher Education in Himalayan Regions” held on 2015, M.B.P.G.C.Haldwani K.U. Nainital (U.K.)
- Presented a paper Entitled “Right to Education.’ National Seminar on “ Quality Concerns in Primary Education” held on 2016, MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly. (U.P.)
- Presented a paper Entitled “Quality in Teacher Education.” National Seminar on “Major Educational & Social Problems: Diagnostic & Remedies” held on 2016,Jain Vishva Bharati Institute, Ladnun. (Rajasthan.)
- Presented a paper Entitled “Climate Change Controlled Land Degradation in Uttarakhand’’National Workshop on “Combating Desertification, Land Degradation and Drought’’ held on 2017, L.S.M. GOV .P.G. College Pithoragarh. (U.K.)
- Presented a paper Entitled “Desertification in Uttarakhand’’ Regional Workshop on “Disaster Management” held on 2017, L.S.M. GOV. P.G. College Pithoragarh. (U.K.
- Presented a paper Entitled oSfnddkyhu f”k{kk O;oLFkk dh orZeku lUnHkZ esa mikns;rk*] National Seminar on“ protecting Our Values Through Advancement in Education And Research in Humanities & Vedic Science.” held on 2018, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi. (U.P.)
- Presented a paper Entitled ckSf}d lEink vf/kdkj] ,d ifjp;* held on 2018, National workshop on “Awareness On Intellectual Property Rights” L.S.M.GOV.P.G.College Pithoragarh. (U.K.)
- Presented a paper Entitled fxjtk”kadj Hkxoku th c/ksdk dk d`frRo ,oa jk’Vªcks/k*] held on 2018, National Seminar on “orZeku ifjizs{; esa jk’Vª Hkkouk ds fodkl esa fgUnh lkfgR; ,oa f”k{kk dh Hkwfedk* L.S.M. GOV. P.G. College Pithoragarh. (U.K.)
- . Presented a paper Entitled‘ egkRekxk¡/kh ds f”k{kk&n”kZu dh orZeku lUnHkZ esa izklafxdrk’ held on 2019, International Conference on “Relevance of Mahatma Gandhi in Present Global Perspective’’ L.S.M. GOV .P.G. College Pithoragarh. (U.K.)
- Presented a paper Presented a paper Entitled Covid-19 Pandemic and Mental Health, proceeding of the International Webinar held on 07-08 june 2020,‘सुसंवादी विकास पर पं० दीनदयाल उपाध्याय की चिंतन दृष्टि’ Rashtriya Shaikshik Mahasangh Uttar Pradesh.
- Presented a paper Entitled उत्तराखंड के राजी जनजाति का शैक्षिक, सामाजिक एवं आर्थिक स्तर” Proceeding of the International Webinar on“ orZeeku oSf”od ifjn`”; ¼dksfoM-19½ esa f”k{kk lkfgR; vkSj lekt dh Hkwfedk* held on jun 2020 reference to pandemic-covid-19 Jantavaidic college Badhaut, Bagvat.U.P. .
Seminar/Conference Attended:
1.Participated in the two Days Online International Webinar on Changing scenario of education: challenges and solution with Special reference to pandemic-covid-19, held on 2020 L.S.M GOV. P.G. College Pithoragarh. (U.K.)
2. Participated in the one Day Online National Webinar on Farwad-looking Vision for India’s Higher Education’ (with Special reference to National Education Policy-2020) held on 2020 Organized by Faculty of Education L.S.M. GOV. P.G. College Pithoragarh. (U.K.)
3. Participated in the One Day Online National Webinar Lecture Series on “Effect of N.E.P. and covid 19 on H.E.Is. With special references to Teacher Education and its future prospects” Organized by dept. of Eucation Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Govt. PG College Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh.
4. Participated in the One Day Online National Webinar on ‘Strategies for Managing Personal Finance including Mutual Funds During and after COVID-19’ Organized by P.N.G.Govt.P.G.College Ramnagar and Uttarakhand Open University in association with Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI), on 04th July 2021
5. Participated in the One Day Online National Webinar on “During with mental health issues during pandemic: Challenges and Remedies” Organized by dept. of Eucation JDVSSS Govt. PG College Ranikhet.
6. Participated in the One Day Online National Webinar Lecture Series on “Imect of covid 19 on working women in Unorganized Sector: with Special Reference to Urban Area” Organized by dept. of Sociology, Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani , Nainital (U.K.)
7. Participated in the One Day Online National Webinar on “How to be Best Writer’’ Organized by Little Flower Degree College Uppal, Hyderabad.
8. Participated in the One Day Online National Webinar on ‘National Education Policy 2020 and Social Work Profession: With Special Reference to National Council for Social Work Education Bill 2021. Organized by dept. of Social Work, Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani , Nainital (U.K.)
9. Participated in the 2 Days National Webinar on ‘‘Role of India in Environmental Sustainability in Context to Bio- Resources & Water’’ Occasion of celebrating ‘’Bharat ka Amrit Mahotsav’’ held on August 27-28,2021. Organized by dept. of Botany, Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani, Nainital (U.K.)
10. Participated in the One Day National Webinar on ‘’izkP; fo|k vkSj Ik;kZoj.k** held on 16 Sep,2021. Organized by dept. of jyotish, Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani, Nainital (U.K.)
11. Participated in the One Day National Webinar on ‘Achievements, Challenges and Perspectives in Higher Education with special reference to NEP 2020, celebrating ‘’Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’’ held on Oct 30, 2021. Organized by dept. of Education, Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani, Nainital (U.K.)
12. Participated in the One Day National Webinar on ‘ चरित्र निर्माण एवं व्यक्तित्व के समग्र विकास में पंचकोशीय संकल्पना’ held on Jan 22, 2022. Organized by dept. of Sanskrit-Jyotis, Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani, Nainital (U.K.)
13. Attended in the One Day National Webinar on ‘Qualitative Research Methodology” held on 25-03-2022. Organized by dept. of Education, Parishkar College of Global Excellence, Jaipur Rajasthan.
14. Attended in the One Day National Webinar on ‘’Growth of Indian Economy in the last 75 years‘’ Occasion of celebrating ‘’Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’’ held on 18-06- 2022. Organized by dept. of , Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani, Nainital (U.K.)
15. Attended in the One Day National Webinar on ‘’Women Empowerment in India in the last 75 Years.” Occasion of celebrating ‘’Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’’ held on 06-08- 2022. Organized by dept. of Sociology, Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani, Nainital (U.K.)
16. Attended in the One Day National Webinar on Occasion of celebrating ‘’Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’’ held on 15-08- 2022. Organized by dept. of Sociology, Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani, Nainital (U.K.)
Organized workshop / Seminar:
- Organized Workshop as a Convener on “ online Skill Development Course; - Basics of B.Ed. School Internship for B.Ed. and M.Ed. Students. Held on 2020 Under SAMPARK Programme - A Social Initiative by Kumaun University Nainital
- Organized Workshop as a Convener on “ 6 Days Online workshop for B.Ed. and M.Ed Students. held 0n 2020 “Women Empowerment’’ SSJ University Almora.
- Organized Seminar as a CO-Convenor of Iternational Seminar –“Role of Education , Literature, Culture and Society in Global Development on 13th & 14th November 2022 Organised by Dept.of B.Ed., L.S.M. Govt..P.G. College Pithoragarh.
Orientation, Refresher, Faculty Development Programs:
1. Participated and completed successfully Faculty development National workshop’ held on 9-16 March 2018, ‘Online and Degital Learning” L.S.M.GOV.P.G.College Pithoragarh. (U.K.)
2. Participated and completed successfully 1 Month Faculty Induction Programme. held on 2021, for Faculty Members of Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani ,Nainital (U.K.)
3. Participated and completed successfully 3 Days Workshop held on 2021, ‘’ Quality SLM and the other issue in ODL’’ – Center For Internal Quality Assurance (CIQA) Cell, UOU & Directorate of Academics Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani, Nainital. (U.K.)
4. Participated and completed successfully 2 week Faculty development programme for Developing online courses for Swayam organized by School of Computer Science & IT and Online programme cell Uttarakhand Open University in collaboration with Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia from 21June -05 July 2021.
5. Participated and completed successfully 3 days ‘Development of Language Skill’ held on 2021, State Level Online Workshop at B.Ed. Department L.S.M. GOV. P.G. College Pithoragarh. (U.K.)
6. Participated and completed successfully Online E-Quiz Competition on Mahatma Gandhi, Organized by Department of political Science Human Rights Committee in association with IQAC, GFGC, Vijayanagar Bangalore on 10-02-2021 and Secured 60%
7. Participated Faculty Development Programme’ held on 10 july to 17 july 2021, 1 Week Online Faculty Development Programme Organized by dept. of Hindi DAV College Amritsar.
8. Participated 2 Day Online Workshop on ‘’ Official Language Hindi Cell ’’ – Organized by Nagaland University, LUMAMI.
9. Participated in the 14 Day’s Online Refresher course in Education with ‘A’ Grade from HRDC Kumaun University Nainital from 06 Dec—19 Dec 2022.
Title | Language | Audio file |
वैदिक शिक्षा को जानें डा. देवकी सिरोला के साथ | Hindi |